Junction megaproject update: Capco Plaza joined by Altamira

Checking on the Junction megaprojects’ status, we just talked with Leon Capelouto, the longtime West Seattle businessman whose mixed-use building is well under way between 41st and 42nd on Alaska (previous update, last September). First: Both QFC and Office Depot are moving forward as the major retail tenants, and are likely to open this summer — Capelouto tells WSB that QFC will open first, Office Depot shortly thereafter. Negotiations are still under way for potential tenants in the remaining smaller retail spaces in the complex. While the project’s main name is Capco Plaza, he says there’s a new name for the 157 apartments that will be atop the stores: Altamira (which has the stirrings of a website here) – you can see it on the project’s east side:

The apartments are likely to be ready to occupy around November, a few months after the retail spaces open. Right now, Capelouto adds, construction is going well; the roof’s on the building and the brick’s being put on (as you can see in the photo above, taken this afternoon).

18 Replies to "Junction megaproject update: Capco Plaza joined by Altamira"

  • WS January 22, 2009 (1:32 pm)

    are they really putting a QFC right by the safeway? ahh… what about the delridge area… what about south park…. really- so in west seattle we have 3 safeways, metro market, thriftway, QFC, PCC, am i missing any more? these businesses need to open their eyes and try to really serve the community while padding their pockets

  • westseattleite January 22, 2009 (1:41 pm)

    I know, I was just commenting last night to my husband that when we rented in Wallingford we only had the one dinky little QFC to shop at and now living in West Seattle we have more supermarkets then we know what to do with. Can’t some of them shuffle over to Wallingord?

  • k January 22, 2009 (1:54 pm)

    Personally I would have loved to have Top Foods
    move into the old KMart spot.
    Yes Home Depot is helpful, but Delridge/HP really needs/needed a true grocery store.
    At least we have more than South Park. A large grocery store would do really well there.

  • JenV January 22, 2009 (2:35 pm)

    If it’s any consolation- I email Trader Joe’s at least once a month and ask them to build a store either at Delridge or Highland Park. To date I have not received a response. A Top Foods where the HD is now is also a great idea. Recently went to the Top Foods in Olympia and was blown away…it’s like QFC and Costco had a baby. It’s not like anyone would miss that Home Depot, that’s for sure….

  • austin January 22, 2009 (2:44 pm)

    That top foods in oly/lacey is pretty darn nice. Their wine department is unbelievable. Good produce section too.

  • steve January 22, 2009 (8:27 pm)

    …it seems very quiet down the street at whole foods

  • Denny January 22, 2009 (8:57 pm)

    they said a crane was coming in January. Maybe there’s a shortage of available cranes?

  • PSPS January 22, 2009 (9:11 pm)

    I’m surprised to hear about Office Depot actually moving in, what with their financial trouble and closing so many stores and distribution centers.
    See: http://tinyurl.com/d5d65e

  • Ron January 22, 2009 (9:20 pm)

    Any large business does a market survey and if they don’t have a large enough market area, they don’t locate there, I suspect they avoid Wallingford because there are many large stores fairly close in Ballard. There is also a Student population from the U. that spills into the area which don’t buy a lot of groceries. People that try to keep up their homes would miss Home Depot. They seem to do a good business there. I’m glad they are there so I don’t have to drive to the SODO area when I need some building supplies.

  • WSB January 22, 2009 (9:40 pm)

    I have messages out to the WF/F-Place developer to find out when construction is revving up again.

  • sean January 22, 2009 (9:43 pm)

    Yay. An Office Depot. Near the Junction.

  • k January 22, 2009 (10:32 pm)

    post the link and I’ll start emailing too–
    Wasn’t TJ supposed to move into WS a few years ago???
    I too have been to the Top Foods near Oly–
    sigh– it’s so clean, and the prices, and the selection!

  • WSB January 22, 2009 (10:41 pm)

    if you search the site on Trader Joe’s you’ll find some of the multitude of times we’ve mentioned it, reported on it, etc. There was a time long ago – so long ago we weren’t even doing news yet – that supposedly a TJ’s was part of a development near Metro Market that hasn’t happened yet. Since then, it’s been rumored for every site under the sun. But TJ’s has not confirmed any WS plans and it’s generally considered that because more grocery stores are already moving in, it’s not necessarily a sure bet. I’m personally sure they eventually will be here but till then, hi ho, hi ho, off to Burien we go. Here’s your e-mail form:

  • rbj January 23, 2009 (8:35 am)

    It’s too bad that none of these businesses moving in are owned by locals. With the exception of Metropolitan Market (the best grocery store in westside and not the most expensive!) all of these stores have headquarters elsewhere. Metro Markets corporate headquarters is on delridge. ___

    Office Depot? Lame. QFC? Lame. ___

    And why the hell would someone choose Altamira as the name to their condo complex? Isn’t that the name of a cave in Spain? Who wants to live in a cave? ___

    Silly Developers…

  • swimcat January 23, 2009 (8:42 am)

    TOP Foods is a great grocery store! I love the one at Crossroads in Bellevue. It would be great to have one in WS, but they seem pretty strategic about their development so I doubt one would ever come our way. I can only hope that this new QFC is better than the one at Westwood. That one just seems so expensive to me.

  • Slayer the Cat January 23, 2009 (9:43 am)

    Anybody notice that the formerly prominent BlueStar sign on the construction fence around the Whole Foods site is now gone. Hmmmmm, interesting . . . . . . . . .

  • rbj January 23, 2009 (11:02 am)

    Top foods is just a prettier albertsons.

  • flourescent carl January 29, 2009 (11:34 am)

    West Seattle Blog… continuing the great legacy of the Sewing circle!

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