West Seattle Garden Tour: Early preview of the gardens!

Longing for the warmer months so you can get out and garden? Here’s something to fuel your dreams: The West Seattle Garden Tour may seem like a long way off – three and a half months! – but tonight, you can preview the gardens on this year’s tour. WSGT’s website is now in full bloom, so to speak, and that includes the garden descriptions and photos. For example, check out the “Outrageous Waterfront Garden.” This year’s tour is July 17th, and there’s still a little time to sign on as a sponsor, too (we did) – proceeds benefit local nonprofits; sponsorship info is here.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Garden Tour: Early preview of the gardens!"

  • Mookie March 28, 2011 (9:53 pm)

    “…a safe and life-affirming passage from the garage to the house…”
    Oh, brother.
    I do love doing the West Seattle garden tour, though.

  • jwws March 29, 2011 (8:52 am)


    The WSGT is an all volunteer group and we work all year long to pull the Tour together. While you may not appreciate the writer’s style please be aware of just how much work goes on behind the scenes to bring the Tour to fruition each year.

    That said, if you would like to take a stab at writing garden descriptions, selecting gardens, photographing gardens, developing website/printed materials, soliciting sponsors or promoting the tour; please feel free to join us!

    We also have fabulous potlucks! ;-)

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