West Seattle Wednesday: Traffic, All-Access, Delridge, Morgan…

January 19, 2011 6:03 am
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From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: Spokane Street Viaduct construction closures – WESTBOUND ONLY – start tonight through Friday night, then again Jan. 24-26 (details here) … The next round of All-Access afterschool classes at Youngstown Arts Center starts today, with orientation at 3:30 pm, then a 4-6 pm kickoff event … Chief Sealth International High School‘s PTSA meets at 7 tonight, room 222 … 2 major community meetings: Delridge Neighborhoods District Council at Youngstown, with “Strategic Delridge” discussion 6-7 pm, meeting intros/reports start at 7, scheduled guests from the Department of Neighborhoods and West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network; the Morgan Community Association is at The Kenney, 7 pm, full agenda online here … And if you see this early, the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s breakfast briefing by a West Seattle bird expert is at 7 am at Be’s Restaurant (here’s our preview). … Outside WS: SDOT invites you to tonight’s seawall meeting.

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