Sustainable West Seattle talks transportation: 2 feet, 2 wheels

September 16, 2008 9:00 am
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 |   Environment | Transportation | West Seattle news


That’s Stu Hennessey from Alki Bike and Board (in the Admiral District), giving bike-maintenance tips to members of Sustainable West Seattle last night at Camp Long (he offers bike-upkeep lessons by appointment; contact info’s on the ABB website). on what you can do. Transportation sustainability was the heart of last night’s SWS agenda — two-footed transportation as well as two-wheeled. Chas Redmond provided walkability updates, including the latest on the city’s Pedestrian Master Plan, and the 10 am October 18th meeting to plan the next stage of the West Seattle Walking Trails network (mentioned here yesterday, plus Chas has posted a call for volunteers in the WSB Forum to help keep the free WSWT maps stocked around WS). One more transportation-related agenda item: Phil Mitchell from Climate Action Labs briefed SWS on his organization, which helps educate people on how to get involved with transportation-related public policy. Mitchell noted that too often, people get fired up and want to get involved, then can’t figure out where to go or what to do when they’re ready to do SOMETHING. Find out more about CAL here; find out more about Sustainable West Seattle here – SWS meets on the third Monday of each month at Camp Long (next meeting, October 20).

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