Want a $100,000 discount on the price of your first home?

Prospective first-time homebuyers are invited to a Homestead Community Land Trust Q/A session in White Center tomorrow. The official flyer (see it here) focuses on help for first-time homebuyers in White Center, but Laura Evans with Homestead tells WSB, “We also can help with purchasing home in West Seattle or South Park or anywhere else in the City.” Homestead offers $100,000 to first-time homebuyers at certain income levels (listed on the flyer) in exchange for a commitment that, “when you sell your home, you will sell it at an affordable price to another homebuyer on their way to achieving their dream.” Tomorrow’s info-session is at 5:30 pm at the King County Library‘s White Center branch, 11220 16th SW; call 206.323.1227 to RSVP. If you can’t make it, Evans says there’ll be an informational session on Beacon Hill on August 23 (more info here).

2 Replies to "Want a $100,000 discount on the price of your first home?"

  • Tonya Hennen August 12, 2009 (3:48 pm)

    This is a well-run and wonderful program that expands homeownership while creating a legacy of affordable housing. These folks are a pleasure to work with and great advocates for the owners they serve. Check them out!

  • aunteesocial August 12, 2009 (6:25 pm)

    I bought my home using this program and would urge any first time home buyer to look into this. It may not be as profitable in terms of investment return as buying a home outright, but it far surpasses renting and you create permanently affordable housing for future residents of Seattle.
    I went to one about 5 years ago, decided to try to do it on my own (futile) and checked it out again a year later. I did more research, applied, got the grant and am happily living in my house now.
    They will soon be celebrating their 50th home in Seattle- sometime this fall I believe.
    Worth checking out their info-session for sure!

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