White Center/West Seattle fave Full Tilt Ice Cream expands again

It’s been hinted at for a while but today, the formal announcement – Full Tilt Ice Cream is adding a third location, this time in the University District. The news release from proprietor Justin Cline is headed, “Full Tilt Set to Take Over the World. ” They opened in White Center in summer 2008, then in Columbia City earlier this year. Their new location will be at 4759 Brooklyn Avenue NE (map), with January 5th set as opening day. They also are announcing a new partnership with Cafe Vita for not just coffee, but also a special ice-cream flavor for all stores, and they’re adding “more vegan treats” – four vegan flavors and “a variety of vegan baked goods.”

7 Replies to "White Center/West Seattle fave Full Tilt Ice Cream expands again"

  • westseattledood December 22, 2009 (4:55 pm)

    Go for it Anne and Justin!

  • Karen December 22, 2009 (4:55 pm)

    Good for them…didn’t know about the Columbia City locale . . . they could be the first business to start in White Center . . . a long way from when Dillatante was embarassed to let people know that their outlet store was in the White Center space years ago.

  • Meghan December 23, 2009 (7:33 am)

    Good for them! White Center is turning in to one of the most interesting neighborhoods in the city. Whenever I have out of town guests, I take them to WC to shop. They always say what a unique, “exotic” experience it is – like a trip to a different country! Such an international flair. I just hope it keeps up!

  • dawsonct December 23, 2009 (11:24 am)

    Vegans come in FOUR flavors!!?? YUM!!

  • FullTilt December 23, 2009 (1:34 pm)

    Vegans come in many different flavors. Some flavors of vegans just wont work, and so we are going to skip the patchouli flavored ones.

  • Erin Pascal December 23, 2009 (5:25 pm)

    Goodluck to them. The building they are going into has had three different businesses for each of the spaces within it. Except for the Cedars Restaurant space. Not to be pessimistic, but Full Tilt is going to have to be REALLY compelling if they want to pull people to that area.

  • mary cline mendenhall December 31, 2009 (11:47 am)

    Hey Justin this is aunt Mary Beth, Cinnamon and Kelly would love to hear from you.get in touch still in old vincennes call ron for numbers.

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