Thinking about pet adoption? Big King County event tomorrow

This is not in West Seattle but the folks at King County Animal Care wanted to get the word out far and wide, so they even sponsored WSB for the week, knowing animal lovers abound in West Seattle, and we want to make sure you’ve heard about it: The county’s Super Pet Adopt-A-Thon is tomorrow, 10 am-4 pm, at the Kent Animal Shelter (here’s a map), with adoptable pets from all over the state, as well as pet experts on site offering behavior advice and more. Full details here.

1 Reply to "Thinking about pet adoption? Big King County event tomorrow"

  • furryfaces July 10, 2009 (11:52 am)

    If you are ready to add an animal companion, or two, to your family, PLEASE consider attending this event. King County Animal Care has invited many groups and it would be spectacular if every single animal found a loving, permanant home!

    Remember…they have rabbits, ferrets and small rodents for adoption too! Thanks for adopting and not shopping.

    WSB–thank you for giving this important event such great coverage. Cheers, F3

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