A little investment can have a big payoff – and that goes for time, not just for money. Reps from the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council are hopeful their extra investment of several hours at a retreat last weekend will pay off in more progress for their group and their neighborhoods. Among those who participated, Pete Spalding, who shares this recap (as well as the photo above):
The Delridge Neighborhoods District Council (DNDC) invited various leaders from the neighborhood communities, people of color communities and social service providers to learn about their interests and participate in 1) developing a vision for Delridge, discussing how to build the vision 2) capacity challenges for leaders and volunteers; 3) ensure equitable participation in the DNDC; and 4) strengthen its voice in government forums.
The results of the retreat will inform the development of the DNDC strategic plan with short- and long-term goals.
The participants in the retreat dealt with the these topics:
1) Envision what a vibrant Delridge Neighborhoods community would look like
2) Discuss how to build strong leadership capacity with groups in Delridge
3) Discuss how to build strong volunteer bases for projects such as Delridge Day and Gathering of Neighbors
4) Discuss how to promote fair and equitable participation in the DNDC
5) Discuss how to make the DNDC a stronger voice in the community and with City governmentThe focus areas for ongoing discussions by the DNDC will involve:
1) Strengthen the TRUST relationship with local government and its many layers and agencies
2) Create and promote a Delridge neighborhood and community identity
3) Develop business associations to spur economic development
4) Create or maximize places and events where diverse groups can come together to build trust and reciprocity
5) Promote a green Delridge
6) Conduct outreach and serve populations that cross class, ethnicity and cultural lines and communities
7) Strengthen the schools
8) Create a boulevard feelOver the course of the next few DNDC meetings, this disucssion will continue in different forms. Anyone that is interested in participating in this ongoing discussion is always welcome at the DNDC meetings. The DNDC meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month, 7 – 9 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center.