Celebration Saturday as High Point Playfield gets its new name

September 16, 2010 6:29 pm
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This Saturday, the Parks Department will pay tribute to a Seattleite who made history, while renaming High Point Playfield in his honor. Read on for the official announcement of the naming celebration for Walt Hundley Playfield:

Seattle Parks and Recreation will celebrate the naming of the Walt Hundley Playfield on Saturday, Sept. 18, at 2 p.m. The playfield is located at 6920 34th Ave SW, directly behind High Point Community Center.

The event will feature former Mayors Wes Uhlman and Charles Royer, and retired Parks Superintendent Ken Bounds. The community is invited to enjoy light refreshments, music and celebration.

Walter R. Hundley was the first African-American superintendent for Seattle Parks and Recreation – a position he held from 1977 to 1988. Mr. Hundley was instrumental in acquiring the High Point site for the community center and playfield. The park was named during his tenure to reflect the proximity to the High Point Public Housing Development.

Mr. Hundley was dedicated to parks, recreational facilities, green belts and open spaces. A graduate of Yale University, he came to Seattle as a minister, but later decided on a career in public service. He was a highly visible member of the Civil Rights movement in Seattle, and was the former administrator of the Central Area Motivation Project. He was director of the Model Cities Program and Director of the City of Seattle’s Office of Management and Budget.

Mr. Hundley died in 2002 after a long battle with kidney disease.

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