Small Business Everyday: Meet West Seattle-owned b(earth)

In the spirit of Small Business Saturday (the new name for the day after Black Friday), we’re celebrating Small Business Everyday – as last Monday reminded us, our peninsula can be an island, so self-sufficiency via strong businesses (etc.) is vital! We learned recently about two West Seattleites co-owning an organic-baby-clothing company founded this year: Nathanial Duris of Arbor Heights is a co-owner of b(earth) – that’s his son Dash, modeling some of their creations. He explains, “We are a collection of eco-conscious friends who hope to reduce our impact on the planet – starting at birth – by making eco-thoughtful clothing and accessories for our children and the children of our friends.” According to Nathanial, they’re using “only 100% organic, sweatshop-free cotton, (and) water-based inks on our printed products,” plus they “also strive to work with local designers … and printing and embroidery shops whenever possible to help strengthen our local communities. We have also developed a philanthropic project called the Re-b(earth) project where when customers outgrow their clothing, we collect the garments, donate them to WestSide Baby, & give the customers a discount for future orders.” They’re doing most of their selling online right now, but they do have a few retail partners, including smallclothes in West Seattle.

5 Replies to "Small Business Everyday: Meet West Seattle-owned b(earth)"

  • Anna November 28, 2010 (3:15 pm)

    Adorable clothes! I am very much behind supporting Small Business Everyday. I’ve been able to buy most of this year’s Christmas gifts at independent stores on the peninsula. We have such a rich community of merchants here and I am more than happy to support them.

  • sam November 28, 2010 (5:20 pm)

    love their clothes ! saw them at the West Seattle Summer Fest (very nice people) and have seen their clothes at Boston Street (Post Alley in the market), but have yet to buy anything, they are all 0-12 mos.
    three cheers for bigger clothes and toddler sizes !!!!!!!! (we were buying a birthday present for a one year old, and had to pass them up, and had to pass up so many cute cute cute clothes they make – as we have a toddler.)

  • Cheryl November 29, 2010 (12:47 pm)

    LOVE their clothes… too bad I have a 4 yo that wears size 6 and 8 clothing, or I’d snatch up a BUNCH of these tees and dresses. :-(

  • Nathanial Duris November 29, 2010 (5:02 pm)

    Thanks for the nice comments you guys. Currently we have sizes up to 4T. As Dash grows up we’ll probably go bigger, but as of now we are keeping it small scale…no pun intended! :)

  • Dana November 29, 2010 (5:39 pm)

    Love it!! We got an owl shirt at summerfest and my 6 month old wears it all the time because it is mommy’s favorite shirt. :) it may be time to get a couple more in rotation.

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