West Seattle Crime Watch: Stabbing suspect arrested

Just got word from Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen that 51-year-old Daniel P. Ward, wanted in the October 17th stabbing of a woman at the Stewart Manor complex in High Point, has been arrested. SWP officers took him into custody last night. According to the King County Jail Register, he was booked just before 9:30 pm, and is being held not only for investigation of assault, but also for “failure to appear” on a previous domestic-violence assault charge.

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Stabbing suspect arrested"

  • JumboJim November 3, 2008 (11:09 am)

    This is great news – but *please*, can you never show us that picture again. Halloween is over isn’t it – and I’m hoping the nightmares will go away…

  • Ms Pam November 3, 2008 (11:15 am)

    Yay they got him! One less creep to worry about. For now anyway…

  • WSB November 3, 2008 (11:20 am)

    It’ll roll down the page quickly enough – sorry if you saw it before I resized it!

  • JenV November 3, 2008 (11:55 am)

    argument against Meth. ’nuff said.

  • charles November 4, 2008 (3:00 pm)

    wonder how many more like him are floating around west seattle?

  • wtf November 4, 2008 (9:14 pm)

    Right on!

  • wtf November 4, 2008 (9:14 pm)

    P.S. Can I be on the jury!?

  • bob vila November 7, 2008 (1:41 pm)

    hang out on Delridge by jackpot if u want to see most of the transient meth heads.

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