West Seattle scene: ‘Meet the Worms’

Some kids have lemonade stands. Here’s one who had a worm-compost stand (the sign reads, “Meet the Worms”). Dorothy shared the photo from the sale her nephew Zachary (that’s his hair, to the left of Dorothy’s visiting friend, Officer Krista) had today in the Admiral area. The proud aunt explains that Zachary “got a worm farm for his birthday in April. He spent all summer composting to get his worm compost and worm tea.”

7 Replies to "West Seattle scene: 'Meet the Worms'"

  • I. Ponder October 8, 2010 (8:46 pm)


  • lg October 8, 2010 (9:06 pm)

    Is he going to be selling this weekend? We’ve got a garden that could use some tea!

    • WSB October 8, 2010 (9:19 pm)

      Sadly, according to his aunt, it was today only. If we’d known in advance, we would have at least had it in the morning preview! – TR

  • Carson October 9, 2010 (8:13 am)

    We bought a bag, cute kids and even great packaging!!

  • wormy October 9, 2010 (9:12 am)

    very cool I love the sign!!! LOL!

  • Boaz October 9, 2010 (2:20 pm)

    He should take his stand down to the Farmers Market on sunday. Even if he is on the outside of the market or selling out of a wagon… I don’t know what it takes to be in the market?? I think he would have a good response to his worm compost and tea.
    I bet he could even get the new West Seattle veggie stand on Fauntleroy to carry some of goodies. I need to get some of his stuff.

  • Bill Reiswig October 10, 2010 (11:03 pm)

    He could stack functions and sell both worm tea and lemonade.

    But should probably sell them form separate tables.

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