Skillet Street Food in West Seattle? Here’s the latest

(Skillet promotional video from August 2008, posted on YouTube)
We could almost hear the stomachs growling across West Seattle as enthusiastic reaction rolled in following our story yesterday about Skillet Street Food possibly heading this way. Just got a call back from Skillet’s Josh Henderson, who answered our plea for a few more details: As he wrote online, they’re targeting Sunday, April 19th, as a start date, and he reiterated he’s 99 percent sure of that date; now the question is, where? He’s hoping to be in The Junction and will be taking a look at the Key Bank parking lot today, with the hopes of being set up alongside the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sundays, “probably 11 to 2, we’ll see how it goes, and then probably expand to breakfast.” So why West Seattle for Skillet’s next stop, we asked? “During the week, we need to be near offices,” Josh explained, “but Columbia City was a pretty big hit on Saturdays … West Seattle seems like a good spot to hit on Sundays.”

SATURDAY UPDATE: Latest from Josh – April 26th is now the target start date.

7 Replies to "Skillet Street Food in West Seattle? Here's the latest"

  • E April 3, 2009 (1:08 pm)


  • lg April 3, 2009 (2:02 pm)

    very exciting!

  • Cat Woman April 3, 2009 (2:24 pm)

    Awesome! what a great addition to the Farmers market!

  • Kimberley April 3, 2009 (2:47 pm)

    Come sooner! Since they moved their Sodo location, I haven’t been able to enjoy their yummy poutine.

  • KSJ April 3, 2009 (3:07 pm)

    Uh oh, look out belly!

  • Max April 3, 2009 (3:48 pm)

    Slightly off-topic, but that would be a great use of the Key Bank parking lot. My wife and I walked past that empty lot Sunday on our way to the market. We commented that Key would be smart to put up big signs saying “Free on Sunday as a public service to Farmers Market customers from Key Bank”. Be a lot more good-will bang for the buck than the $15M for KeyArena naming rights.

  • Karma April 5, 2009 (12:24 am)


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