So much going on Saturday, we made it to only one stop on the West Seattle leg of the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild‘s Green Home Tour before it wrapped up for the day. But the good news is, if you had that problem too, it’s continuing today (Sunday), 10 am-4 pm! Above, architect Sheri Newbold of live-work-play and contractor Anne Higuera of Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor), in front of tile work inside the “Kitchen Art House” tour stop at 2651 47th SW in the Admiral District. That’s one of four sites to stop at in West Seattle, and two of the others offer more workshops during the Green Home Tour today – from the list that’s been on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, courtesy of Laura Elfline from tour co-sponsor Mighty House Construction – at her company’s stop on the tour, #19 (3108 SW Webster):
* Luke Marcum w/Markham Home Performance, thermal imaging camera on his side and a blower door too! 10 am-4 pm
* Eric Thomas w/Solar Epiphany highlighting the expandable solar systems | 11 am-2 pm
* Josh Brinkco w/International Studio – “making green look good!”
* Sandy Peterson w/Urban Land Army mobilized w/ her bucket brigade and all things about edible gardening | Noon -3 pm
* Make your own green cleaning supplies courtesy of CoolMom (while materials last!)
And at the Envision Homes stop on the tour, #16 (2216 Walnut SW):
11 am…Rainwater Harvesting and Indoor re-use
Noon…Recycled and Reclaimed
1 pm…IAQ…Low-toxic living
2 pm…Solar Thermal Assisted Heating
3 pm…High-Efficiency Building Envelopes
Though we’re just mentioning the West Seattle offerings, the self-guided Green Home Tour is regional – full details start here.