1 more Sunday event: Help a West Seattle kid make a difference

Jeannette e-mailed us about this a few days ago but at the time, the date was later in the month, so it’s not in this weekend’s calendar – now we know it’s happening TOMORROW (Sunday) and we want to help get the word out. Her 9-year-old son will have “Connor’s Lemonade Stand” set up at 40th/Oregon 11 am-1 pm. Proceeds will benefit the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network. Here’s a map; go buy some lemonade from Connor – that’s just a couple blocks east of the north end of West Seattle Summer Fest.

2 Replies to "1 more Sunday event: Help a West Seattle kid make a difference"

  • J July 12, 2009 (8:53 pm)

    We missed it! Can we still contribute to Connor’s project?

  • jeannette July 13, 2009 (7:08 pm)

    Yes you can donate at http://www.foodallergywalk.org and if you would like it to go to Connor’s team the website will give you an option to search by name or team..he is ‘team wartelle’ thanks so much!

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