Another way to stay cool: “How to Succeed in Business …”

An additional place to stay cool tonight, with that “heat advisory” kicking in a few hours from now – air-conditioned West Seattle High School Theater, where “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” is onstage at 7:30 tonight and 3 pm tomorrow (plus next Friday/Saturday/Sunday). Anna from Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) shared the photo of Kyla Phillips and Clementine proprietor Linda Walsh, who have cameos in tonight’s performance. Tickets are available online (or at the door pre-show).

3 Replies to "Another way to stay cool: "How to Succeed in Business ...""

  • Mary August 14, 2010 (10:36 am)

    Correction: “How to Succeed” will take place at West Seattle High School. And yes, it is air conditioned! Thanks, WSB!

    • WSB August 14, 2010 (10:47 am)

      Sorry, I just fixed it, we’ve had it right in other references and today I just defaulted to TNP = Youngstown for some brainless reason. Still a good reason to see it! among others … TR

  • J August 14, 2010 (11:16 am)

    We saw it last week, and it’s great fun!

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