Seafair Parade stakeout, and the West Seattleites we’ll see

July 25, 2009 5:07 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

(Seafair Pirates passing City Hall – without invading it! – parade-bound at 5 pm)
If you’re thinking about going downtown for the Seafair Torchlight Parade, better hurry. We drove most of 4th Avenue from Westlake south and curbside space doesn’t open up till City Hall at 4th/James. You can of course watch on TV (channel 7, 7:30 pm) or online ( Remember that The Viaduct closes its northbound lanes approximately 5:30-7:30 pm for the Torchlight Run, which precedes the parade; 5:30 is also when 4th Avenue closes, according to the citywide weekend-events traffic alert, and that’s from Seattle Center all the way to the International District, where the parade ends. We’ve learned of at least one more West Seattleite in the parade — Delridge resident Lisa Keith‘s son Zachary is one of the winners of a Boeing contest to choose kids to ride their bikes in the parade, pulling wooden hydros (which they had to build) like kids did way back when (Seafair is celebrating its 60th anniversary and that means extra nostalgia). The major West Seattle representation comes from the Hi-Yu float, royalty and accompanying volunteers; it’s fairly high up in the parade order this year, according to the lineup published on KIRO’s website. And of course there are West Seattleites in the Seafair Pirates, Seafair Commodores and Seafair Clowns organizations. West Seattle has two reps in the Miss Seafair competition pre-parade, as we noted here on Friday; and the mayor plans to ride in the parade this year, so there’s another well-known West Seattleite. We’ll be taking pix of the West Seattle parade participants to publish later (and we’ll add the Miss Seafair winner to this post – unless it’s a West Seattleite, in which case we’ll publish something separate)! Meantime, we’re staked out watching parade participants head toward the start of the route – the photo above shows the Pirates going by a few minutes ago; the Chinese Community Girls Drill Team passed just before them, in their yellow school bus. Again, whether you’re watching in person or at home, here’s the published parade order. 7:48 PM UPDATE: Jacqueline Saarenas was just chosen Miss Seafair – she’s a Seattle University student representing the Seattle Filipino Community.

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