Election 2009 closeup coverage: Council candidate Thomas Tobin

checkbox.jpgBallots have started arriving for the August 18 primary. WSB continues offering close-up looks at — asking the same 3 West Seattle-specific questions — candidates in races including the three Seattle City Council contests you’ll find on the primary ballot. Previous stories are in the WSB Politics archive.

By Kathy Mulady
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

City Council Position 4 candidate Thomas Tobin lives on Capitol Hill, where he was born, grew up and plans to stay. He said he rarely has a chance to visit West Seattle, but when he does, Alki Beach is his favorite place.

“My grandma used to love to go to Spud’s,” he said.

This is Tobin’s second time running for city council. In 1997 he was in the race with Richard Conlin, who is now city council president.

Tobin is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and a small business owner providing Internet service. “Being from here, I have watched the city deteriorate,” he said.

Tobin said he wants to bring more accountability and accessibility to city government.

“The government is not supporting the people. Every week you hear about something else going on,” he said. “We should police our own departments, not have to hire expensive outside consultants.”

Tobin said he will fight for more support for the police and fire departments, for streets free from gridlock, and for cleaner sidewalks and parks.

“Does it make sense to ask people to pack out their own garbage and trash from city parks? I think that is creating more problems than it solves,” said Tobin.

Tobin said he will hold off on giving specific solutions to issues until he is in office and has all the information.

“All of us are going in as first-timers, it is hypothetical for all of us,” he said. “It is difficult to say ‘I am going to do this and that’ – I know I can’t do anything without the support of four other people on the council.”

Q: How do you perceive West Seattle’s transportation challenges, and what can be done to solve them?

TOBIN: Ease of access to West Seattle has to be included on any viaduct replacement.

Q: A massive amount of development is planned in West Seattle. How do we keep West Seattle’s hometown feel, while bringing some jobs here so everyone doesn’t have to commute?

TOBIN: I don’t see West Seattle turning into a mini-downtown Seattle/Bellevue. I like hiring locally and telecommuting as options to commuting, but many, as with other neighborhoods, have to make the trip downtown for work.

Q: The jail issue touches many neighborhoods. What should we do?

TOBIN: Seattle recently extended its contract with the King County Jail. We can’t keep building costly jails. Those monies can be better spent on education and job training.

Tobin’s website is at tntcom.net. Kathy Mulady’s candidate reports will continue here on WSB. Find our archived Politics coverage here, newest to oldest, and once you get your ballot, remember to get it in the mail by August 18.

1 Reply to "Election 2009 closeup coverage: Council candidate Thomas Tobin"

  • Karrie Kohlhaas August 16, 2009 (9:25 pm)

    Thomas was a neighbor of mine on Capitol Hill for 6 years until 2 weeks ago when I moved to West Seattle. I know him to be an honest man and a straight shooter. I think he’s sensible and not hung up on one single issue, as we often see at election time–there are so many issues and they are often more complex than discussed by candidates. I think Thomas gets that and I appreciate the way he’s approached the West Seattle Blog’s questions in this manner.

    Thomas is a thoughtful man and I think he’d engage issues and seek fair solutions. This is a guy who knows Seattle and who cares about this city.

Sorry, comment time is over.