Update: Missing 14-year-old girl home safe, mom confirms

9:31 PM UPDATE: Kristin Storm just confirmed to WSB that her daughter Alex is home safe. Thanks to WSB’er “Ad” for the original report in comments (p.s. Kristin has posted there too).

ORIGINAL 11:58 AM STORY: Kristin Storm is asking for your help in finding her runaway daughter Alex. Here’s what she just e-mailed us:

My daughter, Alex Storm (age 14, 5’4″, 120 lbs) has been missing since Sunday, February 6th at around 10:00 pm. At around 9:30 pm I discovered that Alex was trying to help another runaway when I found the girl in her bedroom. After calling the girl’s father he requested that I call the police due to her being a repeated runaway and has a warrant out for her arrest as a suspect in a robbery. The girl panicked and jumped out my daughter’s window and called for Alex to follow her. They both left with the clothes on their backs. At that time Alex was wearing a white puffy jacket with a hood with fur trim, but as she’s been spotted around the West Seattle area it appears she may have other clothes. The other girl, according to the father, probably had $1,000 on her.

I have been networking with West Seattle community centers and parks, police, friends and local business and have posters up at several bus stops along Delridge and 16th Ave SW from South Seattle Community College to Westwood Village. These are the areas she may be frequenting, including Denny Middle School and Sealth High School, especially around lunch time and after school typically with a mixed group of teenagers. She may also be seen on the bus routes in West Seattle, especially the 120, 125 and 128.

According to one of my sources, my daughter’s friend is not allowed to return to many of the places that would be safe for her to stay due to her behavior, so I’m extremely worried for my daughter’s safey as I haven’t been able to determine where she’s staying. It appears that some of Alex’s friends are trying to help me find her and some of her friends are trying to help hide her which so far has been a catch 22 as I’m always one step behind. The friends that know both girls are both worried and very surprised that Alex befriended this person and runaway with her.

I want to send the message out that I just want Alex to know that she can come home safely. She is not in trouble with the police (running away is not illegal and therefore not a crime, they are just trying to help me find her) and I’m not trying to get anyone else involved in trouble. I just want her to come home. I love her very much as well as her friends, family and pets. We all miss her.

If anyone spots her please call me at 206-290-5956 so I can take down the information very quickly and then head that way and then call 9-1-1 to report her being seen as well.

30 Replies to "Update: Missing 14-year-old girl home safe, mom confirms"

  • Monosyllabic Girl February 11, 2011 (12:33 pm)

    Thanks for posting this information. I will be praying for her safe return and will keep an eye out.

  • Maggie Sudduth February 11, 2011 (12:34 pm)

    Hope she’s okay and makes it home soon.

  • Sarah February 11, 2011 (12:40 pm)

    What does her friend look like?

  • cclarue February 11, 2011 (12:44 pm)

    yes a description of her friend would help also i will keep my eyes out for her.

  • April February 11, 2011 (1:05 pm)

    I hope she’s o.k. We’ll be keeping an eye out.

  • Chuck and Sally's Van Man February 11, 2011 (1:16 pm)

    My heart–and prayers–go out to you.

  • Sunshine February 11, 2011 (1:20 pm)

    Kristin, I am so sorry for your hurt and the sleepless nights that I am sure your enduring. The sadest thing of all is that if Alex doesn’t want to be found she won’t be. As a former teen runaway I know this first hand. Continue to do all that you are doing and keep the “heat” on her. My mother did this to me and it did make it hard for me to enjoy my “freedom”. Unfortunately is sounds like Alex has befriended some shadey friends (as runaways will) your best avenue is to get to know ALL of her friend’s friends. We are praying for your family and for Alex. Feel free to get in touch with me- I’ve been there and remeber it all too well. The Blog has my e-mail

  • Alki Resident February 11, 2011 (1:47 pm)

    @Sunshine-You’re very lucky your “freedom” did’nt end like the recent 13 yr.old runaway from Utah,who was with the man in Port Orchard Walmart shooting recently.Kids need to realize it’s a scary world out there.I hope this ends well.
    @Alex Storm_Your mom is sick to her stomach,worried for you.Call her and let her know you’re safe.How would you feel if she came up missing someday?

  • miws February 11, 2011 (2:50 pm)

    Kristin, this is probably already being looked into, but do you know if Alex has a FaceBook, or other social network account? If you aren’t “friended” to where you could read any of her postings, maybe you could guess what her password may be? Also, might she have some cell phone pictures of the other girl on FB, or some photo hosting site?


    Good luck, I’ll keep my eyes open and am sending good thoughts for her quick and safe return.



  • kellym February 11, 2011 (3:14 pm)

    As it sounds like you have some good relationships with her friends perhaps they can scour facebook to see if she’s posted anything that is useful..my heart breaks for you. if she’s on your cell plan you can look in the logs for numbers she’s calling or texting during this time to try to make some kind of contact.

  • Madison Student February 11, 2011 (3:28 pm)

    I saw Alex walking around Genesse around midnight by herself. I had no idea that she was missing up until now. I would have said something sooner, sorry.

  • Winnie the pooh February 11, 2011 (3:42 pm)

    I Saw her at 7-eleven 2/11/11 today at 7-eleven the one close to madison with some friends

    • WSB February 11, 2011 (3:45 pm)

      Hey all, please call Alex’s mom with sightings – if you want to post them here too, that’s fine, but calling her would be the primary means of communicating – TR

  • anthony February 11, 2011 (3:58 pm)

    she was hanging out with rihhana and shaheera yesterday ask them

  • J.See February 11, 2011 (4:35 pm)

    As much as we’d like them to, I’m guessing a lot of her friends/classmates won’t want to call the mom directly, so maybe she can provide a number to text (I don’t know, maybe she gets texts on the number you already provided) or an email address that might feel more approachable?

  • cj February 11, 2011 (6:39 pm)

    If its safe for her to come home, might want to put the word out on that. It could be she just feels like she is in too deep to get out again.

  • jason February 11, 2011 (7:16 pm)

    omg i know her this is crazy.

  • bsmomma February 11, 2011 (7:45 pm)

    As a former and frequent runaway that is now a mother, I am praying you guys find her or she comes home on her own! The stress of not knowing where your child is, even for 1 second, is unimaginable! Looking back on what I did to my mom I am sorry everyday. I wasn’t even out doing anything bad. Just got mixed up with some kids whos parents let THEM have free run. If I see her, I’ll call. Your number is now in my phone. Lots of prayers! While this may sound insesitive…..it’s suposed to start raining, maybe she’d rather be warm and dry. When she does come come just Love her and hug her. I wish that’s what my mom would have done rather than yell at me. And hopefully you both can find someone to help you sort out the not so fun stuff. Hang in there!

  • crystal February 11, 2011 (8:05 pm)

    Kristen, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I think the part where you mentioned that she is not in any legal trouble, you only want her home safely is important to include. These things can snowball if they feel like they are worse of by going home.
    Alex, it sounds like you are a very lucky girl with a lot of support and love surrounding you, just remember that.
    Both of you, please take care of yourselves!!

  • ad February 11, 2011 (8:14 pm)

    She’s home! Safe. The mother (Kristin) has not got around to updating everyone…

    Alex, so many people care about you! Everything is going to be ok…

    • WSB February 11, 2011 (8:40 pm)

      AD, if you know the family, I need to hear directly from them before I can update the story, so if someone is making the media rounds with the official update, if they could please e-mail us or FB us (which is how we heard from Kristin Storm in the first place) … thanks – TR

      • WSB February 11, 2011 (9:27 pm)

        Alex’s mom just answered our e-mail and said yes, she is home. No further details, but really, that doesn’t matter anyway – thanks to everyone who was on the lookout … TR

  • T February 11, 2011 (8:31 pm)

    I am glad she is home and is safe.

  • wsguy February 11, 2011 (8:37 pm)

    Gr-8 news!

    Alex- From what I have seen here it looks like your Mom is your best friend.

  • ad February 11, 2011 (8:49 pm)

    I don’t know them. I had called to say I had seen the girl earlier. I’m sure they are just busy talking right now. It’s understandable you can’t update it until it is confirmed by them.

  • Kristin Storm February 11, 2011 (9:33 pm)

    Well peeps good news and bad news. Alex is back home safe thanks to all of your help and support. Bad news is she’s not real happy about it right now. We have a lot of things to work through and it’s gonna take a strong commitment from both of us. I remain hopeful and positive we can get through this together. ♥

  • Sunshine February 11, 2011 (11:13 pm)

    @Kristin- Thank God she is home and safe! Stay strong and let your love shine through! She will come around- we all do!

  • besafegirls February 12, 2011 (10:07 am)

    I think its great she is home. I was really worried about her. There are so many situations where runaway girls are luring other good girls into forced prostitution. There are so many 2-bit pimps out there right now. This was right in our back yard – Pimp tells of ‘selling’ girls with dream http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2010113369_prostitutiontrial22m.html

    I hope Alex is reading this. Someday when she is a mother and loves her child more than the earth she will understand. I hope her angels watch her until then.

  • Beth February 12, 2011 (6:46 pm)

    I saw you post her picture the other day while I was walking my dog. It broke my heart. I am so thankful your daughter is home safe, and some day Alex will be, too. You see, as hard as it is for teens to understand, the streets are VERY dangerous. I hope you introduce Alex to other TEEN runaways who’ve finally understood what’s best for their future. Often adults try to tell kids they “get it”. Even though we really do, positive peers are more effective. Thanks for being a mom who loves & cares; there are so many out there who don’t. Thoughts and prayers for both of you.

  • Nikki G. February 16, 2011 (6:43 pm)

    Hi Kristen! I am thrilled that Alex was found safe. I know what you were going through, and how that things don’t just magically get better once she is back safely. I have started a Facebook page called Moms And Dads Of Runaway Sons And Daughters MAD OR SAD to help support parents like us, as I am a parent, unfortunately, still in your situation tonight. You can search for MAD or SAD through the Facebook search bar at the top of any Facebook page. My daughter has been gone, this time, since Nov.27, 2010. I just started MAD or SAD the other day, so it doesn’t have much there, a post about this page and some links to other Facebook pages on these types of issues, as of right now. I hope you will “like” it and stay in touch. If you ever need anything you can find me there. Anyone else who knows another parent of runaway/missing child, and there are thousands of them dealing with this type of pain, feel free to pass MAD or SAD’s Facebook page along to them, as well! Take care and stay strong, Nikki G.

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