West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers strike again

We’ve had several reports of car break-ins in recent days, and here’s another one: Don e-mails to report, “My truck was also broken into on the night of the 3rd. It was on 42nd near Blockbuster on Fauntleroy. Radio and some change is all that is missing. Damaged the locks on both doors to gain entry.”

5 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers strike again"

  • Amz October 6, 2008 (4:46 pm)

    This has happened to me once per year for the past 3 years – I live near 34th and Henderson. It’s a real drag to have to keep paying for window replacements. I haven’t even bothered replacing my stereo or speakers after the 3rd incident which was in April this year.

    On Sunday night a neighbor a few houses down from me had all 4 wheels and tires stolen from her car…they left it with cinder blocks underneath.

    I think this sort of thing is just going to escalate – I wish I could park mine in a garage…but even those aren’t all that safe anymore…

  • westside October 6, 2008 (6:02 pm)

    Omg. What the heck is wrong with people at 35th and Morgan? I just heard that at the U-Haul store, the manager came to work and found that a truck had two leather seats MISSING! It was parked facing 35th, apparently unlocked. But to do that, you would need like 3 guys and tools, and a truck. Premeditation and chutzpah required.

  • maudelynn October 7, 2008 (4:53 am)

    I was awoken this morning, over here off Beach dr., to find an abandoned vehicle on my very small one lane street. It is rather scary as there are only 2 houses on this street and the person who stole the car must be very familiar with this area as even friends who have been to my house several times have a hard time finding it.

  • Jackie October 7, 2008 (11:04 am)

    we had our catalytic convertor stolen right off our 99 toyota truck on Thursday early morning, on the street right on front of our house near 44th & Raymond!

  • Danielle October 7, 2008 (8:53 pm)

    I was broken into last night also. It was parked in my driveway on 59th. They just looked through my junk in the center console and glove box but didn’t appear to take anything. It was so windy last night I never would have heard them.

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