Neighbor Appreciation Day: Scenes from 4 West Seattle fire stations

For today’s Neighbor Appreciation Day, we thought it would be fun to assign a photojournalist to visit all five of West Seattle’s fire stations during the midday open-house window shared by every fire station in the city. Cliff DesPeaux made it to four – all except Station 36 by The Bridge (next year, we’ll go there first!) – and here are the highlights. Top photo, firefighter Dave shows off his gear at Station 37 in Sunrise Heights; next, also at Station 37, 3-year-old Alec Olson was in the driver’s seat of Engine 37:

And one more view from Station 37 (which just opened last fall) – 2-year-old Daniel Forehand:

Look at those lights! Engine 29 wowed the crowd at Station 29 in the Admiral District:

Next, also from Station 29: Firefighter Keith Langhorn shows off the engine’s controls to Alki resident Clyde Carpenter and his sons Ian and Evan, both 4:

Now on to Station 32 in The Junction – here’s Aleksandra Abney climbing down from a peek into a truck:

At Highland Park’s Station 11, 4-year-old Noah Rodriguez tried on a Ladder 13 crew member’s helmet (he’s with mom Rachel and 7-year-old brother Justus):

If you don’t know exactly where the stations are, check out the Google Map in our preview. Today’s other events included refreshments at Delridge Community Center and a free swim at Southwest Pool; as reported here earlier in the week, a Neighbor Appreciation Day student-art contest also included a winner from Sanislo Elementary School. Neighbor Appreciation Day was noted at one other city-involved event in West Seattle today, the first design meeting for the Barton/34th P-Patch; we were there, and our report is forthcoming later tonight/early tomorrow.

1 Reply to "Neighbor Appreciation Day: Scenes from 4 West Seattle fire stations"

  • ellenater February 12, 2011 (11:00 pm)

    I’m sad I missed this but these pics. are so great! Absolutely love ’em. :)

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