BENEFIT HAIRCUTS: Starting at 9 am, proceeds from haircuts done today at Christopher’s Salon in Morgan Junction (7009 California SW) will go toward helping the owner with medical bills from a recent health crisis. Tickets also are being sold for a benefit raffle; the drawing is now set for September 7. (10:45 am note: We have gone to the salon twice since 9 am and no one is there – it’s closed – not sure what’s going on, but if you are interested in helping, call before you go to see if they’re open – 932-1760.)
“REINVENT YOURSELF” WORKSHOP: Seven local entrepreneurs are presenting this event (a WSB sponsor) starting at 8:45 today at Merrill Gardens (also a WSB sponsor; 4611 35th SW). If you didn’t register in advance, you can do so at the door – full details here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm as always – here’s what’s on the Ripe and Ready list this week.
LAST DAY BEFORE LIBRARY SHUTDOWN: After today, Seattle Public Library branches are closed for a week because of city budget cuts, followed by the Labor Day holiday, so if you need to get something done, today’s your last chance till Tuesday, Sept. 8th. West Seattle has four library branches (Southwest, Delridge, High Point, West Seattle/Admiral); locations and hours can be found here.
“MARCH FOR YOUTH”: This isn’t happening in West Seattle but the invitation extends citywide – a march and rally by and for those concerned about youth violence. The march starts at 2 sites at 3 pm; full details here from the Rainier Valley Post.