month : 05/2010 347 results

High-school baseball: Seattle Lutheran = Final 4; WSHS season ends

Two local high-school baseball-playoffs notes: Seattle Lutheran is in the 2B Final Four, scheduled for next weekend in Yakima – thanks to Dan I for the tip; the SLHS scores page on (WSB partner) reports they beat Northwest Christian (Lacey) 8-0 and Napavine 8-2, both games yesterday. Meantime, a heartbreaker for West Seattle High School yesterday, as they lost to Enumclaw 13-8 in Mount Vernon (here’s the Times‘ report).

Also happening: Bikes, plants, rummage sales, “Pencil Me In…”

May 23, 2010 12:55 pm
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A few more things happening in addition to Summer Streets (car-free day) on Alki, which began with the West Seattle 5K (WSB coverage here) — Just after 11, we stopped by Holy Rosary Church, to check on Bicycles for Humanity – volunteer Karin Goncalves said they were accepting donated bikes till about 12:30, but if you missed the window, as noted here earlier, a few other churches are part of the effort till late today (see the list here). Also right now, a couple of big fundraising sales, including plants from Furry Faces Foundation:

They’re raising money for animal advocacy (including spaying/neutering) with plant sales till 4 pm at 3809 46th SW (map) – adoptable pets are there today too! Also from the West Seattle Weekend Lineup:

: 3-5 pm at West Seattle Eagles (4426 California SW) – Creative Memories, Party Lights, Tupperware with 10%-50% of proceeds going to Pencil Me In For Kids (mission explained here).

*SALES AT COMMUNITY SCHOOL OF WEST SEATTLE AND SHOREWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: Both have rummage sales. CSWS (22nd/Roxbury) till 4 pm, Shorewood (on 28th SW just south of Safeway) till 5 pm.

*FINAL PERFORMANCE OF “TELL ME ON A SUNDAY”: 3 pm at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction.

West Seattle 5K, report #1: And the winners are … everybody!

(added 12:12 pm: clip shows the race start, 1st runner to last walker, about 2 1/2 minutes in all)

ORIGINAL 9:35 AM REPORT: The West Seattle 5K (co-sponsored by WSB) has 1,120 runners this year, 75 more than last year, according to the semi-official count from organizers. We’re waiting now for the first finishers. The sunbreaks are mostly gone but it’s still dry. 10:03 AM: Runners and walkers are still coming across, 39 minutes later. Here’s the first finisher, crossing the line, announced at 16:08:

That’s David McCulloch, finishing a full minute faster than last year, when he was the 6th male. The first female runner crossed at 17:41- Lauren Breihof from Western Washington University. (added 11:07 am, here’s video of her finish – the audio is incorrect, she was indeed the 1st female) – 16 seconds better than her time from last year, when she was the 3rd female:

(photo added 11:36 am) Shortly after the first finishers crossed, the inflatable start/finish line started to lose a little of its air – so volunteer power came to the rescue!

(Photo by David Hutchinson)
When the results are available online (they’re not yet, as of just past noon) – you’ll find them linked here. We’re also reviewing our photos for more memorable moments and will add some in a second wrapup later!

10:40 AM: The 5K’s over and all its trappings are being packed up; the Summer Streets festivities officially begin around 11 – it’s still dry, but chilly, so bundle up!

Alki ‘car-free day’ 2010 – Seattle Summer Streets – report #1

Before we start adding photos and updates, we start with the reminder: 9 am-5 pm, it’s the third annual city-organized “car-free day” on Alki, starting with the West Seattle 5K walk/run (co-sponsored by WSB; final signups are under way now; the race itself starts at 9:20). The closure/detour map is here. Don’t let a little drizzle discourage you. 8:53 AM UPDATE: At the beach now – and so are sunbreaks! Also happening, as West Seattle 5K emcee Marty Riemer (see photo just added below) just announced, people who ignored the “no parking” signs are about to get towed (see photo just added above).

Race time has just been revised to 9:25 – all the better, since more sun is coming out with each moment that goes by.

11:04 AM: See our race coverage in this separate story. Meantime, the Summer Streets setup is complete – here’s the skateboard ramp in place across from (and sponsored by) Coastal, and some other exhibitor/participants including Mountain to Sound Outfitters:

We’ll launch a separate Summer Streets story for the afternoon.

West Seattle preparedness: “Rattle in Seattle” drill a success

May 23, 2010 8:14 am
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 |   Preparedness | Safety | West Seattle news

The preparedness volunteers who gathered at Ercolini Park to join in Saturday’s “Rattle in Seattle” drill (explained here) admit at least one person was a bit startled – walking by and overhearing radio transmissions, incoming and outbound, like this (listen closely – it’s only 10 seconds long):

That particular “catastrophic failure” was supposed to involve the 35th/Myrtle reservoir/water tower site. But that was just one of numerous hypothetical catastrophes reported in the drill, which took on an old-time disaster-movie feel after you’d been watching/listening long enough – gas-station fires, and more. Most important of all – each of these volunteers was tracking what was being reported in her/his neighborhood:

They are the “focals” – key contacts/organizers – for the Emergency Communication Hubs around West Seattle, mapped on the website we’ve told you about many times before, West Seattle Be Prepared. If a true disaster happens and takes out standard lines of communication, overwhelming city services (that line was heard at one point during the drill, “City services are maxed out”), volunteers will set up at the “hubs,” equipped with the radios they used during this drill, to join a communication network that not only will make sure authorities are aware of what’s happening, but also will communicate, neighborhood-to-neighborhood, what’s needed – so that other volunteers can be dispatched where they’re needed, whether their expertise is first aid, search-and-rescue, or something else.

The Communication Hubs are also where you will be able to go to find out what’s happening and to seek help – and that’s why it’s important to have them in all neighborhoods, so that you or someone representing your family/block/etc. wouldn’t have to go far, even if you had to walk or bike. But they only work through volunteer power – and there’s room for lots more help – start by joining the West Seattle Be Prepared Facebook group – if you’re not on FB, there’s contact info on the main WSBP website too.

Reminder: Bicycles for Humanity today – got one to donate?

Today’s the day for the Bicycles for Humanity donation drive, collecting bikes for South African villages where they’re urgently needed – and dropoffs start even earlier than the original announcement we published earlier this month. 7:30 am-noon, you can take a bicycle to West Seattle’s Holy Rosary Church to donate. (Other churches in Seattle are collecting later, in case you miss that window.) If you missed the explanation of what it’s about, the news release is ahead:Read More

Update on bicyclist Doug Wood, injured in Admiral crash

That clip from the West Seattle-based site Bike Hugger was pointed out to us by Liz, sister-in-law of Doug Wood, identified by family members as the bicycle rider who was rescued from beneath a car after a collision on Admiral Way Thursday morning (here’s our original report) – the clip features him being interviewed on his “banana” bike. Liz e-mailed today to say, “I just spoke to his wife (my sister Laura) and Doug is doing well today. His three youngest children (he has six altogether) were able to visit him today for the first time, which lifted his spirits greatly.” We then got a short note later from Laura Wood, who provided a link to more information about her husband, focusing on his work with pianos. (She had joined the discussion in the comment section following our Thursday report [here and here], as did the wife of the driver with whom her husband collided.) Formal results of the investigation into the crash aren’t likely to be available for quite some time.

Reminder: West Seattle 5K and Alki “Summer Streets” Sunday

May 22, 2010 5:29 pm
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That’s a new, enhanced map from the city webpage for Celebrate Seattle Summer Streets, showing tomorrow’s detours and special features, and giving us new fodder for one more reminder before the big day arrives: From SW Maryland near Don Armeni, to 63rd SW by Cactus, Alki Avenue will be closed to vehicle traffic tomorrow from 9 am-5 pm (except for an inside lane to be used mostly by the King County Water Taxi shuttle – and the city website notes that extra shuttle service will be added). The day begins with the second annual West Seattle 5K Run/Walk, organized by and benefiting the West Seattle High School PTSA, co-sponsored by local businesses including WSB. If you haven’t registered yet, you can sign up tomorrow morning starting at 8 am by the bathhouse. After the WS5K, a full day of activities unfolds along Alki, starting around 11 am – you can see some of the activity locations listed on the map above; one waterfront business that always goes all-out on the “car-free day” is Coastal Boutiquehere’s what they’re planning. If you have any questions about vehicle access and parking, here’s a link to the FAQ on the Summer Streets site.

West Seattle Soccer Club wraps spring season with Sounders guest

(Photo courtesy Bob Watford of iSportPhotos)
Two updates from Tim McMonigle of the West Seattle Soccer Club:

Tomorrow is the last day of our spring season. We have been very fortunate to have had great weather on Sundays this season, so hopefully tomorrow will cap the season off well. Also, Zach Scott from the Sounders FC plus the Washington Youth Soccer Hummer will be visiting EC Hughes playfield on Sunday. Zach should be there around 2 pm and stay for about an hour to hang out with the players and watch the games.

Also, a reminder that registration for the fall season runs from June 1-30, and we are expecting our largest registration ever. Please register early. There are also multiple soccer camps being offered in West Seattle this summer. WSSC is sponsoring two UK International camps. You can find this info on the right side of our home page at If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

Happening now: Westwood Village Street Fair 2010, till 7 pm!

May 22, 2010 11:10 am
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(scroll down for newest updates and pix)

First major outdoor West Seattle festival of the season, and the sun decided to defy the forecast! Dog show under way till 1 pm, JP Patches expected noon-2 pm, raffles (including a big prize from WSB sponsor Wyatt’s Jewelers), come down and say hi – you’ll find us next to the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, with lots of West Seattle info. The street fair’s on till 7 pm, headquartered in the lot between Bed Bath Beyond and Pier 1 Imports.

12:12 PM UPDATE: Finally adding photos. It is a spectacular day and there are plenty of people here – great to meet everyone who has stopped by our table to say hi! Lots of dogs too – this is a dog-friendly event, and not just because a dog show has been under way:

If you stop by our table, we have a list of summer events around West Seattle that you can pick up if you’d like something to tack up to remind you of the highlights – plus some flyers about other things happening around the area. Meantime, JP Patches has just arrived as well and is onstage now – he posed for pictures as he walked toward the stage – here you see him with West Seattle Chamber CEO Patti Mullen, who’s tabling for the Chamber next to us:

1:11 PM: This is also a good chance to come down and learn a little more about local nonprofits – White Center Food Bank is here, as are reps from WestSide Baby:

If you come down, be sure to enter the drawings – we have entry forms at our table (across from Sleep Country and Radio Shack, under the red/white canopy, rainbow tablecloth, bouncy slides behind us). Right next to us, there’s a booth for the newly reopened Evergreen Community Aquatics Center in White Center. And among the many folks who’ve stopped by to say hi were a couple of young ladies handing out info about ReFRESH Southwest – the Delridge Day/Sustainable West Seattle Festival that’s coming up two weeks from tomorrow (June 5th, 1-5 pm, Delridge Community Center).

1:31 PM UPDATE: Here’s a full schedule of what’s ahead for the rest of the day/evening here:
Right now: Active X (sponsored by 24 Hour Fitness)
2 pm: Drawing
2:30 pm Fashion show (presented by Chico’s)
2:55 pm: Drawing
3 pm: Stephen Clark (magician)
3:25 pm: Drawing
3:30 pm Video Arcade Bus arrives
3:50 pm: Pizza-eating contest (presented by Giannoni’s Pizza)
3:55 pm : Drawing
4 pm: Live music – Another Perfect Crime
4:25 pm: Drawing
4:30 pm: Live music – Memphis Radio Kings
5 pm: Drawing
5:30 pm: Drawing – Wyatt’s Jewelers gold/diamond pendant
5:35 pm: Live music – Red Hot Blues Sisters

ADDED 2:45 PM:
More scenes from the fair so far, starting with JP Patches signing autographs:

Toby Matasar from Eats Market Cafe, which is selling drinks and treats including popsicles:

And this is the Wyatt’s Jewelers pendant that a lucky winner will get after the 5:30 pm drawing:

The Chico’s fashion show is under way right now. Here’s a shot from the early going (Heather is the model):

3:15 PM: We also have some photos from Highland Park photographer extraordinaire Dina Johnson – these are some of the more unusual dogs spotted at the event:

Reminder that we have the schedule of events higher up in this story – live music starts at 4 pm.

4:38 PM: Thanks to Tiffany for sharing that photo of her Jetson, with the news that he won 1st for Best In Show at the Westwood Village dog show earlier here at the Street Fair. She explains, “He’s a 4-month-old Deaf Double Merle Australian Shepherd Mix” and says you can find him on Dogster, here. We’ll be publishing a wrapup story late tonight with more Westwood highlights (including some video). Meantime, it’s music time:

5:08 PM: The Memphis Radio Kings – who performed at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) last night as part of KEXP Hood-to-Hood – are onstage now (the stage is at the Bed Bath Beyond side of the lot).

Salmon season! Arbor Heights Elementary at Fauntleroy Creek

(Photos courtesy Craig Harrold)
By the end of next week, more than a dozen groups (mostly from local schools) will have visited Fauntleroy Creek to release salmon, with guidance from creek steward Judy Pickens, in addition to the proud teachers and parents who accompany them. It’s an annual tradition, after the kids watch the fish grow from eggs, usually placed in aquariums in hallways or classrooms. One of the groups that released salmon this past week was from Arbor Heights Elementary School, and parent Craig Harrold shared a few of the scenes from their visit. Above, that’s Jesse inspecting one of the fry; next, Alec carefully pours water and fish into the creek:

With the students were Arbor Heights kindergarten teacher David Wilkie (below left) and 5th-grade teacher Ruben Gonzalez (below right):

According to the latest creek update on the Fauntleroy Community Association website, the groups participating this year are releasing about 1,800 fry to join the “home hatch” at the creek. This is also the time of year when smolts migrate toward Puget Sound, and the online update says monitors have seen 23 so far – up from last year’s 18.

West Seattle Saturday: Westwood Village fair; SIFF; science; sales…

Some blue sky! Here’s hoping that holds. The Westwood Village Street Fair happens 11 am-7 pm, with bouncy toys for kids, live music and other events (dog show 11 am-1 pm, JP Patches noon-2 pm, fashion show 2:30 pm among them) – we’ll be there to cover it live. … At West Seattle Thriftway, you’ll find the Children’s Hospital Adventure Lab 10 am-2 pm; it’s free to check out, but bring some money for the Saturday Thriftway barbecue, which will raise money today for Children’s … Also on the fundraising front: Three schools have rummage sales today – all relatively close to each other, if you want to hit them all – Roxhill Elementary, Community School of West Seattle, Shorewood Christian, and Furry Faces Foundation has its annual plant sale (3809 46th SW) … With just weeks to go in the school year, today marks one of your last few chances to meet West Seattle’s school board rep Steve Sundquist for an informal community chat (11 am, High Point Library) … And it’s day/night 2 of Seattle International Film Festival screenings at the Admiral Theater. Details on all of the above – and lots more – on the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.

West Seattle preparedness: Communication Hub drill today

This isn’t likely to be something you accidentally encounter and get concerned about – but just on the very slight chance you happen onto somebody who’s participating, we’re giving you the heads-up about the “Rattle in Seattle” neighborhood-preparedness simulated-earthquake drill this morning. It’s meant to test the backup communications system that’s been organized (as explained on West Seattle Be Prepared). Want to know more? Read the official news release, ahead:Read More

More KEXP Hood-to-Hood scenes, Caspar Babypants to Militant Child

The broadcast ended before sunset, but the live music rocked on long into Friday night during KEXP Radio‘s Hood-to-Hood Challenge victory party for West Seattle (the result of this neighborhood donating more than any other during last year’s pledge drive). Top photo, Caspar Babypants (West Seattleite Chris Ballew) delighted the family crowd late this afternoon at Cupcake Royale (WSB sponsor), where kids got to create art while not jumping with the beat to performers that also included The Board of Education and The Not-Its (see our video clip from their set in our midday report).

(P.S. You’ll get to see Caspar Babypants and The BOE on a West Seattle double bill August 19 during Summer Concerts at Hiawatha, co-sponsored by WSB.) Then early Friday night, before the 21+ venues geared up bigtime, an art-and-music showcase at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in North Delridge brought people in from the rain:

That’s Militant Child, with “Dance With Me,” one of the tracks you can hear in its entirety on her MySpace site. Speaking of audio – if you missed any of the live broadcast that ran from 6 am till early evening, it’s archived here – for example, you can try 10:30 am Friday, May 21, to look for the segment featuring Chief Sealth International High School Marching Band performance (we had video in our first report – here’s one more photo):

Want to try to win Hood-to-Hood again? According to KEXP’s website, its pledge drive is coming up again June 4-11.

More West Seattle music: WSHS counselor needs your vote!

Click above to listen to “Killingsworth Street” by Sue Quigley, a counselor at West Seattle High School. Her co-worker Linda forwarded the link with a copy of a school e-mail asking people to help her win a contest to perform at a major festival:

Sue Quigley, is a counselor at West Seattle High School who is a solo artist and has a chance to perform at Lilith this summer! Every vote counts! You can help make it happen by voting via the Ourstage link and asking others to vote for Quigley! Voting requires a bit of effort to sign up but just to listen to her song it is worth it! Listen to Killingsworth Street and place your vote! Only a couple of days left to cast your VOTE…the deadline for voting is midnight May 23, 2010.

It was indeed a bit of a challenge to figure out how to vote, but if you can spare a few minutes, you’ll be giving a West Seattleite a boost. Click ahead for the specific instructions as explained by supporters:Read More

Crowd blooms for Ed Hume at Bridge Park in West Seattle

May 21, 2010 10:26 pm
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Full house in the Bridge Park Retirement Community (WSB sponsor) great room this afternoon as a Northwest gardening luminary came to High Point to share his secrets: Gardening expert/writer/seed-seller/TV personality Ed Hume. Topic of the day: Container gardening.

It’s hotter than ever now because you can do it anywhere – you don’t have to have a big chunk of land to turn into a garden. (West Seattle Nursery co-promoted today’s event and provided plants.) Hume’s been sharing gardening knowledge for more than 30 years, and continues to maintain a busy public-appearance calendar – if you missed him at Bridge Park today, here’s where to find him next.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Westwood Fair & WS 5K edition

The banners are up – tomorrow’s the day for the Westwood Village Street Fair (WSB sponsor), first big outdoor festival of the season, 11-7 pm with live music, bouncy toys, magicians, JP PATCHES! and a dog show (flyer here with all the categories and how to sign up). And that’s just Saturday – then Sunday, it’s the second annual West Seattle 5K Run/Walk (co-sponsored by WSB), which kicks off the Seattle Summer Streets “car-free day” on Alki. In the meantime, the KEXP Hood-to-Hood victory party continues tonight, with live performances at multiple venues – Seattle International Film Festival is at Admiral Theater for a second year – and all this is just the start of a weekend so amazing, you’d think it’s summer already. The WSWL is sponsored by Skylark Cafe and Club, where you’ll find FREE live music, bodacious brunches, plus lunch ‘n’ dinner:Read More

Fun things to do in West Seattle: June programs at Camp Long

May 21, 2010 4:36 pm
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 |   Announcements

From Sheila Brown at Camp Long:

Special Event – June 5

Delridge WALKS – Exploring our Community on Foot (and the chance to win great prizes) Start at Camp Long at 9:00 a.m. on June 5.

Get in Step With reFRESH Southwest!
Join “Delridge WALKS” on Saturday, June 5th from 9am-1pm to explore, walk, & win! Take steps towards building a safe and healthy Delridge by arriving to the reFRESH Southwest event by foot. Community members are leading walks from various locations around Delridge Community Center (South Seattle Community College, Delridge Neighborhood Service Center, Highland Park Improvement Club AND CAMP LONG (led by Naturalist Gretchen Graber). Arrive by foot at the reFRESH Southwest event and hit up Delridge Neighborhood Points of Interest along the way to be entered to win one or more of dozens of great prizes. Additional CA$H prizes will be awarded for Delridge WALKS participants who enter to win the photo contest. To join a walk, or for more info, email or call 206.652.2310.

Announcing reFRESH SOUTHWEST: A Fun, Family-friendly Community Event Focused on Activating Community Spaces & Resources, June 5th FREE & ALL AGES! 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

REFRESH SOUTHWEST: DELRIDGE DAY & SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE FESTIVAL is a free community celebration featuring live performance, creative arts and environmentally-minded workshops, speakers, family activities, and over 100+ community organizations and resources for Southwest Seattle.

Hosted at the Delridge Community Center and Playfield, the event will feature two music stages with noted community performers and will connect residents with the initiatives and programs that are working to provide better access to a healthy, active lifestyle.

4501 Delridge Way SW, 98106

Metro Bus Lines 120, 125

Refresh Southwest is presented by the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association in partnership with Seattle Parks & Recreation, Sustainable West Seattle, and the King County Food and Fitness Initiative, and funded through the City of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods, Neighborhood Matching Fund Program.

Nature Programs

Camp Long Owl Hoot

Ages 5 and older

Join us for a dusk-to-dark owl prowl through Camp Long’s woodland. Will there be babies? Dress for the weather and bring a flashlight. Please register by June 18 by calling 206-684-7434.

June 19 Sat 8:30-10:30 p.m.

Course #52945 Activity Fee: Adult $8 / Child $6

Full Moon Celebration!

Ages 5 and older

Watch as the moon ascends above the Cascade Mountains in the east to reveal her beauty to the not quite dark, night sky. As the sunsets in the west behind the Olympic Mountains the light will linger long enough to taint the moon’s glow. Please register by June 25 by calling 206-684-7434.

June 26 Sat 8:30-10:30 p.m.

Course #52947 Activity Fee: Adult $8 / Child $6

Salamander Search

Ages 1 and older

Search: under logs, in the pond and the woods for all the cool varieties of salamanders that call Camp Long home. Long-toed, Northwestern, Red-backed and Ensatina are all possible to see if you have good Salamander searching eyes! Please register by June 11 by calling 206-684-7434.

Instructor: Stewart Wechsler

June 12 Sat 2-3:30 p.m.

Course #52916 Activity Fee: Adult $8 / Child $6

Beach Day!

Ages 4 and older

Beach life is revealed during minus tides. Give yourself a chance to ‘sea’ the diversity of life forms that the ocean has created over millions of years’ time. Bring a healthy lunch to munch after exploring! Please register by June 11 by calling 206-684-7434.

Location: Me-Kwa-Mooks Park -3.4 tide

June 12 Sat 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Course #52940 Activity Fee: Adult $8 / Child $6

Beaver Life on Longfellow Creek

Ages 1 and older

Did you realize we have beaver living in our own backyards? Yup, they are doing their beaver thing on Longfellow Creek. After many years’ absence they have returned to fill their role in nature. Come and learn how beavers actually improve the habitat that they live in, naturally. Please register by June 18 by calling 206-684-7434.

Location: Longfellow Creek at the trailhead of Juneau and 25th Ave SW

June 19 Sat 8-9:30 p.m.

Course #52943 Activity Fee: Adult $8 / Child $6


Ages 2-3 w/adult

Adults, explore the wonders of nature with your 2-3 year old tots. Discover life in the pond, forest, and field. Make new friends. Please arrive 10 minutes before class time and wear weatherproof clothing. Up to two children can be registered with one adult. No strollers please.

Wings and Things

June 8 Tue 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Please register by June 6 by calling 206-684-7434.

Course #52923 Activity Fee: $7 for child/adult and $3.50 for each additional person.

Tide Pool Treasures

Meet at Me-Kwa-Mooks

June 15 Tue 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Please register by June 14 by calling 206-684-7434.

Course #52924 Activity Fee: $7 for child/adult and $3.50 for each additional person.

Animal Daddies!

June 20 Sun 1-2 p.m.

Please register by June 19 by calling 206-684-7434.

Course #52926 Activity Fee: $7 for child/adult and $3.50 for each additional person.


Camp Long Third Saturday Work Parties

Ages 8 and older

Begin a family legacy at Camp Long by restoring native habitat in the park. Spring is a perfect time for restoration and cleanup. Make new friends while preserving the future for yourselves, your children, the animals and the native plants. Reserve your place by calling 206-684-7434 or 206-423-0762

Construct a Brush and Rock Habitat Pile FREE

Create a nice condo for many of our native animals: garter snakes, salamanders, ground-nesting birds and butterflies. Later, come back to visit the creatures that take up residence. This plan can be adapted to any backyard space.

June 19 Sat 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police searching for Admiral burglars

Thanks to those who’ve contacted us to ask about a police search under way in North Admiral. We checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James, who says it started as a 911 call about “2 suspicious males” spotted behind a house in the 1500 block of 44th SW (map). Police made one arrest at the scene after discovering a house had been burglarized; Lt. James says a male and female fled and haven’t been arrested yet, but “the suspects are known to the officers.”

First Fauntleroy, now Admiral? SDOT studying ‘rechannelization’

In the comment section following our original coverage of Thursday’s bicycle-car collision on Admiral Way by The Bridge, Stu Hennessey from Alki Bike and Board wrote that this week’s Sustainable West Seattle Community Forum on bicycling had been told a “road diet” is in the works for that stretch of Admiral – a “rechannelization” as happened last year along Fauntleroy Way between Morgan Junction and The Triangle. We followed up with SDOT, whose communications director Rick Sheridan confirms that a study is under way:

SDOT is currently reviewing SW Admiral Way between SW Olga St and SW Spokane St for a possible reconfiguration of its lanes. Our primary goal is to find a way to make the roadway safer for all users, especially with the high rates of speed currently seen on Admiral. We are seeking to determine whether a rechannelization would enhance safety and also maintain current traffic volumes. Changes to the lane configuration might also provide SDOT the opportunity to better support pedestrians, bicycles and transit along this street.

Our comprehensive study of the roadway should be completed this summer. We will share additional information about this effort with roadway users, area residents and community groups once the study is complete.

If the cross-street names aren’t familiar, that’s the entire stretch that was closed during yesterday’s investigation – the Admiral Way “hill” from The Bridge to just before the hilltop curve.

Alki pump-station project aftermath: Bus-stop changes

A WSB’er e-mailed to ask if we’d heard anything about the fate of the bus stops lost during the 2 years of 53rd Avenue Pump Station expansion on Alki. We checked with King County Department of Transportation‘s Linda Thielke, who replied:

The SDOT will reinstall the bus stops on Alki Avenue Southwest at 53rd Avenue Southwest for Metro. This work is estimated to be completed at the end of June when SDOT crews will be available to restore the stops. In the interim, temporary bus stops will be placed at Alki Avenue SW & 53rd Avenue SW by Metro as soon as possible and before the end of the month of May.

In conjunction with the permanent reinstallation of the stops at 53rd, SDOT has asked Metro to permanently close the (Alki) bus stops at 55th Avenue Southwest and (at) Bonair Drive Southwest. This is to conform with Metro & SDOT’s bus stop spacing standards of one-quarter mile between bus stops. Rider Alerts will be posted at 55th & Bonair prior to the closure.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Tale of two stolen cars

Just out of the WSB inbox, from a crime victim who wants to be anonymous:

Our light blue, four door, 1994 Honda Accord (plate # 581-VNC) was stolen out of our driveway last night between 11pm and 8 am this morning. Reported to SPD. We live in 3700 block of Thistle [map].

There is some hope – earlier this week, Heidi posted on our Facebook wall that her car had been stolen from 25th SW/Cloverdale (map), in a “gated” lot; before we could mention it here, she got word it had been found: “It was found in Burien off 122nd, apparently reported in the neighborhood as suspiciously circling several times and was called in, and they got him.”