Ask, and ye shall receive … parking enforcement

After covering a crash in The Junction this afternoon, WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli noticed several cars along SW Oregon east of 41st (map) with parking tickets. This, just a few days after parking enforcement in Junction-area neighborhoods was discussed at the most recent meeting of the Junction Neighborhood Organization (as reported at the end of this WSB article); JuNO president Erica Karlovits had suggested that better enforcement of existing rules and laws could ease the perceived parking crunch and confirm there’s no need for pay stations (which the city will be reviewing as part of the Junction parking study that’s under way now – next walking tour Wednesday, 11 am, meet at Cupcake Royale). Think your neighborhood needs parking enforcement? Here’s a place to start.

10 Replies to "Ask, and ye shall receive ... parking enforcement"

  • celeste17 March 13, 2009 (9:17 pm)

    Mom and I were coming home and saw the parking enforcement getting back into her scooter after ticketing these cars. Nice to see them do this so we can afford to park where we would like to park. Feel sorry for the people that got the tickets if they live there and have no other place to park their cars.

  • Courtney March 13, 2009 (9:33 pm)

    I live on corner of alaska/California – I can say I’m glad to see parking enforcement out daily. It’s sad to see so many people can’t read the no parking 4-6 signs and get ticketed and towed but again, maybe if we enforce the rules we have the rest of us won’t have to pay for parking.

  • bdb March 13, 2009 (10:01 pm)

    too many cars…not enough parking..pretty simple

  • thermo March 13, 2009 (11:15 pm)

    with all the condos going up around here, guess we should get used to no parking

  • 56bricks March 14, 2009 (7:11 am)

    Since my business is at the south end of the proposed Junction metered area on California I’d like to see more enforcement. Apartment cars are left in front of my shop for days in a posted one hour zone. When I’ve eactually been able contact parking enforcement the response has been “We don’t have the manpower”. In 15 years there I’ve seen only one ticket issued and ironically it was to the owner of the business next to me! I would prefer enforcement over meters. Better for business.

  • JD March 15, 2009 (8:57 am)

    With the density of the area increasing parking is going to become more and more of an issue.

    I live just off of the new Highpoint Neighborhood development. It’s really turning into a great little community here, but parking is a bit of a problem. Every time I see how narrow the streets have become with cars parked on both sides, I really wonder if there is even enough room for a firetruck or ambulance to get in there?

  • Darby DuComb March 17, 2009 (1:15 pm)

    I noticed the link to report 72-hour violations was not working. You can report abandoned vehicles and 72-hour parking violations at

  • WSB March 17, 2009 (1:26 pm)

    That link’s not working either, looks like it’s the city website, not us … I can’t get to right now at all.

  • WSB March 17, 2009 (1:31 pm)

    Must have been a fleeting outage, both are working now, but thanks!

  • john March 24, 2009 (2:24 am)

    So all of you who are fixing to call the number an tow cars do the neighbors on the street a favor and make a few attempts to find out who owns the car first. My truck was towed from right in front of my house. Ok it sucks gas and I dont drive it much but come on already. Now Im out 115 bucks for the tow plus a ticket to boot. Just plain rude if you ask me. I pay my taxes so please make a reasonable attempt to find out who owns the car before you become traffic cop.

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