Two updates from West Seattle Little League president Mark Terao: The additions at Bar-S Playfields are on schedule – the new concession building, restrooms, and storage building are set for dedication in March, and Mark adds, “West Seattle Little League thanks all of the families and businesses that have donated to the project.” WSLL continues to update its project website (see it here). And there’s a big announcement for 11- and 12-year-old players next year – WSLL will participate in the 50-70 pilot program. Mark explains:
The 50-70 pilot program will incorporate using 50′ mounds, 70′ bases and will use standard Little League Junior-level rules (i.e. runners leading off, stealing, dropped third strikes, etc.). This will not replace the normal 46′ 60′ Majors regular season games. It will be additional games added on to the normal season. The games will be played once a week at one of the other District 7 leagues where the fields accommodate the 50′ 70′ distances. Other than the normal Majors fee, there will be no additional cost to the players who want to play in this 50′ 70′ pilot program.
This new program will allow 11 & 12 year old players (this program is for 11-12 year old major players only; unfortunately. 10 year olds and younger cannot play in this pilot program) to experience playing on longer base paths and under baseball rules to better prepare them for the next level.
If/when this program becomes mandated by Little League International for the Majors division in the future, WSLL will have to consider converting the fields at Bar-S so that both 46′ 50′ and 50′ 70′ games can be played there.
On the registration form (found at, please check the appropriate box letting us know if your child is interested in participating in this new 50′ 70′ Pilot Program.
First In Person Registration is scheduled for Tuesday January 11th at the West Seattle High School Library 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Second In Person Registration is scheduled for Tuesday January 18th at the West Seattle High School Library 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Anyone who needs more information before registration is welcome to e-mail Mark at
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