West Seattle Crime Watch: Minivan prowl; stolen Buddha

From Michael:

We unknowingly left our minivan unlocked last night (3/20/09) and this morning the contents were strewn about our front sidewalk. It appears nothing was stolen, but they went through all the bags and glove box. Location 34th Ave SW between Andover and Charlestown [map].


Just wanted to share that I too, just felt the sting of theft…. I live on Alki Beach, and my beautiful concrete Buddha statue was stolen right off my street side patio. It makes me sad… I guess the person who stole it needed its peaceful presence more than me…..But still, I am sad.

10 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Minivan prowl; stolen Buddha"

  • Rebecca Mullins March 21, 2009 (2:32 pm)

    LOCATION: 30th AVE SW, between Myrtle and Othello.

    We were notified by our neighbor yesterday that another car was broken into months back and then finally stolen 3 days ago. We woke up this morning to find our new subaru broken into last night with $525 of items stolen- mainly a toolbag with KLEIN tools inside. They stole $60 in ipod cables that were attached to the car. We notified other neighbors to find out that another Honda Accord a few doors down was also jacked. Police reports have been filed and we’re hoping that everyone will keep an eye out and the police will start watching the neighborhood.

  • Gary March 21, 2009 (4:59 pm)

    Check your spare tire, they took ours. We’re at 36th and Andover

  • Scott March 21, 2009 (5:39 pm)

    Wonder if the SPD has any bait cars available?
    Someone needs an A$$ whooping!

  • beachdrivegirl March 21, 2009 (7:09 pm)

    Someone also stole Pioneer Coffee’s (on alki) pastries this a.m. They had a different delivery driver, who didnt have a key. They were left outside before open by the delivery driver and were stolen!

  • Dreamland March 22, 2009 (6:39 am)

    Sorry about the car break-ins.
    And stealing a Buddha! That’s just plain WRONG.

  • Lucile 2 March 22, 2009 (10:44 am)

    If that Buddha is concrete, and anything like my aunt’s Buddha that took about 3 people to move, that is not an easy task to steal it! Isn’t stealing a Buddha kind of ironic?!?! (and rude!)

  • LMA March 22, 2009 (10:52 am)

    Karma that is all I can say for those who took the Buddha

  • ToddinWestwood March 22, 2009 (11:19 am)

    I guess karma will catch up with them…maybe they will drop it on their foot.

  • LHL March 22, 2009 (11:49 am)

    Our car was broken into right in front of our house on 34th and Manning this weekend also…4th time in 1 year!! Usually they break into our car when its parked in the alley parking spot but this time it was right under a street light in front.

  • Patrick March 23, 2009 (7:08 pm)

    Had a car prowl on Friday night also on 34th between Charlestown and Andover (2 houses from Michael.) The thief left a Trac phone and charger in case anyone is missing one.

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