Neighborhood alert: More possible casing, this time in Delridge

An alert from Betsy in Delridge :

Want to alert folks in the Delridge neighborhood of a very creepy guy in a white van, license plate (starting with 652), casing our homes and garages. He’s driving up and down 26th Ave SW looking into people’s houses, knocking on doors asking for stuff. He spooked my contractors bad enough that they called the cops. I just called too. Please keep an eye out and watch out for your neighbors.

10 Replies to "Neighborhood alert: More possible casing, this time in Delridge"

  • Aim January 15, 2009 (6:04 pm)

    Yikes. THANK YOU for the alert. Will notify our neighbors, who are home during the day, to be on the lookout.

  • Eyes on the \'hood January 15, 2009 (6:18 pm)

    Creepy guy was last seen headed up to High Point at about 1:45. Five of Seattle’s finest were soon out cruising the neighborhood in search of said creep. No word yet. I was proud of myself for speaking very forcefully to him and telling him to get lost, instead of being my usual friendly-neighbor self!

  • BV January 15, 2009 (7:08 pm)

    That fits the description (which I gave to police) of a white older guy with a poor attitude driving a white van around westwood, a few days before my toyota was relieved of its catalytic coverter.

  • d+b January 15, 2009 (7:30 pm)

    I live on 26th Ave SW!! What cross streets?! I’m between Andover and Genessee (a little bit of anonymity)… Luckily we’ve got a great group of neighbors looking out for us, but it’s still creepy!

  • EPL January 15, 2009 (9:40 pm)

    Thanks everyone for being pro-active. I’ve seen the same van in my neighborhood (never saw the driver). Next time, I will look more closely and be a little more guarded than usual.

  • Big Al (No, Not THAT One) January 15, 2009 (9:48 pm)

    Good work folks! Keep an eye out and talk about it!!

  • Ryan (Dad of Triplets!) January 16, 2009 (10:20 am)


    Thanks Betsy for the alert and we’ll be on the lookout for the white van too!

    What kind of stuff is this guy asking folks for and how aggressive is he?

  • Eyes on the 'hood January 16, 2009 (11:23 am)

    Oh hey triplet dad! good to see you on the blog (I’m the gal with the Papillon you always see walking to the school bus stop). I really should come visit your wife and see the kiddos sometime and bring over some muffins or something…watch the kiddos so she can take a shower! He was pretty pushy. asked for cigarettes, matches, and brake fluid. (bad combination?)

  • Ryan January 18, 2009 (1:40 pm)


    Yes, I figured that was you…..feel free to stop by anytime later in the afternoon, say 4:30ish OR we just might stop by your place the next time we have the kids out for a walk.

  • Rebecca February 3, 2009 (8:10 pm)

    A van with the same description was seen after a burglary on 17th SW a few months ago. Keep a look out!

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