West Seattle scenes: WSHS homecoming rally


That bright new banner paying tribute to West Seattle High School‘s past, present, and future, now hangs in the school gym, scene of today’s pre-homecoming rally, featuring free food!


Signs of spirit were visible in the parking lot too:


West Seattle HS — undefeated! — takes on Rainier Beach at Southwest Athletic Complex at 7 pm; WSB will be there to cover the game (including updates via Twitter – check out twitter.com/westseattleblog), second-to-last regularly scheduled game of the year. (Tomorrow, by the way, is Seattle Lutheran‘s homecoming game – more on that later tonight!)

4 Replies to "West Seattle scenes: WSHS homecoming rally"

  • indaknow October 17, 2008 (7:28 pm)

    Pre-game dinner at WSHS: free
    Paint for car window to show spirit: $10
    Proudly displaying your typo for all to admire: priceless

  • Chris October 17, 2008 (10:35 pm)

    Go Westside!
    Thanks Carrie Burr for bringing spirit and pride back to WSHS!

  • WW October 18, 2008 (8:33 am)

    Love the banner! Long live the Indians and their fighting spirit!!! Way to go Westside!!!!!

  • JH October 18, 2008 (5:24 pm)

    Carrie Burr rocks! It’s because of her that WSHS has done a complete turnaround to make it a better school. They have tons of school spirit-finally!

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