West Seattle Crime Watch: What the Lincoln Park search was about

Got a couple notes last night about a police search/containment operation along the Fauntleroy side of Lincoln Park, but the units were gone when we went to check it out. So this morning we got the scoop from Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen: Two juveniles tried to steal beer from the Lincoln Park 76 station (map). As they ran, the clerk hit one with a bottle. They still managed to get away; no arrests so far.

9 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: What the Lincoln Park search was about"

  • KT January 16, 2009 (12:31 pm)

    Wow. That was a lot of cop cars for stolen beer. I was driving home along Lincoln Park Way last night and counted SEVEN cars. Must have been a slow night.

  • HunterG January 16, 2009 (1:19 pm)

    Let me get this right…the clerk threw a bottle at them?

  • transplantella January 16, 2009 (1:20 pm)

    It wasn’t just a couple of stolen beers. The perpetrators maced the clerk at very close range causing him frightful pain and anguish.

    I can’t believe mace is legally available just about anywhere. It is absolutely a debilitating weapon.

  • HunterG January 16, 2009 (1:28 pm)

    WOW! That’s horrible. I’d throw more than a measly bottle at them – I’d go into Kung Fu action!

  • toddinwestwood January 16, 2009 (2:51 pm)

    I guess the big response had to do with the fact that the SPD still thinks there are more people left to find in the cases of mini-mart robberies down here on the south side.
    If these turds are bold enough to mace someone just for beer, who knows what they will do next.
    There have been times I was out of beer and out of money, I have never robbed a store for it. I just invite friends over and tell them to bring beer. :)

  • Kristi January 16, 2009 (2:52 pm)

    I counted more than seven police cars…and just for stolen beer…that’s a lot of tax payer resources for a couple of beers. I mean really.

  • rockyraccoon January 17, 2009 (5:37 am)

    If it had just been a common shoplift of beer, you wouldn’t have seen that kind of response. These idiots were willing to assault the clerk for beer.
    We should be happy to see a large police response to this kind of crime instead of whining about it being too much.

  • yardwork0 January 17, 2009 (2:09 pm)

    When you assault someone to steal their property it’s not a shoplift…..it’s robbery.

  • bobby January 17, 2009 (2:29 pm)

    I didn’t throw a bottle at him.I hit him over the head with it as he was trying to flee the store.I wish i could have been able to see better,it would have worked out differently.It wasn’t mace it was pepper spray.Thanx’s to everybody that stopped bye to see how I was.

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