Room for feline friends? Kitty Cornered update; Hiawatha event

Two cat-adoption notes tonight. First, an update on the five kittens that Wendy and Stephen Hughes-Jelen have been fostering in their High Point home, chronicled on Facebook via Kitty Cornered: Two weeks after our first story, your editor here and WSB’s in-house Young Photographer dropped by on Wednesday night, procuring a few photos, including the floor-level view above. At that point, two of the kittens already were spoken for, including Purrl, seen here with Wendy:

They went home with their new family the next night. Now, via Kitty Cornered, we see two of the remaining three were expecting prospective adopters to visit tonight, likely heading off to their “forever home” tomorrow. That would leave little striped Legacy, photographed frolicking with feet:

Wendy and Stephen are fostering through West Seattle shelter Kitty Harbor (3422 Harbor SW), which means if Legacy is indeed the last of the quintet to go, she has to go to a home that already has at least one cat (or could be adopted with another Kitty Harbor kitty – they’re open Saturdays and Sundays, more info, and lots of cat photos, here). They’ll clearly miss their young charges, and still hope to try it again sometime – maybe next year – but they note that foster families should be ready for one thing: Raising a big group of kittens can be a bit costly, in terms of milk and food!

SIDE NOTE – CITY FOSTER-CAT-ADOPTION EVENT IN WEST SEATTLE: The cats you’ll see at Hiawatha Community Center (2700 California SW) tomorrow, noon-3 pm, have been cared for by volunteers who have been helping the Seattle Animal Shelter by providing foster homes. More details here.

8 Replies to "Room for feline friends? Kitty Cornered update; Hiawatha event"

  • Babs October 8, 2010 (10:34 pm)

    Love a happy ending! Maybe a follow-up story 6 months down the road on the new life they have.
    Thanks for this story and to Wendy and Stephen for such a great deed.

  • EmmyJane October 8, 2010 (11:30 pm)

    I don’t know if anyone else out there feels like this… But we got our animals as adults (animal adults), and I always have a very soft place in my heart for kittens/puppies that look like what I think our little Max (grey kitty) and Emmy (Rottweiler doggie) would have looked like as little ones when we didn’t yet know them. The grey kitten in the photo looks just as I would imagine my Maxey. Breaks my heart in a good way.

  • JanS October 9, 2010 (12:11 am)

    EmmyJane…my Leo, who I’ve had for about a year, is around 9 years old. I see pictures of Abyssinian kittens, and wonder what he was like. He’s my “old man” now…but still adorable :)

    and I am totally in love with Legacy…hope a good home is forthcoming soon :)

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen October 9, 2010 (12:53 am)

    Thanks everyone, we’ll see if the home who is adopting Cinder and Smudge caves in on Legacy. He’s feeling kinda sad about leaving Legacy alone altho we did assure them a home would be found wouldn’t it be great for Legacy (aka Munchkin, Peanut, etc.) to have a home with her adopted siblings? She has maybe 8 other living sibs out there (if they all survived) but who knows what happened to that momma cat and 8 kittens who moved leaving this little 9th mouth to feed behind in someone’s yard in Highland Park? We’ll keep you posted!

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen October 9, 2010 (1:51 pm)

    So Smudge and Cinder have been adopted and we still have Legacy. We tried to distract her from their immediate absence by letting her come downstairs to meet the other cats. They each growled and hissed at her. When I picked her up and she went up on my shoulder then she hissed back at them, probably because she felt safe up there. We will integrate her into our household here but technically she is still a foster cat and available for adoption through Kitty Harbor.

    • WSB October 9, 2010 (2:05 pm)

      Thanks for the update! We “integrated” a kitten into a home with three adult cats when I was a teenager – the three were the entire first litter from the mama cat (who belonged to a neighbor but kept coming to our house to have her babies), and they were a year old or so before she wound up having another litter at our house, from which we kept one little scrappy kitten, reminiscent of Legacy. She too was hissed at, and hissed back. If Legacy doesn’t find another home, they may all get used to each other within a month or two :) – TR

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen October 12, 2010 (3:21 pm)

    So momma Mia was adopted on Sunday October 10th and Legacy ended up staying at Kitty Harbor on Monday evening when we went to take her for flea medication. The shelter had a cage available with two playmates so it seemed it was time to send Legacy off into the world. Someone on the Kitty Cornered Facebook page is interested in adopting her but has a husband to convince (and no it’s not me). We’re putting together a care package of food and favorite toys for the new family and Legacy should be on view Saturday beginning at 1 PM when the shelter opens.

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen October 16, 2010 (4:47 pm)

    FINAL UPDATE: Legacy, the orphan found in Highland Park when she was one day old, was adopted on Wednesday October 13. You can read our follow-up report after our visit with her today at!/notes/kitty-cornered/legacy-adopters-follow-up-report/167119773301083

    We are so happy!!

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