Update: Car down 48th/Dakota slope, 1 to hospital

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, substituted 6:46 pm for photo that was here since 6:11 pm)
ORIGINAL 6 PM REPORT: Big response for a “heavy rescue” at 48th/Dakota (map). Word from Christopher Boffoli, who’s just gotten to the scene, is that a vehicle’s gone over an embankment and the driver may have to be extricated (which is what “heavy rescue” usually means). (Thanks to Sheri for early word of this.) 6:04 PM: Scanner says one person’s been extricated and will go to the hospital via Medic (unit) 32. Many of the emergency units have been canceled. 6:19 PM: The rest of the emergency units have been cleared to leave. From Katie, who’s been to the scene, the description of the “embankment” is, “steep embankment into someone’s back yard. Sidewalk, then steep drop off into yard and from alley.” Katie also sent this photo:

At the scene, a tow crew’s getting ready to bring the car up the slope. [Added 6:55 pm – this shot from Christopher shows the perspective from the street – you can see how low the aforementioned house sits]

6:28 PM: The car’s up and the area’s open to traffic again. 6:42 PM: Side note – As Denise reminds us via Facebook, this area also had a major crash response a week and a half ago, on the day when West Seattle had 4 notable crashes in the span of 90 minutes (here’s our story from that afternoon). No word so far exactly what led to tonight’s crash, nor do we know the condition of the person taken to the hospital. 7:20 PM: Summary from Christopher, who was at the scene within minutes – this is what he learned from authorities and witnesses:

Single male driver came down Dakota at a high rate of speed. Struck a stationary vehicle. Neighbors heard the crash and ran out to help. One of them happened to be a nurse at HMC. The man was unconscious but the car was still running and in gear. They banged on the window to wake him but he was unresponsive. The car ended up rolling backward across the street and went down a steep embankment. Fire crews tore the roof off the car to extract the still unconscious man who is being transported to HMC.

12 Replies to "Update: Car down 48th/Dakota slope, 1 to hospital"

  • Patrick February 13, 2010 (6:08 pm)

    LOTS of lights and LOTS of attention…I am on 46th and can see it all out of my window.

  • Renee February 13, 2010 (6:10 pm)

    Wow, there seemed to be quite a few emergency vehicles driving up and down the surrounding streets. It was almost as if they didn’t know how to find their destination.

  • Diane February 13, 2010 (6:12 pm)

    What embankment is on that corner? I live one house from the corner but I am not home now.

  • Dakota February 13, 2010 (6:21 pm)

    Diane, the car is actually in the middle of the block, between 47th and 48th, facing down Dakota on the right side of the street.

  • Erik February 13, 2010 (6:46 pm)

    Anyone see what actually happened?

  • Todd February 13, 2010 (7:06 pm)

    wow, hope they are ok.. seem to be a lot of accidents these days

  • jm February 13, 2010 (7:12 pm)

    Yikes! Doesn’t the transport via a medic unit (instead of a white ambulance) signify life threatening injuries?

    • WSB February 13, 2010 (7:20 pm)

      The driver was unconscious, according to a synopsis from Christopher that I’m about to add to the story. Med units are “more serious” than a private (AMR) ambulance but doesn’t necessarily mean mega-serious.

  • wsmom February 13, 2010 (7:28 pm)

    What kind of car is this, is it a Jetta?

  • WSB February 13, 2010 (7:33 pm)

    My co-publisher, who was at the scene as well (a while after Christopher got there), says Chevy of some kind.

  • Gina February 13, 2010 (11:10 pm)

    Used to live in that neighborhood–HUGE drop into that backyard. There used to be a giant laurel hedge along that side.

  • Glenda February 14, 2010 (3:21 pm)

    Gina – we live near there now. We nicknamed this neighbor “the man who hates all vegetation” since he ripped out all the trees, laurels, grass, etc. But he did keep a stump in place just in case “a car might try to drive into his house” so that was some foresight on his part.

    A big shout out to WS Blog. We were on a long walk to Alki when we saw all the sirens driving past on the bridge. We pulled up the Seattle Fire callout on our iphones and discovered it was all going to our neighborhood. It was the WS blog online that told us what was really going on, so we really thank WS Blog for always being so on top of things. It was really helpful to know when we were unable to run home and check on things.

    Hoping the driver will be ok.

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