day : 03/10/2009 12 results

Seattle Lutheran High School Homecoming 2009

October 3, 2009 11:54 pm
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So the game didn’t turn out so great – Friday Harbor 56, Seattle Lutheran 0 – but it was a beautiful day for SLHS Homecoming at West Seattle Stadium. Even before the game – there was the decorating, and the tailgating:

Then during the game, the cheering:

And even a visit by musicians from one of West Seattle’s two other high schools – the Chief Sealth High School Band:

Hours earlier, by the way, they’d won an award at the Issaquah Salmon Days Parade. But back to Seattle Lutheran. You can’t have a homecoming game without the court:

And the king and queen – Anna Foy and Drew Burza. (With them on the court, fellow seniors Hannah Jacobs, Alysha Mason, Kelsey Shaw, Nick Jones, Mindon Win; juniors Jake Nigon and Kaitlyn Morrison; sophomores Ashley Shaw and Colin O’Brien; freshmen Katie Fleming and Alex Coy.)

A few words about the game, covered by co-publisher Patrick: The Saints’ opponents were a much larger and more physical Friday Harbor team. They put together a few good drives, but got beaten back whenever it seemed the momentum was going their way. The game also saw a couple of SLHS players get injured on back to back plays. Next week, Seattle Lutheran has a

A pressing matter: North Delridge cider celebration

October 3, 2009 11:00 pm
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That’s Cooper Margell with the fresh-pressed cider, in one of the photos his mom Holli Margell from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council has just shared: Today NDNC invited neighbors far and near to the annual Ciderpress, held at the home of neighbor Karl, shown here with the press:

Holli says visitors came from as far away as Highland Park, and adds, “It was a lot less work than I expected, and the returns are delicious. Not to mention the fun of meeting a neat neighbor, Karl, and seeing his amazing garden!” NDNC, by the way, meets the first Wednesday of each month, so that’s this coming Wednesday, October 7, 6:30 pm, Delridge Library.

Message from a survivor: Team Tracy looks ahead to 3Day 2010

October 3, 2009 9:28 pm
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As children of mothers lost to cancer, both of your WSB co-publishers especially appreciate those on the front lines of the fight to vanquish it – including so many in West Seattle, like the well-known West Seattle-based Breast Cancer 3Day group shown above, Team Tracy. The team’s namesake Tracy Dart is a young breast-cancer survivor. She has a challenge for you, and anyone else who sees this:

The 2010 3 Day event in Seattle is one year away. September 24-26th, 2010. I thought, why not start early in recruiting our team. Team Tracy will be back in full force this year. This past year 10 of us raised over $27,000 for Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Breast Cancer Trust.

As a whole, the Seattle 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk raised $5.5 million dollars. Not too shabby! BUT, attendance was down this year in Seattle, and we raise $3 Million less than we did in 2008. This year, I want to grow our team…and I’m inviting any West Seattlites (and beyond) to be a part of it! So many times I hear people say that they have always wanted to participate in the event, but they didn’t have anyone to walk with. That excuse can officially be kicked out the door.

So this is my call to action…as a survivor of this nasty disease…I don’t intend on lying down and waiting for someone else to raise the money. If I want to see a cure in my lifetime – I feel like we need to bring out the big guns NOW! The time is NOW – and we will not give up hope that a cure is in sight. I am setting the bar high, and I want Team Tracy to raise $60,000 this year. More importantly I want to get more people involved in this life changing 3 days – men, women, anyone 16 years of age and older, active folks, couch potatoes, vitamen takers, beer drinkers…we don’t discriminate. Here are a few reasons why I think people should get involved…

Washington State has the highest rate of Breast Cancer in the country. 2.4 million women in the United States are currently diagnosed and being treated for Breast Cancer. 40,000 women will die this year from this disease! The recurrence rate of Breast Cancer is high and normally happens within the first 3 to 5 years.

I pray that I won’t be part of that recurrence statistic…but I also know that it is a very real threat! If that day comes, I want to have no doubt in my mind that I did EVERYTHING in my power to make a difference…that I got everyone I know involved in finding a cure…and that we raised as much money as we could…to help my chances of survival – and the chances of survival for thousands of other women and men.

I’m asking for anyone who has thought about walking, to make the commitment. And I know it’s a doozie! 60 miles is a haul…and raising $2300 is no chump change. But you have a year – to train, fundraise and be a part of something HUGE!

To learn more about the Breast Cancer 3 Day, CLICK HERE!
If you have questions about the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk and joining Team Tracy – e-mail TEAM TRACY at

Side note: Tracy manages the new West Seattle store Cherry Consignment (featured in this WSB story), which is donating 10 percent of sale prices to the 3Day this month (which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month) – read more about that on Facebook.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Alki afternoon

Quite the breeze out of the north, late this afternoon – Alki looked more like an open-ocean beach than protected waters. Matching the wave energy, music and rhythm energy by the Bathhouse:

Eric Wilson was offering a round of his “Fitness Rhythms” to anybody who cared to join in – like the little guy in the foreground. And in conjunction with the Vedic Cultural Center‘s “Dance for Peace” nearby, a Jagannath Ratha-Yatra religious procession made its way along the water-side Alki sidewalk:

That was one of two religious processions we covered today – though this one was without advance notice; we just happened by – our story on the other one, the Holy Rosary centennial procession to St. John the Baptist, is coming up.

West Seattle gets buzzed: Military helicopters’ flyby

Thanks to Daniel for the photo from Sunrise Heights; we were in Morgan Junction when we spotted the four choppers approaching from the southwest (checking to see if our Flip video is worth using). It was a Washington Army National Guard flyby for the Mariners’ pregame, per TV. ADDED 6:23 PM: Here’s our (distant – Flip doesn’t zoom) video:

West Seattle scenes: Food-drive helper; statue visitor

October 3, 2009 4:48 pm
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We stopped by one of the Prudential NW food drive spots – West Seattle Thriftway – just intending to get a photo to add to the advance blurb published this morning, but Kristi Freeburg and helper Audrey made such a cute picture, we’re showcasing them separately. Audrey was there to make a point: Local food banks need pet food donations too. The Prudential drive is over but you can help the local food banks any time – follow the links: West Seattle Food Bank and White Center Food Bank. Meantime, here’s a photo you could caption “Bird’s Eye View from Nerd’s Eye View”:

Gatewood author/artist Pam Mandel (best known for her site Nerd’s Eye View) shared that photo taken at Alki.

West Seattle Garden Tour now seeking next year’s gardens

We’re still more than nine months away from next year’s West Seattle Garden Tour, but the gardens for next year are chosen much sooner – and organizers are inviting more people to apply right now, since they tour prospects during October. (The photo above is used by permission of WSGT, showing one of last year’s highlighted gardens.) This page on the WSGT website has more info on the tour and how to find out if your garden might qualify.

Happening now: Mozzarella-making, and more cheesiness

Grocery stores have lots of food demos and promotions, but the Metropolitan Market “For the Love of Cheese” event fascinated us because we heard directly from Molly in the cheese department, who’d been working for a long time helping plan and prepare for the big event, particularly the demonstrations yesterday and today. Above, that’s Molly, showing how they make hand-pulled mozzarrella, which MM manager Brad Halverson says is unique to their markets in this area. Our video is from Friday afternoon, but you’ll find cheese demos, samples and specials there this afternoon too:

Demos continue till 5 pm – schedule is here.

8 days till Eat Local Now! – check out the chef/food lineup now!

October 3, 2009 2:05 pm
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Eight days till the October 11th Eat Local Now! dinner/auction/entertainment event at Alki Masonic Hall, with co-presenters including Sustainable West Seattle and CoolMom, and co-sponsors including WSB. Kate Kaemerle shares the latest on WHOSE food you’ll be eating at Eat Local Now! – check it out:

The featured chefs include many West Seattle favorites, including:

Toby Matasar – Eats Market Cafe
Tony Kurzinski – Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor)
Dalis Chea – Fresh Bistro
Hajime Sato – Mashiko
Nance Tourigny
Bill Taylor
Maria Gonzalez
Brad Glaberson

Local food providers include New Roots Organics, 21 Acres Farm, Beechers Handmade Cheese, Boistfort Valley Farm, Field Roast Grain Meats, Full Circle Farm, Helsing Junction Farm, Jubilee Farm, Lazy Locavores, Local Roots Farm, Plum Forest, SPUD! and Theo Chocolates. Local beer, wine and cider will be available at a cash bar from Elliott Bay Brewery, Georgetown Brewery, Bainbridge Winery and Rockridge Cidery.

The evening includes dinner, speakers active in the local-food movement, exhibitors, a silent auction, music and dancing. It’s an opportunity to enjoy a locally produced dinner while celebrating the people who grow, cook and support the local food movement.

Tickets for 2009 Eat Local Now! are available online at or Brown Paper Tickets at 800-838-3006 or or at the door. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children under 10.

Alki Masonic Hall is in The Junction, 41st/Edmunds. See you there!

West Seattle traffic alert: Truck trouble, bridge ramp blocked

Thanks to Victoria and Thomas for sending word that a truck is stuck under the bridge by Luna Park; Thomas included the photo. We’re heading over to figure out exactly what’s blocked, but in the meantime, good area to avoid. 10:44 AM UPDATE: The truck is blocking the ramp where you turn either southbound from Harbor or northbound from Avalon to go toward the eastbound West Seattle Bridge (here’s a map). Some of its wheels are up on a concrete barrier. So if you need to get to The Bridge, don’t go that way, TFN. 11:02 AM UPDATE: We just took these pics for a closer look. No word so far how long till this will be cleared:

11:29 AM: Heading back over to see if it’s cleared yet. Meantime, note other traffic challenges around the area, as discussed in comments. The Viaduct has reopened, though, just got word on that. And thanks again to everyone who sends tips – which in turn help many other people – please check our contact options and consider storing in your cell phone/smartphone/etc. whichever one would be easiest for you to use whenever you have something to report. 1:32 PM UPDATE: The scene is now clear and you can get to the ramp from either direction.

Happening now: Food drive, rummage sale, cider, solar …

October 3, 2009 10:26 am
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We’re heading out to take pics that we’ll subsequently add, but for now, a few “happening now” highlights from the West Seattle Weekend Lineup:

FOOD DRIVE: Prudential NW has reps at five area grocery stores till 2 pm today to collect donations for local food banks: Admiral, Jefferson Square and Roxbury Safeways, West Seattle Thriftway, White Center Albertson’s.

RUMMAGE SALE: The Westside UU’s are having their big sale at the Masonic Hall in The Junction (41st/Edmunds) till 3 pm.

NORTH DELRIDGE CIDER PRESS: Happening till 3 pm – you’re welcome with or without apples to contribute. Location and other info here.

SOLAR TOUR: Sun-powered facilities all over the state are on display till 4 pm – including half a dozen in West Seattle (here’s the list – it’s a self-guided tour).

Even more here!

Reminder: Alaskan Way Viaduct closure this morning

More Saturday previews a bit later, but first, one last reminder: The Alaskan Way Viaduct is scheduled to be closed in both directions 8:15-11:30 am for the Puget Sound Heart Walk. (And if you’re heading back west on The Bridge, watch for an unrelated lane closure today.)