West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
CHIEF SEALTH JAZZ BAND CAR WASH FRIDAY: Just got word that a fundraising car wash for the Chief Sealth High School Jazz Band is happening Friday afternoon. From Monica Kenny:
The forecast for this weekend is sunny, is your car ready? Bring it to the Chief Sealth Jazz Band car wash fundraiser and let us do the dirty work! Friday, September 25th from 3-5PM in the parking lot at Sealth @ Boren (5950 Delridge Way SW).
Here’s the Chief Sealth Music website; here’s a map to the car-wash location.
WSHS GRAD NIGHT FUNDRAISING BOOKFAIR NEXT 3 DAYS: West Seattle High School Grad Night 2010 will get up to 15 percent of the proceeds of any purchase Friday-Saturday-Sunday at any Barnes and Noble (not online) if you use Voucher 10001295 – this was provided through WSHS but we’re told you can also give the number at the register and it’ll count.
Followup on the search for “Londey,” the beloved bear whose disappearance broke the hearts of a local family because he was a gift from a relative who died this summer (as explained here): He’s home! Just got this note from Rebekah, along with the photo at left. She wrote, “I just thought I’d pass on the update. LONDEY HAS BEEN FOUND! This morning we received a call from Alki Cafe! Please enjoy this photo of Luka slathering her Londey Bear with kisses after they were reunited. Thank you so much for posting our story. We love West Seattle so much.”
From last night’s meeting of the West Seattle Junction Parking Project Committee (photo left): 19 months after first word of the parking study in the greater Junction area, SDOT has one more recommendation (besides the announcement two months ago that pay stations would NOT be suggested: The city is now proposing adding 2-hour zones in several spots, including most of California SW between Edmunds and Dawson, 44th SW between Edmunds and Alaska, a section of California north of Genesee, much of 42nd between Alaska and Oregon, the south half of 41st between Alaska and Oregon, and the south side of Alaska between 40th and 41st. In addition, two blocks of 1-hour zones on Alaska between 36th and 38th would be changed from 1-hour zones to 2-hour zones. A rough-draft map was shown at last night’s meeting as well as a West Seattle Junction Association meeting earlier in the day; project manager Dante Taylor says an official version of the map is in the works right now so it can be shared publicly as soon as possible. He told the group that the message emerging from the Junction parking study was a need for consistent time limits on parking – and this would be a way of achieving that. The city found that most people who come to The Junction are there for no more than three hours. This still doesn’t address the major concern of residents in the residential zones along 41st and 42nd between Alaska and Oregon – daytime parking taken up by workers from nearby construction projects, for example – so they remain interested in Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) deployment; the Junction Neighborhood Organization and Junction Association will need to discuss possible boundaries and hours, it was noted. Next step: The proposal is scheduled to be presented at the Southwest District Council‘s next meeting, 7 pm October 7th, board room at South Seattle Community College; more background info is available on the project’s official website.
Again this fall, three “Blessing of the Animals” events are scheduled in West Seattle – in case you haven’t seen them on the Events calendar yet, we’re mentioning them here since they’re just a little more than a week away: Providence Mount St. Vincent, 10:30 am October 3rd (meet in the front lobby); Alki UCC, special service 10 am October 4th (sanctuary); St. John the Baptist, noon October 4th in the nearby West Seattle High School parking lot. (Photo above is from St. John’s event last year.) All are open to any and all pets and their owners. Blessings are scheduled in many places around the country/world in honor of the feast day for St. Francis of Assisi (patron saint of animals), which is Oct. 4th this year.
That’s the trailer for “Happy Feet,” which is the feature for Family Movie Night outdoors at Schmitz Park Elementary tomorrow – raising money for the 4th Grade Islandwood Program Fund. $3 per person, with kids 3 and under are free (but “no dropoffs,” the school asks). “Doors open” at 6 – bring a chair and/or blanket – and in addition to the admission fee, money for concessions, 50 cents to $2, including hot dogs, popcorn, candy, water, soda and hot chocolate. Here’s a map to the school. (Thanks to Tony for the tip!)
Thanks to Alki photographer Pete R. for sharing photos of a baby harbor seal resting on a float off shore. As we have mentioned here recently, West Seattle-based Seal Sitters say seal-pup season is now in full swing, and ask everyone to be extra careful when these babies turn up – onshore or offshore – taking a break while their moms go off in search of food. Seal Sitters are tracking some of the visitors on their website (read the stories here); that’s also where you can find out what to do if you happen onto a seal that no one’s guarding yet!
With a couple weeks gone by since the one-month Delridge Produce Cooperative “Mobile Market” experiment, DPC invites you to a party tonight to announce results of the survey conducted during the mobile produce-stand pilot project – and to celebrate the community’s support and involvement. A reminder from DPC leader Galena White:
We’re having a party tonight from 7-9 pm at Delridge Community Center to thank the volunteers, attendees, and donors for all their help with the ‘Mobile Market.’ Our main attraction of the evening will be the revealing of the results of our 525-person survey, but we’ll also have a band and dessert and free tote bags. Please let people know to come – it’s free!
We’ve gotten alerts from both Metro and SDOT, so for everyone who drives along 4th into downtown, we’re sharing word of work that starts on Monday and its potential effects – read on:Read More
Imagine revisiting your high school AND elementary school in the same day, greeted as a returning hero. That’s what astronaut (US Navy Ret.) Capt. Gregory Johnson has experienced today – after his speech at the West Seattle High School Foundation breakfast (here’s our coverage, with video), he went on to speak late this morning at Schmitz Park Elementary, where a jampacked lunchroom heard him reminisce about – among other things – being on the playground when the 1965 earthquake hit. Johnson was hailed as an example that “you can be ANYTHING you want” really is more than a platitude.
It may have been most noteworthy because so many other Seattle political forums/debates seem rather tame and pleasant, seldom much discernible disagreement, and when disagreement is voiced, it’s voiced relatively softly. But not in the Seattle City Attorney debate that just wrapped up before the West Seattle Democratic Women. This event frequently erupted with disagreement and accusations – with challenger Pete Holmes‘ criticism of incumbent Tom Carr (photo left) often meeting with Carr retorting that what Holmes had just said was wrong or distorted. Points on which they disagreed included the fate of domestic-violence advocates in the City Attorney’s Office – Carr alleged that Holmes wants to cut the jobs, Holmes says they should be “independent” and separate from the office so they can better advocate for the victims; he also expressed concern about “no-contact” orders in potential misdemeanor domestic-violence cases, where he suggested things might be blown out of proportion – after that, Carr said Holmes’ answer “scared (him).” They also disagreed over the need for a new jail to handle city misdemeanor offenders — Carr isn’t sure it can be avoided (but says his office has worked hard to reduce the need for one), Holmes believes it can. We’ll add more details later – you’ll also see stories elsewhere, as reporters from the Seattle Times (WSB partner), Seattle Weekly, and The Stranger were here as well. Meantime, WSDW members voted on endorsements after the debate, and in the City Attorney’s race, they backed Carr; they didn’t issue endorsements in all races, but in the ones where they did – for County Executive, Dow Constantine; Sally Bagshaw for council position 4; Rob Holland for Port Commission; and they’d already endorsed Jessie Israel for council position 6. ADDED: Video from the closing statements by Pete Holmes and Tom Carr – including some of the aforementioned tension (Carr begins his clip by saying he’s “flabbergasted” at what you’ll hear Holmes say in the first clip):
The Weekly has published its story here, with more on the domestic-violence advocate issue we mentioned above. ADDED SATURDAY: Holmes alleged during the debate that Carr’s office had sent someone to jail for stealing a can of tuna. Carr just sent us a note saying he’d checked into the claim and has published his side of the story on his website.
Renae Gaines, who coordinates the Southwest Healthy Youth Partnership, a community group working to fight drinking and other dangerous choices among young people, forwards news that 15-year-old Nick Barnes, killed by alcohol after a Lewis County party last weekend, had attended Madison Middle School here in West Seattle. Here’s the Seattle Times (WSB partner) story about the incident. A schoolwide note shared by Renae says many at Madison knew Nick well, and asks for thoughts and prayers on behalf of his family. You can get involved in the West Seattle group’s work to help local kids avoid this kind of deadly danger – its next meeting is 6 pm next Tuesday, Sept. 29, at the Madison library (3429 45th SW).
SWINERY FOLLOWUP: Wonder what food writers have to say about The Swinery? Seattle Times (WSB partner) food writer Nancy Leson has a followup on West Seattle’s hottest food news of the week; see it here (she includes WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli‘s video from opening day, too).
DJ’S FOOD DRIVE: Via Twitter, Shawn Stewart from The Mountain radio (@askthemd) wanted to let you know that she’ll be at the new Junction QFC collecting donations for West Seattle Food Bank this Saturday, 1 pm-3 pm, with giveaways including free concert tickets.
BUDGET HEARINGS: The City Council has just announced the dates/times for three budget hearings. If there’s something you want to make sure the city spends $ on – or doesn’t cut – or DOES cut, for that matter – be there. All three hearings start at 5:30 pm; none are in West Seattle: 10/7 at Whitman Middle School (9201 15th NW), 10/14 at NW African American Museum (2300 S. Massachusetts); 10/26 at City Hall downtown.
Not sure if it’s planned work or unscheduled outage but we just drove through California/Edmunds and the light’s out, crews are working, and an officer is directing traffic – so if you head that way, may take you a bit longer than usual.
Back from the second annual West Seattle High School Foundation Back-to-School Breakfast – first one with an astronaut alumnus: Posing in the library pre-breakfast in the top photo, it’s Class of ’72 Capt. Gregory Johnson, with (from left) School Board members Michael DeBell and Steve Sundquist, WSHS alum and King County Council Chair Dow Constantine, WSHS principal Bruce Bivins, and district Chief Academic Officer Dr. Susan Enfield. During the event, Capt. Johnson presented Bivins with the jersey that he took up on shuttle Atlantis last May, signed by staffers who were at WSHS more than a year ago when the jersey was given to him in preparation for the trip:
With Johnson and Bivins, that’s Dick Lee holding the framed jersey, which two student volunteers then carried around the room so breakfast-goers could get a closer look. Asked if he’s going up in space again, Johnson said not on the shuttle, maybe to the International Space Station, or maybe he’ll go back to being a NASA test pilot. We’ll add video from the morning’s festivities and Capt. Johnson’s remarks, including his reply to the question “Do you believe in UFOs?”. (Added 10:26 am: Here are three clips, starting with his answer to that question.)
Johnson also was asked what’s ahead for the space program itself:
Earlier, WSHS band musicians played the fight song to welcome breakfast arrivals:
Purpose of this morning’s event: Fundraising to help get more tools to WSHS and its students, like an interactive “smart board” classroom-participation system shown off during the breakfast. By the way, Capt. Johnson visits one of his other local alma maters, Schmitz Park Elementary, later this morning, during what he called his “hometown visit.” ADDED: Thanks to WSHS Foundation president Christy Rowe for sharing this photo of the ’72 alums in attendance Thursday morning:
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Why take on a 3-term incumbent City Councilmember who also happens to be the council’s current president? Our first video clip (above) includes High Point resident David Ginsberg‘s explanation of why he’s running against Richard Conlin; Ginsberg was one of nine candidates for Council, Mayor and Port Commission who appeared at the Highland Park Action Committee‘s candidates’ forum last night at HP Improvement Club.
Also notable in Ginsberg’s speech: He went into more detail about development/land use than other candidates, suggesting the entire land-use code should be thrown out, possibly replaced by a “smart code.”
The lineup ultimately featured no incumbents – Conlin hadn’t been on the RSVP list, but Councilmember Nick Licata had – he canceled at the very last minute (first sending a text message saying he was running late, then that he couldn’t make it; his opponent Jessie Israel hadn’t planned to attend). Another notable no-show: mayoral candidate Joe Mallahan, whose campaign spokesperson told us via Twitter that he had another commitment in Southeast Seattle.
Mallahan’s opponent, Mike McGinn, was also headed last night to a SE Seattle event — inbetween the Highland Park forum and his earlier “town hall” gathering at High Point Library (WSB coverage here). In our clip from his speech, he talks a bit about one of his highest-profile positions – opposition to the deep-bored tunnel replacement plan for the Alaskan Way Viaduct‘s Central Waterfront section:
When local pilot Long Nguyen sent a few more West Seattle aerials the other day, we knew this one would be perfect for today’s preview mentioning that the Westwood Neighborhood Council is meeting for the first time in several months – what you see above (click for a larger view) is Westwood Village in the foreground, with Southwest Athletic Complex, Southwest Community Center, and the Sealth-Denny project beyond. SWCC (2801 SW Thistle) is where the WNC is meeting tonight, 7 pm; here’s the flyer. What should be in the Seattle Public Schools 2010 levy measure? Be at Madison Middle School (3429 45th SW) at 6:30 pm to discuss. More politics today too – West Seattle Democratic Women present a debate between City Attorney Tom Carr and challenger Pete Holmes during their 11:30 am lunch meeting at West Seattle Golf Course (4470 35th SW); call 206-938-5706 this morning to see if there’s still room. And tonight’s the High Point Library (35th/Raymond) reading by “Crow Planet” author Lyanda Lynn Haupt (6:30 pm). Even more on the WSB Events calendar – see for yourself here.
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