West Seattle snow watch: NOW it’s snowing

(7:56 PM TOPLINES: NOW it’s snowing notably … will start another update soon, adding some visuals below)

3:38 PM: We’re now kicking off our afternoon “snow or no?” coverage. Above, the snowplow that SDOT has “pre-positioned” in West Seattle, parked at 38th/Alaska when we caught up with it a little while ago. SDOT says it’s ready, WSDOT says (for state highways) it’s ready, Metro Transit says it’s ready.

(Refresh for latest pic from WS Bridge camera, looking eastbound, and Junction cam, more on the WSB Traffic cams page)
3:55 PM UPDATE: Here are the school changes we published earlier. West Seattle Little League president Mark Terao just e-mailed to say tonight’s registration session is CANCELED, because of Seattle Public Schools (there’s another session set for next Tuesday, January 18). Seattle Parks, meantime, says community centers and pools are operating **normally** until and unless weather requires a change in that decision. One event cancellation so far: nrg day spa‘s Grand Opening is postponed till Thursday night, during the West Seattle Art Walk.

4:09 PM UPDATE: Weather analyst Cliff Mass is about to release his “nowcast” – but for starters says, “Nothing is happening right now. No need to rush home, or anywhere else.” (Added) It’s out. He says nothing imminent for at least two hours in the metro area:

Bottom line: you don’t have to rush anywhere if you are living in western Washington. No imminent significant snow for next two hours. The satellite suggests a more intense band offshore that would come in during the evening…but can’t be sure. At the same time it is warming aloft as we speak. Stay at work. Enjoy happy hour. WSDOT doesn’t need to be concerned about a rush-hour mess.

4:43 PM UPDATE: Metro is chaining buses, still just as a precaution. One more cancellation: West Seattle Community Orchestras’ rehearsals/meetings tonight.

5:24 PM UPDATE: The weather’s still calm, at least here in the city. A smattering of snow reports elsewhere – such as Bellingham, Whidbey Island, Hoquiam. Forecasters still say we’ll see some, at some point, but are sticking to the “rain by very early morning.”

A few flakes were falling as we left Fauntleroy bound for a meeting in The Junction, but they stopped mid-Gatewood. Keep us posted with what you are seeing – or not seeing – where you are. (added a few minutes later) Via Facebook and Twitter, we’re getting snow reports from most spots around West Seattle – except, so far, at sea level.

7:56 PM UPDATE: Snowing notably in The Junction. Will add a photo in a moment. Will start a new story soon, too.

52 Replies to "West Seattle snow watch: NOW it's snowing"

  • george January 11, 2011 (4:08 pm)

    OMG, Seattle people are so freaked out by a snow flake!! It snows in Seattle nearly every year. North and South of us (one county) they get several inches. Spokane gets feet. The pass gets hundreds on inches. Why does the snow freak you out so bad, and I am talking media frenzy trying to catch that first flake. I swear, they propogate more fear than is reasonably justified.

  • Jack Loblaw January 11, 2011 (4:14 pm)

    Considering what happened in November I think that fear is justified.

  • Steph January 11, 2011 (4:17 pm)

    I just called my Grandma in Michigan. She was cracking up that after school activities were canceled because maybe, possibly, perchance, there may be one flake of snow that may possibly touch the surface of our streets.

  • Ken January 11, 2011 (4:19 pm)

    1) The approach to nearly every neighborhood has a hill that becomes impassible with a 1/2 inch of snow, ice or even hail.

    2)The commute is either across a bridge that freezes (upper or lower) or up a long hill.

    3) When articulated buses slide they usually block multiple lanes of traffic. So even if you have a 4wd, you ain’t gettin home.

    4) experience. Unless you were dead drunk all of the times it has snowed in the past ten years, you know these things happen, so SYPH. :)

  • Here January 11, 2011 (4:28 pm)


  • Gina January 11, 2011 (4:52 pm)

    Golly, there sure was a panic in Spokane last month over one inch of snow.

  • Eddie January 11, 2011 (5:01 pm)

    Articulated buses with their chains on driving 52 mph on I-5 on totally dry pavement this afternoon at 4:15pm.

    At least they had the common sense to drive in the right lane.

  • Alki Resident January 11, 2011 (5:05 pm)

    The only flake I saw today was my brother in law,talk about panic.

  • Misc January 11, 2011 (5:10 pm)

    Seattle at its best….

  • george January 11, 2011 (5:10 pm)

    Shut your pie hole?? Surely, with the salty roads out there, you can do better! Really, w/experience, people should be able to react with more reasonable preparation. Across the state, across the country, this is a joke. Why can some people in WA manage it, but not Seattle? Icy roads? boohoo. hills? OMG! Yes, 6 inches nearly shut us down. Poor, poor us. Its not like its never icy, or snows here people….

  • Here January 11, 2011 (5:23 pm)

    Doppler radar says West Seattle is covered in snow. maybe Kiro needs a new doppler?

  • Anonymous January 11, 2011 (5:24 pm)

    Omg, it’s going to snow! I’m leaving work early as soon as possible! (no pun intended)

    If the drivers knew how to drive on snow or any rough winter conditions and also have a decent winter tires, then we wouldn’t have any major problems in the first place.

  • Subie January 11, 2011 (5:30 pm)

    I swear, every time we have a snowy event, people panicked and it’s all over the news. Seattle mainstream news is a joke.

  • chicago January 11, 2011 (5:37 pm)

    The snow here in west seattle is so bad that I cannot get out of my drive way! I think all schools, work and meaningful activities should be suspended.

  • John January 11, 2011 (5:37 pm)

    It just started snowing here! Dope! I have to work in a few hours, I guess I’m going to call in and just stay home.

    (not serious)

  • Andy January 11, 2011 (5:48 pm)

    Let me see if I have this straight. Pre-snow:

    We are waaaay over concerned about “a little snow.” News is lame, Seattleites are weak.

    Post Snow:

    Why weren’t we prepared! Maybe if we were more worried about these things, we could do something about it!

    That about right? Seriously, I’ll take “Stop the panic,” or I’ll take “you should have been prepared.” Not both.

    • WSB January 11, 2011 (6:10 pm)

      Andy: You forgot the “during snow” part, where people with cameras (both professional and amateur) stake out various hills all over the city trying to get that YouTube clip (as seen last time) of some poor driver sliding sideways into a parked car.

  • Kayleigh January 11, 2011 (5:56 pm)

    It would be nice to have just one snow event (or suspected possible snow event) without the smugerati preening about how much better it is everywhere else.

  • WS Mom January 11, 2011 (6:10 pm)

    You rock Kayleigh!

  • Lili January 11, 2011 (6:13 pm)

    Andy – Amen!!! Cracks me up to compare the “why wasn’t the city prepared” comments from November to the “why is the city overreacting” comments today. Can’t have it both ways people. Either we prepare or we don’t.

  • Andy January 11, 2011 (6:20 pm)

    WSB: In that case, we need to remember the “Year after the snow” part, where people put those YouTube clips on their blogs and say “remember this from last year?” And then still can’t decide whether we’re over panicked or under prepared. Whatever gets the SiteMeter hits, I suppose.

  • Garden_nymph January 11, 2011 (6:21 pm)

    Tiny flakes have started to fall near Westwood.

  • Andy January 11, 2011 (6:21 pm)

    By the way, WSB, your 5:24 update is occupying a strange spot between 3:55 and 4:09. I’m a bit behind my classmates, but I don’t think the clock goes like that. :)

  • John January 11, 2011 (6:28 pm)

    Tiny flakes also have started here in Delridge, by Home Depot.

  • WMO January 11, 2011 (6:37 pm)

    Nothing yet here at sea level, Duwamish Head.

  • bsmomma January 11, 2011 (6:39 pm)

    Sorry if this comes up twice…. But it’s snowing in North Admiral!

  • PeterT January 11, 2011 (6:51 pm)

    Snow’s falling in the 5900 block of Beach Drive.

  • Franci January 11, 2011 (6:56 pm)

    Its snowing at my house..Gatewood area

  • Garden_nymph January 11, 2011 (6:57 pm)

    It has started to pick up near Westwood and now we have a good, “snow globe effect”. It has started to stick on the yard and sidewalks.

  • WMO January 11, 2011 (7:00 pm)

    Micro flakes starting here at Duwamish Head.

  • sj January 11, 2011 (7:02 pm)

    A lot coming down on top of hill in Gatewood right now, lightly sticking.

  • bebecat January 11, 2011 (7:07 pm)

    Snowing in North Admiral!!!

  • ad January 11, 2011 (7:12 pm)

    Sticking in our yard on Genesee Hill. I feel like it’s too warm to accumulate to much. It’s pretty though.

  • person January 11, 2011 (7:13 pm)

    snow by west wood village!

  • Sue January 11, 2011 (7:19 pm)

    Just took out the garbage and saw the deck/cans/car were covered with a dusting of snow. Fauntleroy & Dawson. Very pretty – now that I’m home and not worried about traveling. :)

  • toddinwestwood January 11, 2011 (7:34 pm)

    QFC is out of frozen pizza and beer.

  • JanS January 11, 2011 (7:37 pm)

    light dusting at Admiral Safeway…

  • JanS January 11, 2011 (7:38 pm)

    gee, Todd…go for the good stuff – lol…Gianonni’s – lol..

  • I heart West Seattle January 11, 2011 (7:42 pm)

    Coming down in Admiral!! Pretty

  • w.s. maverick January 11, 2011 (7:44 pm)

    oh my god what do i do. the snow is coming down so hard in west seattle, I think we should call for a state of emergency

  • jw January 11, 2011 (7:51 pm)

    Just got back from Westwood QFC. Bought all the frozen pizzas and beer they had. Had to go up a couple hills and it’s not too bad yet.

  • Kristina January 11, 2011 (7:53 pm)

    Snowing and winter wonderland here at 45th and Brandon – so beautiful! Such a shame to think it might all be gone by morning.

  • muddygirl January 11, 2011 (7:55 pm)

    My fiancĂ©e is outside playing with his RC Truck and reports there is two “scale” inches (on a 1/16th scale)out there. :) …..Westwood Village area

  • JayDee January 11, 2011 (7:55 pm)

    At 31 degrees in Alki and 77% humidity, it won’t be too long before the snow becomes rain…once the humidity hits close to 100, the snow should switch over…it just depends on how much drier air is above us…

  • redblack January 11, 2011 (8:04 pm)

    who forgot to close the bold tag? :D

  • Kevin January 11, 2011 (8:16 pm)

    20:15 – SW 100th and 42nd Ave SW – Still snowing with about 1/2″ covering cars and street surface.

  • CitizenR January 11, 2011 (9:03 pm)

    George and a few others … West Seattle complains with snow for a reason … HILLS … no snow plows … ICE … I (WE) get tired of people who call us nammy pammy’s … Spokane has snowplows constantly, yes, they get more snow … lots of places get more snow … are better prepared city wise … less hills … could go on and on but why bother, there are always people like you … just sayin’

  • Leroniusmonkfish January 11, 2011 (9:04 pm)

    RIP – Harry Whoppler…Your Doppler reports are much missed.

  • Leroniusmonkfish January 11, 2011 (9:13 pm)

    Sorry…I meant Wappler. I always liked his WX reports.

  • KBear January 11, 2011 (9:41 pm)

    “who forgot to close the bold tag?”
    I almost didn’t notice that. Just the normal way people talk about snow around here. Though I must say, it’s starting to look like Cliffy misunderestimated a bit…

  • Efrem January 12, 2011 (8:13 am)

    Everyone call in sick today!

  • george January 12, 2011 (3:15 pm)

    Oh poor CitizenR, I didn’t call you a nammy-pammy (whatever that is). But if the shoe fits…. I called out the media for having a cow about watching the first snow flake hit the pavement. But don’t fear, WSB has your back…

Sorry, comment time is over.