month : 07/2010 367 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: North Admiral car break-in

Before you lock up for the night, a reminder in this report from Kris:

Hi there, I wanted to report that my parents’ car on 47th Street SW (by Sunset) [map] was broken into last night and it looks like others might have been hit overnight. They left other vehicle information outside the car. Fortunately not much of value was in the car but others should be on notice to ensure they keep their cars locked on the streets. It’s unfortunate as we had assumed we lived in a pretty safe neighborhood.

We checked the available-so-far online police reports and aren’t seeing other reports in that area so far – but the “other vehicle info” could have come from elsewhere (there’s a 5100 block of SW Hudson car prowl listed for early this morning), or might be from incident/s not reported to police (who stress that it’s important to report, even if nothing was taken).

Followup: WestSide Baby’s big “Stuff the Bus” day, and what’s next

July 25, 2010 9:41 pm
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(Earlier WSB as-it-happened coverage of today’s WestSide Baby “Stuff the Bus” in West Seattle can be seen here)

About half an hour after the last diaper donations arrived at the WestSide Baby “Stuff the Bus” donation-drive site at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, the diaper-filled bus pulled up in White Center – where WS Baby is headquartered – to unload, and the volunteers you see in our video got to work. Before the bus left West Seattle, WestSide Baby’s executive director Nancy Woodland had given us the quick tally on what they’d counted up, as of just after 2:

That followed a sudden down-to-the-wire flurry of donations – including these three deliveries just minutes after 2:

We didn’t get everyone’s names but we know the last three – local architects Brandon Nicholson and Shanna Kovalchick (whose business is headquartered in The Junction, steps away from the Stuff the Bus site) and toddler son Benjamin. And even though the donating finally stopped there around 10 past 2, it moved on down the street, where we caught up with Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s Justin Cline for the second time today (without even going to his White Center HQ):

His famous ice cream was served at the West Seattle Nursery Ice Cream Fest till 4, to raise money and collect diapers (note the boxes that had already arrived). Add to that volunteers at three local Safeways – we’ll check with WestSide Baby tomorrow to see if there’s a final total yet. But the bus-stuffing isn’t done – while last year they collected at locations in West Seattle and Burien on the same day, this year they’ve broken Stuff the Bus (co-sponsored by WSB) into two events, and they’ll have the bus at Burien Town Square during “Hot August Nights” on August 7th – spread the word! (You can also donate to WestSide Baby online anytime – go here.)

Update: Vacant building burns in South Park, smoke seen for miles

ORIGINAL 3:02 PM REPORT: We’ve gotten a few notes about a big smoke plume to the east. It’s a house fire in South Park. We’re here – it’s right by the ex-bridge. The house appears to have been boarded up. Debris burning nearby produced much of the smoke. 3:42 PM UPDATE: Adding a photo. Firefighters confirm the building was vacant, though they’re not sure now whether it was a garage or storage building. Investigators were en route when we left South Park a short time ago; they’ll figure out how the fire started. No injuries. 4:59 PM UPDATE: Adding video from as close as photographers were allowed:

We also noted the presence of Engine 11 from Highland Park:

During many of the meetings we covered before the South Park Bridge’s shutdown a month ago, the issue of police and fire response came up – backup units can’t come from the east side of the river any more, and there was discussion that they’d be more reliant on units from West Seattle, like E-11. Meantime, no word yet on this fire’s cause. MONDAY MORNING UPDATE: Dana Vander Houwen with Seattle Fire Department says damage is estimated at $2,000, but the fire’s cause is “undetermined.”

Happening now: Alki Art Fair’s final hours

July 25, 2010 3:00 pm
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Beautiful day at the beach, and you have till 6 pm to enjoy the final hours of the 2010 Alki Art Fair. If you took a close look at each and every booth, you’d find numerous items to catch your eye, and perhaps send you reaching into your wallet. Strange Child Ink‘s T-shirts caught ours:

(If you don’t see this till it’s too late to go to the beach to find him – artist Brendan Wenberg says he’s a regular at the Fremont market.) Also eye-catching – this Frank Zappa portrait in the Heartmarks booth:

As previewed here before the fair, this year’s Alki event entertained visitors with a long list of live-music acts, too – all free – with donations collected (and T-shirts sold) to benefit the scholarship fund for art programs at the Alki Bathhouse and nearby Community Center.

Happening till 3 pm: ‘Pencil Me In’ car wash; Highland Park market

Need your car washed? Head to the West Seattle Eagles‘ south side parking lot before 3 pm – Pencil Me In For Kids will benefit, raising money for school supplies for kids in need (September gets ever closer) … look for the Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) VW Bug on California outside the entrance, balloons and all.

Also up and running till 3 pm – the Highland Park Sunday Market‘s third edition at 12th/Holden. More edibles this week, including the Full Tilt Ice Cream bike – we even spotted Full Tilt proprietor Justin Cline chatting with the Street Treats truck crew:

Among the other offerings – gorgeous cedar planters made by a Highland Park resident:

(He’s also stocking up the West Seattle Nursery Ice Cream Fest under way now till 4 pm, raising money for WestSide Baby and collecting diapers on Stuff the Bus day.) And Alki Cab Company‘s Kelly Merten is selling her jewelry as well as her books about raw food and raising vegetarian/vegan kids:

You can get raw food at a couple booths with fresh produce, by the way! The market’s in the Highland Park Improvement Club lot.

Today’s the day: Help ‘Stuff the Bus’ for WestSide Baby!

July 25, 2010 9:08 am
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(Adding in-progress reports till the 2 pm final tally)

9:08 AM ORIGINAL REPORT: That’s the sizable WestSide Baby contingent in Saturday’s American Legion Post 160-presented West Seattle Grand Parade – promoting today’s big event, the annual “Stuff the Bus” diaper drive (co-sponsored by WSB), 10 am-2 pm at West Seattle Farmers’ Market. Go buy some diapers and drop them off at the school bus you’ll see parked on 44th SW by the market. If you can’t make it there, you’ve got options – during the same hours, 10 am-2 pm, volunteers are collecting diapers at all three local Safeways (Roxbury, Jefferson Square, Admiral). And at West Seattle Nursery from 1-4 pm, you can drop off diapers during the Ice Cream Fest (featuring Full Tilt Ice Cream, with proceeds also benefiting WestSide Baby). They help thousands of local families every year – here’s a simple chance to be part of helping them keep the littlest members of those families healthy and happy. We’ll see you there.

10:08 AM UPDATE: We got to the bus just in time to photograph the first donors – Ava and Helen, who brought more than 50 diapers! Note that WestSide Baby also is having a bake sale – with cupcakes, cookies and more. It’s under a tent immediately north of the bus. Check out the cute fish cookies:

We’ll be checking back!

12:11 PM UPDATE: As of noon, the bus hit 10,000 diapers. The photo above shows volunteers Yvonne and Jordan at Admiral Safeway – one of the three local Safeways where diapers also are being collected till 2 pm, just like the bus at the Farmers’ Market; when we stopped there around 12:30 pm, they’d already rounded up 800 diapers at Admiral Safeway (where you can say hi to Anne from Ventana Construction [WSB sponsor and “Stuff the Bus” co-sponsor] between now and 2). If you’ve got kids, bring ’em along to donate at the bus – they get to beep the horn!

2:18 PM UPDATE: 27,000 diapers’ worth of donations at the bus (and totals to come from satellite dropoffs)! You can bring diapers to West Seattle Nursery till 4 pm (and buy Full Tilt Ice Cream to raise $ for WS Baby). Separate update in the works for later. Nancy Woodland of WS Baby says this may be the best year yet!

West Seattle Hi-Yu: Community brunch today, 9 am-noon

July 25, 2010 6:59 am
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(West Seattle Grand Parade 2010 photo by Creighton Yost)
ORIGINAL 6:59 AM PREVIEW: At the height of Hi-Yu, the day after the West Seattle festival’s float, royalty and volunteers got to show their stuff for the hometown crowd, they’re inviting you to come have brunch with them today. The annual West Seattle Hi-Yu Community Brunch is 9 am-noon this morning, at a different location this year – Alki UCC Church (6112 SW Hinds; here’s a map) – particularly convenient if you’re going to Day 2 of the Alki Art Fair (10 am-6 pm; live-music schedule here). Brunch is $6 adults/$3 kids. Among other things, the community brunch is your last chance to wish the candidates luck before tomorrow night’s coronation (you’re invited to that too – 7 pm Monday, West Seattle High School Theater – and advance tickets should be on sale at today’s brunch).

10:30 PM UPDATE: We just dropped in to check on how the brunch is going. Hi-Yu’s Carol Winston told us that as of just after 10 am, they’d already served about 50 people!

The youngest paraders: Rotary Club of West Seattle Kiddie Parade

(All photos by Christopher Boffoli unless otherwise credited)
There were actually two parades in West Seattle on Saturday – with the Rotary Club of West Seattle-presented Kiddie Parade charming the crowd in The Junction ahead of the American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade. This participant had not just a tiger in the tank, but also on the head:

Other creative costuming was sighted, too:

And just like in the Grand Parade, some cool cars made their way down the route:

Yes, the proper parade rider must have sun protection:

(Photo by Creighton Yost)
But it’s not a parade without a banner – here’s the banner that always leads this parade off:

(This photo and the subsequent three, by Mindon Win)
Also carrying a banner – the newly crowned 2010-2011 West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Royalty:

Music provided by the Junior All-City Marching Band!

If you missed it this time around, remember the Kiddie Parade is right before the Grand Parade every year, and all kids are welcome to join in.

Highland Park Sunday Market returns tomorrow!

(WSB photo from July 11 Highland Park Sunday Market)
It’s in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup, but in case you missed it – while you’re out and about tomorrow morning/afternoon (including, we hope, a stop at WestSide Baby‘s Stuff the Bus diaper drive at WS Farmers’ Market in The Junction), you’ll be able to visit the Highland Park Sunday Market, returning for its third go-round after a week off. The hours have now changed to 11 am-3 pm, and organizer Tiffany Silver-Brace sent word this week about some of what you’ll find:

Alki Cab Co., Street Treats, Jolie Blue’s soaps, TwoBraids glassware, household items by Clone Press, handcrafted cedar planter boxes and bird houses, Art Image Creations (kid-oriented art), photos by Corie Brooke, Rogue Family Farms fresh eggs, bread and veggies, pickled veggies from The Bootleg Canning Co., and more!

The HPSM is in the Highland Park Improvement Club parking lot at 12th/Holden (map).

Happening now: ’80s trivia & ‘War Games’ at WS Outdoor Movies

July 24, 2010 9:24 pm
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In the courtyard between Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) and Drs. Wolff/Horwitz, you might call it ’80s night for the second of six Saturday night editions of >West Seattle Outdoor Movies. When it gets a bit darker, tonight’s movie will start – the specially decorated cupcakes from Coffee to a Tea with Sugar, above, provided something of a preview. Good crowd tonight, filling the courtyard but a little more elbow room than last week’s standing-room-only showing of “Mamma Mia!”

That’s how it looked about 20 minutes ago – more moviegoers have arrived since then. Every week, there’s a special pre-movie activity, and tonight, it’s ’80s trivia, hosted by Jessie SK from Skylark Café and Club:

Skylark is one of tonight’s business co-sponsors (along with Pagliacci Pizza – which provided free slices earlier – Nicholson Kovalchick Architects, and WSB – we’re also the overall “media sponsor” for the whole series). The activity and movie are always free; raffle tickets (with donated prizes, which tonight included Hotwire and Pagliacci cards!) are sold before the movie – $1/ticket or $2 for three – to raise money for a local nonprofit (tonight about $100 has been raised for West Seattle Helpline) – and charity-benefiting concessions are sold by West Seattle Christian Church, so bring a few dollars next time you attend. Next Saturday’s movie is “Fantastic Mr. Fox“; the full season slate is on the official West Seattle Outdoor Movies website.

West Seattle Grand Parade 2010, report #4: The starting line

Before the 75-plus entries in today’s two-hour West Seattle Grand Parade rolled, roared, marched, glid and strolled down the route, they gathered at/around the starting line, which is California/Lander – unpacking, arranging, in some cases, even posing for photos (particularly the most famous of the entries, like JP Patches). On assignment for WSB, Edgar Riebe of West Seattle-based Captive Eye Media roamed around behind the scenes in the pre-parade hours – the video above is the result! ADDED EARLY SUNDAY: And from inside our electric car as the parade began, here’s the first minute (shot by WSB editor TR) as we got the go-ahead to start rolling:

One thing we noticed, riding in a vehicle for the first time – people yelled and waved as they saw the signs on the side of the car, not the banner on the front (so the audio you hear doesn’t synch with the video – we had the camera pointed forward most of that minute). Thanks again to everyone who came out to see the parade; our coverage – before, during, after – is in the WSB West Seattle Grand Parade archive, newest to oldest.

Tomorrow’s the day: ‘Stuff the Bus’ for WestSide Baby!

July 24, 2010 5:39 pm
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(Photo from today’s West Seattle Grand Parade, by Christopher Boffoli)
You couldn’t miss the reminders all over the WestSide Baby entry in today’s West Seattle Grand Parade (other coverage here and more to come) – tomorrow is their biggest donation drive of the year, “Stuff the Bus,” with a school bus to be set up right at the 44th SW entrance to the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, waiting for you to show up with armloads, bags, wagonloads, whatever, of diapers to donate. 10 am-2 pm. If you can’t get there in time, there are several other places you can drop off diapers as part of the event – like the Ice Cream Fest at West Seattle Nursery, 1-4 pm tomorrow (selling Full Tilt Ice Cream, and part of the proceeds going to WS Baby) – and also breakfast at the White Center Eagles, 9 am-noon (details here) – plus volunteers will be ready to accept your diaper donations 10 am-2 pm tomorrow at all three local Safeways.

Updates: House fire in 3400 block of 36th SW

July 24, 2010 4:23 pm
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ORIGINAL 4:23 PM REPORT: Scanner indicates it’s indeed a fire in the 3400 block of 36th SW (map), though how big, we don’t yet know. On the way.

4:31 PM UPDATE: Via Facebook, Eric says he’s a block away and not seeing smoke. The scanner indicates the fire is now “tapped” and some units are being canceled. Christopher Boffoli is en route to cover for WSB and we expect to hear from him shortly.

4:39 PM UPDATE: Christopher sent the photo we added above. He says a bit of smoke was visible from the eaves but confirms the fire’s no longer active. Awaiting info on what happened and confirmation that no one was hurt.

4:58 PM UPDATE: Confirmed, no injuries. Christopher reports that one resident made it out safely and that the fire is believed to have started in the basement; he adds the first-floor joists are still smoldering so there’s a bit of smoke. The fire investigator has just arrived so we won’t know the cause till later. But note that 36th is closed between Hanford and Hinds till the trucks clear.

West Seattle Grand Parade 2010, report #3: The winners!

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Daffodil Festival wins 2 categories)
We will continue adding photos/video to this progressively – but in case anybody’s waiting eagerly for the info, West Seattle Grand Parade co-coordinator Dave Vague just sent the list of judges’ picks from today’s parade:

(WSB video by Tracy Record – All-City Band, overall #2, marching band #1)

Overall Winners
1st Place __Daffodil Festival “Carousel of Spring”
2nd Place __Electronettes Jasslyn Diva’s Drill Team & Drum Squad
3rd Place __Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Vancouver, B.C., PD, 1st place, motorcycles)

1st Place __Vancouver Police Motorcycle Drill Team

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – All-City Band, overall #2, marching band #1)

(Photo by Steve Mohundro – PNW Drumline, 2nd place, marching bands)

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – JFK HS, 3rd place, marching bands)

Marching Bands
1st Place __Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band
2nd Place __Pacific NW Drumline
3rd Place __Kennedy Catholic High School Marching Band

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Seafair Clowns, 1st place, clowns/comics)

Clowns & Comics
1st Place __Seattle Seafair Clowns
2nd Place ___Ronald McDonald
3rd Place ___Keystone Kops

(Photo by Steve Mohundro – Lake City Western Vigilantes, performing acts, #1)

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Seafair Pirates, performing acts, #2)

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Evergreen Tang Soo Do, performing acts, #3)

Performing Acts
1st Place ____Lake City Vigilantes
2nd Place ____Seattle Seafair Pirates
3rd Place ____Evergreen Tang Soo Do

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Sweet Mahogany, junior drill teams, #1)

Drill Teams – Jr. & Cheer Squads
1st Place _____Sweet Mahogany Drill Team
2nd Place ____Electronettes Pretty Girls Drill Team
3rd Place ____Super Steppers Marching Team

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – Electronettes JDs, senior drill teams, #1)

Drill Teams – Sr.
1st Place ___Electronettes Jasslyn Diva’s Drill Team & Drum Squad
2nd Place ___Chinese Community Girls Drill Team

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli – JP Patches, commercial, #2)

1st Place _____Daystar Retirement Village
2nd Place ____Bill & Cynthia Reid/John L Scott Westwood & JP Patches
3rd Place ____Hadlock’s Towing

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, OLG, community, #1)

1st Place ___Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & School
2nd Place ___Girl Scouts Chinook Service Unit #550
3rd Place ___WS Friend to Friend Volunteer Program

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli -LRFD, antique cars, #1)

Cars & Antique Cars
1st Place ____Last Resort Fire Department
2nd Place ___Lincoln Towing’s “Pink Toe Truck”
3rd Place ___Senior Center of West Seattle

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli -Marysville float, #2 in its category)

Floats – Motorized
1st Place (Legion Trophy) __Daffodil Festival “Carousel of Spring”
2nd Place (Alki Trophy) ___Marysville Strawberry Festival

(WSB video by Tracy Record)

Floats – Conveyed
1st Place (Festival Trophy)___Holy Rosary West Fest
2nd Place (Marshals Trophy)___ West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club

Dave notes that some regular entrants – Seattle Police and Fire, and West Seattle Hi-Yu – ask to be excluded from the judging (just in case you’re wondering why you don’t see them in the list). More parade coverage to come!

West Seattle Grand Parade, report #2: 1st post-parade update

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, substituted 3:17 pm for previous Twitpic by @zenbard)
The streets are reopening – now that the West Seattle Grand Parade is over for another year. We had a blast riding in the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) loaned to us by MC Electric Vehicles (which is on the south side of downtown, by Goodwill) – it’s more traditional to ride in a convertible, but we wanted something electric-powered for the occasion! Got to watch most of the parade since we were the fifth entry out and done before the other 70-plus; will add a few photos shortly, with much more coverage to come a bit later. Our favorite iPhone photo taken just before it began – that’s the U.S. Coast Guard flyover, with the Color Guard and Post 160 Commander Chris Shea in the foreground:

And here’s a closer look at the chopper itself:

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
Thanks to everybody who waved and yelled along the way – as the sign on the back of our vehicle read, “Thank YOU for being part of WSB” – !!! (And thanks to parade-presenting American Legion Post 160 for honoring WSB with the Orville Rummel Trophy – from what we learned about the other recipients while researching the story we published this morning, it’s awesome company.)

West Seattle Grand Parade 2010, report #1: Getting ready

On California SW by the Admiral Safeway parking lot, Holy Rosary School volunteers were putting flowers on their WestFest entry for the West Seattle Grand Parade, which starts at 11 am. Not far away, this bubble-breathing dragon is getting ready for its star turn – we won’t spoil the surprise by showing you who’s towing it:

We got here just after 9, convoying with the mystery vehicle we’ll ride in the parade – spotted staked-out spots outside ArtsWest in The Junction along the way (and more than a few in other areas, including some whose “owners” were already in place):

Back up here at parade-start central, the Seafair parade marshals – more than 30 of them – are helping American Legion Post 160‘s Grand Parade coordinators get everybody arranged:

One of our later reports will have more behind-the-scenes glimpses; we have photojournalist Edgar Riebe here covering that side of the parade-day story; photojournalist Christopher Boffoli will be along the route to cover the parade itself. See our earlier previews (all archived here) for info on the route and times and some of who you’ll see – the action all starts at 11 am, though the motorcycle drill teams (Seattle followed by Vancouver, B.C.) scheduled to go down the route a bit sooner, so you’ll definitely want to be in place by 10:30; even The Junction, end of the line, will see parading soon after 11, since the Rotary Club of West Seattle-presented Kiddie Parade will travel south from California/Genesee at that point. Not sure if we’ll add more pre-parade pix here – but you can definitely watch our @westseattleblog Twitter feed (even if you’re not a Twitter member) for photos we’ll “tweet” before and during.

West Seattle Saturday: Grand Parade; Alki Art Fair; Outdoor Movies

July 24, 2010 8:13 am
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View West Seattle Grand Parade route in a larger map

The green markers bookend the route the West Seattle Grand Parade will take down California SW starting at 11 am from SW Lander; the periwinkle marker, the starting point for the Rotary Club of West Seattle-presented Kiddie Parade that precedes it, same time (but signups start at 10, all kids welcome). Parade co-coordinator Jim Edwards says (via @WSParade on Twitter) that they’re now up to 78 entries. Motorcycles, marching musicians, drill teams, clowns, pirates, singers, dancers, politicians, Scouts, schools, businesses, churches, and of course, floats, including the multiple-award-winning West Seattle Hi-Yu “Dreams Do Come True” float. We’ve published seven previews in the past few days; browse them here. And if you have photos/video to share afterward, let us know! (You can also add your favorite pics to the West Seattle Blog group on Flickr.) P.S. Remember California SW from Admiral south to Edmunds is closed till after the parade; there are bus detours and also parking restrictions on some side streets being used for staging. Another big event today is happening at the beach:

(WSB photo from 2007 Alki Art Fair)
Today’s the first of two days for the big Alki Art Fair, stretching along the promenade past the Alki Bathhouse, 10 am-6 pm both days. In addition to the artists’ displays and booths, which are free to browse, you may want to bring some money for the food booths and the kids’ bouncy toy. Here’s our preview from earlier in the week, including the full schedule and lineup for live music both days. Then tonight in The Junction, it’s movie time!

That’s the courtyard at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) before it finished filling up (and then some!) for last Saturday’s first-of-the-season West Seattle Outdoor Movies presentation. Tonight, along with our co-sponsors Skylark Café and Club, Nicholson Kovalchick Architects and Pagliacci Pizza, we co-sponsor “War Games,” with Skylark proprietor Jessie SK leading a round of ’80s trivia (we’re bringing the prizes) before the movie. You’ll want to arrive early (a few dozen people were there as early as 5:30 last week, Hotwire’s Lora Lewis tells us) to stake out your spot!

What else is up today/tonight? See the full list in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup!

West Seattle Grand Parade sneak peek #7: Orville Rummel Trophy

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

In this morning’s West Seattle Grand Parade, your WSB co-publishers will be proudly carrying the Orville Rummel Trophy for Outstanding Service to the Community, bestowed by parade-sponsoring American Legion Post 160. It’s been awarded annually since 1984:

When parade organizers shared the news, they also observed that aside from the trophy itself, which each recipient gets to keep till the following summer, there wasn’t much written history about it. So we set out to see if we could take a swing at starting to change that.

Orville Rummel founded the parade back in 1934. The photo at left is from a framed, crinkled-but-treasured copy of the front page of what the logo declared to be the “West Seattle Herald Incorporating The West Seattle News,” published at the start of the Hi-Yu Festival, that same year. It hangs on the north wall of the American Legion Post 160 Hall in The Triangle; Rummel was the post’s commander, and chair of the Hi-Yu Committee, in 1934. Unfortunately, he’s not still around to tell his stories; online records show he died in Kitsap County right about Hi-Yu time in 1998 – July 16, to be exact – just a few weeks short of what would have been his 99th birthday.

Back in Orville Rummel’s heyday, the Legion stopped running Hi-Yu after a few years; it resumed as an independent effort in 1949, though Post 160 remains a Hi-Yu trustee.

Ahead, the list of a quarter-century-plus of winners. And then – we check in with two of the longtime West Seattle businesspeople who’ve been honored with the Orville Rummel Trophy.Read More

West Seattle Bookshelf: The latest best-sellers

July 24, 2010 5:04 am
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Lists courtesy of Square One Books

Every week, courtesy of Gretchen Montgomery @ Square One Books (WSB sponsor), we bring you her independent West Seattle bookstore’s 5 best-sellers in each of 4 key categories:

1. Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson
2. Faithful Place by Tana French
3. No Way: Life and Death on K2 by Graham Bowley
4. The Lion by Nelson DeMille
5. Quiet Hero by Rita Cosby

1. Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese
2. Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
3. Lit: A Memoir by Mary Karr
4. Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs
5. Border Songs by Jim Lynch

Children/Young Adult:
1. City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Williams
2. Ladybug Girl at the Beach by David Soman
3. Lego Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary by Simon Beecroft
4. Zombie Chasers by John Kloepher
5. The Berenstain Bears Go On Vacation by Stan Berenstain

1. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
2. Pretty Little Liars (TV Tie-In) by Sara Shepard
3. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
4. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
5. The Cirque du Freak Series by Darren Shan

Square 1 Books is in The Junction – in Jefferson Square.

New hoops for healing, as South Park continues to ‘Fight the Fear’

July 23, 2010 11:46 pm
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(Photos by Cliff DesPeaux)
7-year-old Damar Johnson was among the first tonight to aim for the net at a new basketball court dedicated tonight at the South Park Community Center. The event, covered for WSB by photojournalist Cliff DesPeaux, was more than a dedication; it was a tribute in honor of Teresa Butz, killed a little more than a year ago during a desperate, and successful, bid to save her partner’s life during a vicious attack in their South Park home; tomorrow is the anniversary of a memorial attended by hundreds, also at SPCC (WSB coverage here). The Fight the Fear Campaign has been active in her memory – helping create new opportunities for South Park youth, like the new basketball facility:

Fight the Fear provided $5,000 seed money for the court. The Seattle Storm – co-owned by West Seattleite Anne Levinson – is a partner in the project.

Storm players came to tonight’s event to present a basketball clinic, and to meet fans like 9-year-old Fernando Cruz:

Here’s Fernando with Storm forward/center Abby Bishop:

All that basketball worked up an appetite for a barbecue on the beautiful summer night:

Among the dozens who attended tonight, Teresa’s partner, who spoke with our partners at the Seattle Times (here’s their story about the event), calling the dedication “healing and hopeful.”

West Seattle Grand Parade sneak peek #6: Call him ‘Prince Duke’

July 23, 2010 9:35 pm
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Just confirmed with the Seattle Seafair Clowns‘ own “Officer Lumpy” – a West Seattleite – that this year’s “Prince of Mirth” will be with them tomorrow in the American Legion Post 160-presented West Seattle Grand Parade. The Prince is a Duke – none other than local restaurateur Duke Moscrip, of Duke’s Chowder House fame. This year, as the Seafair Clowns’ announcement points out, Duke has been a Seafair hero, helping bail out first the hydro races and then the Seafair Pirates’ Landing (WSB coverage here). Last year, TV personality Jim Dever rode with them.

Tomorrow’s parade starts at 11 am from California/Lander in the Admiral District and continues south to California/Edmunds in The Junction. Any and all West Seattle kids are also invited to join in the Rotary Club of West Seattle-presented Kiddie Parade, leaving California/Genesee at 11 ahead of the main parade (with time to get back to your seat!). To see our previous previews – and coverage of previous years – check out the WSB West Seattle Grand Parade coverage archive (in reverse-chronological order).

Can you help a West Seattle native get a shot at stardom?

From the WSB inbox today (the photo wasn’t included but we asked for it on followup):

My name is Erin Register and I was born and raised in West Seattle. I went to college at WSU and after graduating, I relocated to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. Things have been going pretty well for me but I’m relocating to Ireland for a year to get a second degree and travel around Europe before returning to Los Angeles. I recently entered AMC’s contest to be on their show Mad Men and was wondering if you would maybe post something on the blog for local West Seattleites to vote for me, it would mean the world to me if I got to be on that show. I’ve done a lot of theatre in Los Angeles and am part of an amazing repertory company ( I’ve also been on The Singing Bee and was in a short film that won several awards at the Los Vegas Film Festival but I really think if I could get a walk-on role on Mad Men, it would launch me to a place of opportunity I haven’t been to yet.

Below is the link to vote, people can vote from each computer or phone once a day until the contest ends. Again, it would mean the world to me and today IS my 25th birthday, so it could be my birthday present :)

Go here to vote for Erin – we just tested it, no registration required, it’s a simple click.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Parade, art fair, movie, Stuff the Bus

July 23, 2010 5:00 pm
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wswllicon3.pngIt’s a weekend so big, we’ve been previewing it all week, and then some. Hope to see you along the route of the American Legion Post 160-presented West Seattle Grand Parade at 11 am tomorrow (California SW, Lander to Edmunds) – and at Alki Art Fair both days this weekend – and for the WestSide Baby diaper drive Stuff the Bus (co-sponsored by WSB) on Sunday – and at the Highland Park Sunday Market as it returns this weekend … plus the Hi-Yu Community Brunch, also on Sunday … Even more going on – just click ahead for this week’s West Seattle Weekend Lineup, brought to you by Skylark Café and Club (with weekend delights including brunch both days, live music both nights)!Read More