Westwood neighbors spruce up their new traffic circle

October 14, 2010 12:34 am
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 |   Safety | West Seattle news | Westwood

At 31st and Henderson (map), neighbors who fought for a traffic circle finally got it … and now they’re putting on the final touches. The circle was obtained in hopes of making their street, on a busy route between the Southwest Library and Westwood Village, a little bit safer. And now, they’re making the circle itself a little lovelier. Teresa Christianson shared photos, explaining that after the circle construction was complete in mid-summer, neighbors decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to put in plants and risk having them wilted by August heat. That “heat” never arrived, but time passed, and this week, in the autumn sunshine, they had a planting party:

Top photo is Tess Severns; immediately above, that’s Darci Severns and Lilah Christianson; and in the next photo, Pablo Lambinicio:

Other neighbors helped out too. So, how DO you get a traffic circle? you ask. Answers can be found on this city webpage.

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