Another new business in the new year: Ex-pharmacy space

Two months after the would-be owner of West Seattle Pharmacy in the former Westside Pharmacy space at California/Brandon gave up his hopes of opening, the For Lease sign has gone away (thanks to Kathleen for that tip). WSB contributor Keri DeTore tracked down the new tenants who are taking over the space. While they don’t want to go fully public yet, they told Keri they are in the very preliminary stages of creating a “small, neighborhood restaurant and bar.” Though they haven’t even started seeking permits yet, they are hoping to open “a friendly place where people feel welcome,” sometime in the first half of next year. (P.S. Keri’s also writing today about the new tenant of the former Jade West Café – her story’s coming up.)

21 Replies to "Another new business in the new year: Ex-pharmacy space"

  • HelperMonkey December 29, 2010 (3:41 pm)

    dang, I was really hoping Zippy’s would move in there! but any place will be great there. good luck to the new owners, whoever they may be!

  • Andy December 29, 2010 (3:49 pm)

    That’s way too close to my house – if it’s a bar, they’re gonna know me well.

  • Ben December 29, 2010 (4:05 pm)

    i was hoping for zippy’s too. and the jade west space is probably too small. oh well – here’s hoping for something else tasty!

  • Colleen December 29, 2010 (4:09 pm)

    I know I’ll get attacked, but I was hoping that it wouldn’t be Zippys! I’m excited to hear this news I was just thinking as I walked by we needed some sort of restaurant/bar there.

  • Ben December 29, 2010 (4:23 pm)

    there will be no attack coming from me. i was hoping for zippy’s but i knew it wasn’t realistic — for one thing, they want parking.

    i do think that blaine and crew could do very well in the morgan junction — it’s sorely lacking in the food category of cheap, quick, tasty, and high quality. not to mention i find it one of the ideal foods to take into beverage place.

  • HelperMonkey December 29, 2010 (4:47 pm)

    hmm, maybe they can take over the vacant Chuck and Sally’s! Parking, kitchen and plenty of room to eat in. Although, the building might be a tear-down at this point.

  • Ben December 29, 2010 (4:53 pm)

    i’m with you about the Chuck and Sally’s location, but aside from the sorry condition of the building, this WSB forum thread from a year ago includes a suggestion that the owner isn’t much interested in doing anything with it until the market improves.

  • RCS December 29, 2010 (5:02 pm)

    I’d definitely like to see more nightlife around this area.

  • coffee December 29, 2010 (5:05 pm)

    Hum, not that its related to this story, but zippys, come to 35th and roxbury, where the money place was, before that it was a restaurant of some sort! There is parking there and close to my house!!!!! Arbor Heights needs something like that.

  • Puffin14 December 29, 2010 (5:14 pm)

    If this turns out to be a Chipotle I will cry tears of joy….and become rapidly obese.

  • HelperMonkey December 29, 2010 (5:56 pm)

    Coffee, great suggestion! although, I think having Zippy’s within walking distance of my home would be a VERY BAD THING.

  • Diane December 29, 2010 (6:04 pm)

    yes, the “for lease” signs have been down for awhile; I heard it will be intimate gay spot; excited to learn more

  • grackbrad December 29, 2010 (7:59 pm)

    Another dive bar please, all we have left is the Pogie…that is it….

  • chrissy December 29, 2010 (8:51 pm)

    I would love to see someone open a small restaurant/pub in the former Hollywood Video space in Westwood Village! Come on some great entrepreneur!!! Westwood needs one. I still miss The Keg.

  • T December 29, 2010 (10:40 pm)

    I agree Westwood needs a restaurant. Anyone been around long enough to remember the Red Baron? Many of us in Arbor Heights would love choices closer to home.

  • WSHC December 29, 2010 (10:55 pm)

    They “don’t want to go fully public yet”? So much for that, thank you WSB tipper Keri DeTore very much.
    No thank you Zippy, Chipolte, Wingdome, et al — head to another neighborhood, please. Hoping this is a true West-Seattle-grown neighborhood business, not another Papa Johns waste of space (which moved in to the West-Seattle-grown Bison Creek Pizza building, if memory serves).

  • Travs December 30, 2010 (2:24 am)

    Hey WSHC, how is Zippy’s Giant Burgers not a West Seattle grown neighborhood business? There’s only one, and its been in Highland Park, its original location, for 2 years. Are you one of the West Seattle elite, who like to think if you aren’t in the Junction you aren’t in West Seattle? You are hardly what I would call hardcore.

  • Kayleigh December 30, 2010 (5:46 am)

    Jeez, some of you take things awfully seriously. Good food is good food, whether the owners grew up 3 blocks away or not. Not all food needs to be an opportunity for social/political posturing. And I’ve been here long enough to remember Sea Galley and the Red Baron. :)

  • Brontosaurus December 30, 2010 (10:07 pm)

    Reading the original posts from last month, I just want to say thank you @Kevin for not letting an adult bookstore go in there!

  • Tank January 1, 2011 (3:15 pm)

    I also heard that it might be a gay bar but I’m not certain of it.

  • AKJunctioner January 3, 2011 (5:16 pm)

    I know a gay bar seems like a narrowly focused business but West Seattle could really use one. Tons of us Westside gays drive all the way to Capitol Hill to go to gay bars when we would love to be able to stay local and spend our dollars in our own neighborhood. I also think West Seattle is progressive enough to embrace a gay bar again.

Sorry, comment time is over.