Election 2009: West Seattle Chamber announces 7/21 forum

checkbox.jpgFrom Patti Mullen, president/CEO of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce (who’s been staffing the Information side of the big tent we shared at West Seattle Summer Fest the past three days): The Chamber’s presenting a Seattle City Council Candidates’ Forum one week from Tuesday. It starts at 5 pm July 21 with meet-and-greet, 5:30-7 pm forum, at ArtsWest in The Junction. C.R. Douglas, who you’ll know from Seattle Channel, will moderate. Some BIG decisions to make, even on the primary ballot, including two open Council seats — five candidates running for Position 4, six running for Position 8. (Election aside: Did you know you can get the latest daily updates on who’s contributed what to which city candidate by going here?)

3 Replies to "Election 2009: West Seattle Chamber announces 7/21 forum"

  • Karl July 12, 2009 (8:26 pm)

    Is this the same time as the 34th Dist Dems Potluck?

  • WSB July 12, 2009 (9:24 pm)

    Looks like it – http://34dems.org says the Potluck is at Lincoln Park, 6-8 pm. But the forum is only scheduled to go till 7 pm … TR

  • Mickymse July 13, 2009 (2:17 pm)

    I suppose the Forum is aimed at folks who are NOT active politically… as the 34th District already had a Candidates Forum and voted on Endorsements.

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