More 4th of July photos: Fireworks; Alki aircraft; traffic


Thanks to Susan Grossman of Singing Pixel Photography (who contributed the Space Needle lightning shot the other day) for that shot from Harbor Ave. And thanks to Amy, who answered the request in the comment thread from last night’s Alki post, and sent these photos of that unusual sight in the sky:



(Now the obvious question before we launch an extensive round of Googling … what exactly is that? Hang-glider with pontoons? Ultralight?) ADDED LATER: A look at neighborhood chaos after dark, further northeasti – this is from Meredith:


She wrote in part, “… the FUN went on for about 2.5 hours. You can see the pileup. The pedestrians, the family getting out at the road closed sign. The silver SUV (Lexus LX, I think), just parked there as the driver walks away. This left the incoming traffic STUCK between Admiral and Grayson, Grayson St. traffic couldn’t get out, and no emergency vehicle could get into the area AT ALL if needed.”

3 Replies to "More 4th of July photos: Fireworks; Alki aircraft; traffic"

  • Erik July 5, 2008 (6:06 pm)

    The hang-glider contraption had a chase boat. I saw the boat pull it until he was really high. He must’ve just let go of the rope at that point and flew on his own.

  • barb July 7, 2008 (5:25 pm)

    I just noticed the picture, but that isn’t south of Alki for the traffic picture, that is actually up on Admiral/Belvidere/Grayson.

  • WSB July 7, 2008 (5:34 pm)

    Thank you – will amend copy.

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