West Seattle High School students need you! Help judge their work

March 21, 2011 2:03 pm
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WSB’ers have answered similar calls in the past – so if you can help with this, West Seattle High School teacher Michelle Sloan and her students will be grateful! Please contact her ASAP via the e-mail address and/or phone number below if you’re available:

West Seattle High School Marketing Class needs marketing/business judges for Friday, April 1st. We have 7 marketing teams that will be presenting their Entrepreneurship projects and need judges to decide which team presented their project the best.

Date: Friday, April 1st
Time: 11am-12pm
Where: West Seattle High School- Marketing Classroom, #131 (Near the main office)
Parking: Visitor parking available in the main parking lot in front of the school.

Contact: Ms. Sloan, masloan@seattleschools.org, 206-252-8861

Your job: To watch 7 West Seattle High School Marketing teams present their Entrepreneurship projects and score them based on a scoring rubric given to you by the teacher.

Thank you for supporting your students and community.

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