West Seattle Crime Watch reader report: Dog-kicking burglar

Just in from Nathan – read ahead for the report:

One of my neighbors just alerted our block watch e-mail list that their house on the 6000 block of 39th Ave. SW [map] was broken into yesterday between 7AM and 11AM.

Here is the neighbor’s report: The back door was kicked in and their TV, computer and various other small items were stolen. They also kicked their little dog – who does that! – leaving a boot print on the side of her head. Based on some shoe prints left behind, the police believe that it may be some young
teenagers that have been robbing some houses in the area.

Block Watch e-mail lists are a growing trend, from what we’re hearing. Speaking of Block Watch, the Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator who helps West Seattleites set them up, Benjamin Kinlow, is scheduled as a special guest at this Thursday’s Alki Community Council meeting – 7 pm, Alki Community Center. Meantime, here are SPD’s burglary-prevention tips.

20 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch reader report: Dog-kicking burglar"

  • P November 15, 2008 (4:00 pm)

    If they are caught, can they also be charged with animal cruilty? I would hope so…..

  • LisaM November 15, 2008 (5:28 pm)

    Is the dog OK???

  • Babs November 15, 2008 (5:44 pm)

    Disgusting – yeah its bad enough to rob but that action was senseless. I hope the dog is OK and did (does) not suffer brain problems. WTF is wrong with youth today…?

  • Irukandji November 15, 2008 (7:31 pm)

    Question: What is Light Trespass as referenced on the SPD page? Should it read “vulnerable” areas instead of venerable? TR! Help them!

    Motion sensor lighting, specifically directed and focused on entry points and venerable areas, no flood lighting and beware of light trespass

  • Irukandji November 15, 2008 (7:32 pm)

    Sorry – the edit function seems to be disabled for now…

  • WSB November 15, 2008 (7:37 pm)

    We’re working to get it back (guessing you mean “comment preview”) – the recent upgrade had it as a snack. Hmm, I think I may know who to write to, to fix “venerable” … unless they truly are “venerable” areas!

  • Lisa November 15, 2008 (10:03 pm)

    This sounds exactly like what happened to our house. Has there been any indication that the police is close to finding these criminals?

  • The truth November 16, 2008 (7:56 am)

    No of course the Police wont catch them or even let people know about them….our brave officers prefer to ticket old white ladies driving over 35 on Admiral. The cops here are to scared to bother with any real criminals and instead harrass people walking their dogs off leash. It is not a surprize that people commit crime so much here and you rarely hear of anyone being caught. I feel much safer though knowing that those awful people who dont pay to park are going to be ticketed promply :) LOL I have two dogs and just hope if one of those rotten little thugs dares to enter my place my dog will rip his leg off.

  • P November 16, 2008 (1:55 pm)

    I don’t agree with you The truth. We have had several calls to the police and every time they come right away and are prompt with response. Even the time we accidently dialed 9-1-1 and hung up before it rang, and 3 minutes later we looked out the window to see 4 squad cars in front of our shop. What the PD doesn’t do on a regular basis is ticket speeders on Fauntleroy or 35th.

  • biankat November 17, 2008 (1:22 pm)

    Coincidentally enough, while I was shopping in the West Seattle Antique Mall yesterday afternoon I came upon a nice man with an adorable Smooth Fox Terrier named Parsley (I have 2 foxies so I was expecially happy to have come across them). He briefly told me about the robbery at his house and Parsley being kicked with a boot mark left on her. She was shaken up, but doing fine. She is SUCH a sweetie and gave me lots of kisses.

  • biankat November 17, 2008 (1:24 pm)

    Oh! and something else…Parsley was adopted by the nice family. Mean people suck.

  • WTF November 17, 2008 (8:27 pm)

    Are you kidding me!?!? Come here you little mfers and we’ll show you exactly what kicking a dog is all about.

    SPD will do nothing. The fact they use the same gd excuse that it’s, “some young teenagers” pisses me off. That’s what they told us my neighbor whose front door was kicked wide ope, that what they told us when our property was gang tagged, that’s what they told my best friend whose car was destroyed “for fun”. I wonder if they take a class. Bolt your house, fence it in and protect yourselves.

  • Fish November 18, 2008 (10:49 am)

    A good can of pepper spray that shoots 50ft or more is a great addition to any home! Check out your local gun shop or sporting goods location for a good can of bear mace. Once you have stopped them treat them they same way they have treated you, with no respect. I am so tired of the hoodlums in WS, tired of having things I work hard for damaged/destroyed. Until something bad happens to one of these chuckle heads they are not going to stop as there is no fear. You have the right to protect your property don’t be afraid to do it!

  • DK November 18, 2008 (8:05 pm)

    WTF…do you really believe that SPD officers, or police officers in general don’t care about what concerns you or your neighbors?? Do you really believe that the officers are really that dismissive?? The excuses you mention are most likely not excuses…but based on their training and street experience I would imagine.

    I find it incredible how people like you are so quick to condemn the very people that could and would die for you or your property…give yourself a rest and give the SPD a break…

  • WTF November 18, 2008 (9:38 pm)

    I lived with a Los Angeles police (sergeant) for 10 years. So, yes I do understand their frustrations, nightmares, sadness, PTSD, and the crap they have to deal with. But, I also understand when they become complacent. SPD by generalization is complacent. It’s been a complaint of Seattleites for years. The city is less than prepared to deal with the type of criminals and violent crime that has migrated here. SPD are some of the rudest, self-righteous cops in the country (ah, LA is no different). Much of their issues stem from the city’s lack of hiring AND paying for the right cop to do the job and (well) training those willing to learn. The priorities of this city are very clear. Just read about the differences in salary between our city officials and the people who work for them. It’s been MONTHS / maybe years since I’ve heard or read a public news story about what the people running our city are actually going TO DO about this problem vs. just having it as a sound bite on King 5’s 11:00 news.

  • Dave & Ayako November 21, 2008 (3:02 pm)

    My husband and I live on SW Rose near 39th Street. The day before yesterday, I was at home around noon time, and a young man wearing a black cap and a dark color jacket & a baggy jeans came to the door. I didn’t want to open the door, but I did! Anyway, he was polite and said that he was going to deliver our newspaper and wanted to know where we wanted it to be. I said that the current carrier lady delivers it right by our door. He asked me, if it was everyday, and I said yes. I was suspicious and asked him if he was from Seattle Times and he said ‘yeah’. All this time he looked nervous and wanted to leave.(To me.) Then he went straight to the neighbor across from us, who doesn’t get the papers! We called police to report, but they only suggested to have a block party. I believe and just wanted to let people know that this person was scouting our area. The crime prevention officer named Ben told my husband that we should keep our door locked and keep eyes on our neighborhood. By the way, our cousin who lives nearby told us the same story. (They don’t subscribe the Times, either.) She called Seattle Times to confirm if they didn’t send out a delivery person like that and they didn’t. I didn’t think so! Don’t forget to lock the door people!

  • WTF November 21, 2008 (5:59 pm)

    FINALLY someone who recognizes a casing when they see it. They want to know when you’re home, when you’re not, who comes to the door, if you have a dog, etc., etc. No paper, magazine, cable company, phone company, plumber, carpet company, etc. will send a person to your house without you first contacting them. I HIGHLY recommend shifting hours, take your lunch break to stop at home a few times a month I work in Bellevue and make the drive. If you have a family, friends or neighbors willing to park their car in front of your house for a few minutes every once in awhile, do it. Let “them” know that your routine is anything but. And, I recommend ADT. We’ve also found that our 95lb dog, is very formable in “making his statement”. I’m thankful you weren’t hurt or robbed. But, be careful they don’t come back!

  • WTF November 21, 2008 (6:01 pm)

    P.S. Make no mistake. Criminals read this blog, just like everyone else. So, be mindful of giving out too much information or where you live. Even cross-streets. Career criminals will never be “laid off”!

  • Joseph November 22, 2008 (4:07 pm)

    Hello All … It was my home that was broken into … I just replaced my home computer so I thought I would make a posting. As of today (11/22) there have been no arrests, etc … my dog is fine now, still terrified of my basement door (the door they kicked her out of)my dog is too friendly so it was animal cruelty as far as I am concerned. Please be careful, the kitchen door has been replaced and I installed a dead-bolt lock on it. Sign of the times I guess. Thanks to all those concerned.

  • WTF November 22, 2008 (8:58 pm)

    Joseph, thanks for letting us know that all is OK with your dog. So sorry this happened.

Sorry, comment time is over.