Election 2009: Mallahan leads in new vote totals, Nickels still 3rd

checkbox.jpgKing County Elections has just published results of today’s vote count – first one since just before 10 pm last night – and the first of what will be mostly daily updates over the next two weeks. In the most closely watched race, the mayoral results are now Mallahan, McGinn, Nickels; see those vote totals here (scroll down the page a bit); we’ll add a few more notes here shortly, but in the meantime, all the results are linked here. ADDED 4:25 PM: In the King County Executive race, the Hutchison-Constantine gap is a little narrower – she has 36 percent, he now has 23 percent. Nothing else has changed significantly – for City Council, it still looks like Bagshaw/Bloom, Licata/Israel and O’Brien/Rosencrantz; the “No” votes are still way ahead on the bag fee, 57 percent against; for Port Commission, it remains Holland/Doud and Albro/Vekich. Back to the mayor’s race – here are the vote totals and exact percentages from the King County site:

Joe Mallahan 21101 26.76%
Mike McGinn 20880 26.48%
Greg Nickels 19864 25.19%

Next vote count around 4:30 pm tomorrow. 9:06 PM NOTE: The county’s released its nightly count of how many ballots have been received. The County Council district that includes West Seattle, 8, has the highest percentage – more than 34 percent – here are all the breakouts.

13 Replies to "Election 2009: Mallahan leads in new vote totals, Nickels still 3rd"

  • toddinwestwood August 19, 2009 (5:39 pm)

    HEY MAYOR McCHEESE! the people have spoken. 2/3 of the people voted for two unknown and barely qualified candidates rather than you. Time to bow out gracefully Hizzonor.

  • bb August 19, 2009 (6:49 pm)

    i dont thinks its funny that our wonderful mayor is not getting his voice next election, i just have to say to him “dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!”

  • Iggy August 19, 2009 (7:05 pm)

    There was a soundbite of Mallahan on the news saying if he is elected Mayor he will ask for Grace Crucerian’s resignation as head of Dept. Transportation. About time.

  • Jose August 19, 2009 (7:25 pm)


  • CD August 19, 2009 (7:37 pm)

    The more I hear about Mallahan, the more I like him. At least he has more to run on than the tunnel

  • MrJT August 19, 2009 (7:42 pm)

    Grace wont need to go to Portland for Christmas next year… :)

  • Jose August 19, 2009 (7:54 pm)

    CD, I really like Mallahan…and now that Nickels seems to be out, not just as an alternative.
    He has the management savvy to get things done, and he’s independent enough not to care about having to curry favor or $.

    I like that he doesn’t oppose the tunnel, and I like that he would immediately re-establish the Gang Unit at SPD.

    I certainly hope that he is our next Mayor.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident August 19, 2009 (8:32 pm)

    Take your pick on what to him…

    Mayor McCheese
    Greg “it’s your” Nickles “not mine”
    Mayor Nickles “but NO sense”


    It is a GOOD thing that Seattle will get NEW LEADERSHIP in Nov. Now all we need to do is get rid of the current council members (OK, not all of them) and we might turn around this place.


  • CD August 19, 2009 (9:03 pm)

    Jose, I totally agree!

  • Living in West Seattle since 1985 August 19, 2009 (9:22 pm)

    Any chance the city will stop telling us what to do with our kitchen trash?

  • Kayleigh August 20, 2009 (6:04 am)

    I get that it’s trendy to trash Nickells, but honestly, are the alternatives any better?
    In a city this size, with lots of brilliant, creative people…this is the best Seattle could do?
    But then, if people spend their time thinking and posting about kitchen trash (?!) maybe Seattle deserves what it gets.
    Think bigger, people.

  • toddinwestwood August 20, 2009 (7:05 am)

    well, for me I have always tried to hold him to task. Look back a couple years at my posts.

    My biggest points against Nickels:

    1. He gave South Lake Union away to Vulcan Development, aka Paul Allen.

    2. He spent 50 million on a choo-choo train aka the SLUT, so folks from S.Lake Union can go to the mall.

    3. He wants everyone to think globaly, when he cant get the little things here in the city done, potholes, crumbling streets (driven down California, south of the junction lately?), citywide financial crisis that will cut back the very end up cutting back the buses he want everyone to ride.

    4.The Mercer Mess. “hey lets take one of the city’s main ways in and out, and make it a two lane tree lined street”

    I think the people have spoken, though I did vote for Jan Drago. She has much more experience than both front runners combined, so now we must pick one that we feel can get the city back on good terms with the state and county again and get things done.

  • J August 21, 2009 (5:47 pm)


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