Much familiar, and much new, inside about-to-open Beachside Café

It was a big weekend for restaurant news in West Seattle – Charlestown Café announcing its imminent closure, A Terrible Beauty adding a Junction location, the Chaco Canyon Café open house, and the opening date set for the new Beachside Café inside what was until November the Alki Bakery‘s flagship retail location. After the latter announcement, we asked the Beachside’s owners – Sharon and John Bang of the across-the-street Alki Café – for a sneak peek inside. It’s undergone some freshening, but not a dramatic overhaul:

When Beachside Café opens at 7 am next Monday, April 4th, you’ll be able to get hand-pulled espresso (see the machine in the top photo) – the owners say their staff just received training from coffee provider Caffe Vita. (Other vendors are listed in their Friday announcement.) There’s lots of brand-new preparation equipment, including the soft-serve frozen-yogurt machine:

And the waffle machine:

Even the cash-register equipment is new; much of the equipment from the Alki Bakery was more than a decade old. A new menu board is on the way, hand-chalked by a local artist. And they’ve done some repainting, though they kept the burgundy color on the south side of the interior, while using a “khaki” tone for much of the rest. The tables and chairs have gotten a facelift too, and in addition to fountain drinks, you will also see a few coolers with bottled drinks. Meantime, back across the street at Alki Café, they’re launching some menu changes, too – more burgers and salads. (Next Monday’s opening of Beachside comes just two months after they finalized the lease.)

9 Replies to "Much familiar, and much new, inside about-to-open Beachside Café"

  • Mookie March 28, 2011 (12:51 pm)

    Waffle machines. WAFFLE MACHINES! WAFFLES! Looking forward to fresh waffles on the beach.

  • westseattledood March 28, 2011 (1:04 pm)

    Soft serve yogurt? That’s really great too! I can’t think of another place in WS who currently has that. Hope there’s a nonfat option, but I’ll live if there isn’t. :)

    Good luck!

  • guy March 28, 2011 (1:06 pm)

    I’m so happy to have this back in my neighborhood.!!!!

  • Rob March 28, 2011 (3:56 pm)

    Sounds like a fun little place! Any leads on the brand new open space next to Pegasus? That place is huge….

    Homestead is next! (I hope)

    • WSB March 28, 2011 (3:58 pm)

      Rob – I just posted the next review for the Homestead project – they are proceeding quite thoroughly – but if you want to be there, 9:30 am Friday morning, 40th floor of the city Muni Tower, see you there :) – As for the new space, they just changed leasing contacts. We’re checking!

  • bsmomma March 28, 2011 (4:02 pm)

    How sad that the Charlestown is shutting down?! They were a bit pricey BUT it was one of the last places in WS to get breakfast for dinner with the fam. :(

  • Rob March 28, 2011 (4:24 pm)

    This Blog rules.

  • Admiral Janeway March 28, 2011 (7:52 pm)

    I’ve been craving crepes lately…hint, hint.

  • BAU March 31, 2011 (9:13 am)

    Hopefully they will have better drip coffee than the last owner. I thought their drip was very weak. Add that to the fact that they were a bakery that never actually baked anything and it was hard to be excited about that. The new looks promising!

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