West Seattle CoolMoms to rally, testify at EPA hearing in Seattle

The West Seattle CoolMom chapter is getting the word out about both the Environmental Protection Agency hearing on climate change one week from today in Seattle and plans for a rally outside the hearing. They’re hoping West Seattleites — CoolMom families and everyone else who’s interested — will join in the rally; they’re also noting that CoolMom co-founder Kirsten McCaa is planning to testify during the hearing. Seattle is one of two cities the EPA is visiting for public hearings on its “proposed finding” that climate-change-related pollution is a threat to human health. Here’s EPA info (including how to pre-register to testify) about the hearing, set for 9 am-8 pm May 21 at Bell Harbor on the downtown waterfront; the rally is set for noon (here’s its official infopage).

17 Replies to "West Seattle CoolMoms to rally, testify at EPA hearing in Seattle"

  • VOR May 14, 2009 (7:39 am)

    Human-influenced “climate change” is the biggest hoax in history. It is a political power-grab supported by pseudo-science. That is why the “skeptics” are the leading climatologists in the US, Canada, and the UK, while the proponents are Democratic polititians, PACS, and UN councils. Does the EPA have any credibility in this? – NO. It is just another partisan tool of the current administration.

  • Peter May 14, 2009 (8:52 am)

    Please cite your sources. Thanks.

  • Smitty May 14, 2009 (9:46 am)

    I thought it was called “Global Warming”?

  • Danno May 14, 2009 (9:56 am)

    Right on VOR

  • austin May 14, 2009 (10:35 am)

    Yeah right on VOR, it’s much more comfortable sticking our heads in the sand than looking forward with open eyes.

  • john May 14, 2009 (12:24 pm)

    Stop having so many baby’s……Problem solved!

    The name CoolMom is an oxymoron. One baby per couple for the next two generations. Stop thinking of only what you want or what’s best for the people and think of the planet.

  • Charles May 14, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    John – there it is in a nutshell. Good to see people in W. Seattle aren’t all plugged into the same liberal mindgrid!

  • Smitty May 14, 2009 (2:23 pm)

    There was scientific “consensus” that the world was flat.

    They were wrong.

    There was scientific consensus that the sun revolved around the earth.

    They were wrong.

    There was scientific consensus that man-made Global Warming, I mean Cooling, oh wait – I mean Climate Change will ruin the earth.

  • Outside The Asylum May 14, 2009 (2:29 pm)

    Yeah, it’s a big liberal conspiracy to take away your big trucks and guns lol.. Some people are really off their meds today. Maybe instead of pissing and moaning your lives away you should do something positive for once.

  • Mike May 14, 2009 (2:57 pm)

    Oh good god, there’s the nut jobs at it again trying to spout crap they don’t understand and trash on the Dems and scientific professionals.

    here, read this…


  • Mike May 14, 2009 (3:02 pm)

    There was scientific “consensus” that the world was flat.

    Actually the church would kill you if you didn’t go along with their belief the world was flat. The only consensus was that people wanted to live.

  • Robert May 14, 2009 (3:24 pm)

    VOR brought to you by the “think tanks” funded by Big Oil and Big Coal.

    Ever think about the downside if you happen to be wrong?

  • Smitty May 14, 2009 (4:57 pm)

    I dare you Global Warming, cooling, climate change skeptics (deniers!) to read this! It will blow you away:


  • Smitty May 15, 2009 (6:45 am)

    Holy cow! Modern day scientists were only off by a magnitude of 50%.

    This give credence to the rest of their dire predictions, no?



  • Been here a long time May 15, 2009 (3:03 pm)

    Maybe Global warming isn’t all it’s doomed to be… Maybe it is hooey.
    But please tell me how air quality and water quality isn’t human influenced.
    There’s no smog in Seattle or L.A. or New York?
    Asthma in children hasn’t been increasing, the children’s hospital is in on the hoax too?
    The mercury pollution in the water isn’t real?
    The fishing industry is in on the hoax?
    Bee hive collapse isn’t happening?
    I guess we don’t need pollinators, for food.
    But as Nero laughed as Rome burned.
    I guess we should laugh as we watch farm land get turned into condo pads.

  • Smitty May 15, 2009 (3:16 pm)

    Well, I’m fairly certain that air and water quality have improved dramatically over the last 30 years.

    Life expectancies too.

    This Global Warming scare tactic is nothing more than that. 20 years from now people will laugh out loud at how serious this was being taken.

    Mars is warming too – and I can’t imagine that human beings have much to do with it.

    I understand the “err on the side of caution” argument, but you could use that for almost anything.

    Let’s drive 30 MPH and wear foam helmets all day.

    GW is a farse.

  • the oldest codger May 16, 2009 (9:28 am)

    Even if you think Global warming is a hoax, why live in a dump?
    I can see both sides of the fence on this one.
    The wide scale global warming…. maybe a farce.
    Toxic chemical dumping in to Elliott Bay… I worked for a ship yard in Everett that did that. Lead, Mercury, used oil, you name, we dumped it in the bay. Sorry about that.
    They’re out of business now.
    EPA started off with odd cases and then went to direct human factor. Now they are getting odd again.
    Water quality has improved, but air is taking a beating these days.
    Remember when we used to spray DDT on the beaches to keep the mosquito’s down. We thought that was good for us.
    Now we just don’t kill bats and they eat the mosquito’s.
    I think we have to start the non-pollution thing at home.
    Even if you don’t care about the planet, because as some say, we’ll be blowing this rock anyway.
    I’m glad there are more people on the job of cleaning up this place.
    Even if you don’t believe in global warming, why drink uranium?

Sorry, comment time is over.