West Seattle Crime Watch: Car extensively “keyed”

Another crime report to share today – out of the WSB inbox, from Nick:

Sometime early Friday morning (4/10) our car was vandalized on the street side by someone gouging a key completely from front to back in the neighborhood off Delridge near the West Seattle Bridge on 26th St SW. There has been a lot of extra activity in this area in the past year or so and has been escalating. If anyone has any information or saw anything suspicious in the area around that time please let us know. It’s kind of sad when things like this happen unprovoked and just goes to show that you always have to be on your guard…

Side note for everybody: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; in addition to making sure there’s a Block Watch in your area, we highly recommend attending the next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, to bring concerns to local police leaders (and the volunteers who run the group), and to hear firsthand about local trends. 7 pm April 21, Southwest Precinct meeting room.

5 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Car extensively "keyed""

  • Pete April 11, 2009 (10:48 pm)

    In addition to the Blockwatch and WSCPC you could also consider becomign involved in your neighborhood council. It appears that you live in the North Delridge Neighborhood Council. By getting involved you can help build that sense of coomunity that goes along way to addressing these types of issues.

  • ZS April 12, 2009 (3:16 pm)

    We got keyed too (down the road) and I saw two other cars that were keyed. It seems like they hit numerous cars on the East side of the street that night.


  • Holly April 13, 2009 (9:10 am)

    My car was deeply gouged by a key on the entire side of the car on the sidewalk side and my husband’s car has a 2 foot gouge, both happening on the same night last weekend. We live on the 3400 block of 42nd Ave SW. It’s very irritating! I had my Yakima rack stolen off the same car 3 months ago causing $1000 of roof damage. I’m wondering how much money we will be spending on car vandalism this year…

  • Pete April 13, 2009 (4:23 pm)

    I hope that you reported ALL of these incidents to the police…..

  • Holly April 16, 2009 (9:44 am)

    I filed a report.

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