Door-to-door solicitors you won’t have to report to Crime Watch

Given the fact some burglars seem to case their potential targets first by knocking on doors, the level of jumpiness is understandable, and when we get advance word of a legit door-to-door campaign, we want to share it. Like this one:

A rep from West Seattle’s largest political organization, the 34th District Democrats, mentioned at this past Monday’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting (WSB coverage here) that there’s a get-out-the-vote drive this weekend. We checked with chair Ivan Weiss, who confirmed some doorbelling will be included:

We’ll be canvassing precincts door-to-door in some cases and phone-banking in others. We’re asking for their votes and not for their money, and we will be their West Seattle neighbors and volunteers, and not minimum wage solicitors from out of the area or from other states.

He refers there to the national-linked solicitors that caused a stir over Memorial Day weekend.

Meantime, the 34th DDs also will be at the Alki Art Fair registering voters tomorrow and Sunday. As we mentioned earlier this week, it’s too late to register for the August 19th primary unless you have never before voted in Washington state (in which case you have about another week), but not too late for the big November 4th general-election day. (The Sound Transit ballot measure, by the way, now has joined the lineup of what you’ll be deciding, along with the parks levy and Pike Place Market levy, among many other things.)

One more local-politics note: Jenny sent this photo taken near Lincoln Park, noting you don’t see campaign signs for the PCO (precinct officer) position every day:


As the sign hints, Chris Porter is not just campaigning, he’s also headed to the Democratic National Convention (mentioned here two months ago).

8 Replies to "Door-to-door solicitors you won't have to report to Crime Watch"

  • Michael July 25, 2008 (10:15 am)

    Yes, every 4 years political folks canvass.

    Let the “leave me alone, world” replies begin!

  • Danno July 25, 2008 (11:03 am)

    It doesn’t matter what they are not selling, I am not buying, don’t bug me.

  • OP July 25, 2008 (3:25 pm)

    I hope they don’t trip over the McCain or Rossi sign in my front yard. ;-P

  • LStephens July 25, 2008 (4:29 pm)

    My “No Soliciting” sign means no soliciting for anything! We once had a very aggressive WashPirg woman that we literally had to close the door on her face to prevent her from coming into the house. After calling WashPirg and the police, we’re hyper-sensitive to any solicitation.

  • ellenater July 25, 2008 (6:22 pm)

    I hate it too. I donate without being bothered at home. I saw a great sign about soliticing:

    “No soliticors or religious callers Dalai Lama welcome”.

  • Ken July 26, 2008 (7:46 am)

    No one will be asking you to donate as far as I can tell.
    The PCO knocking on your door will be a neighbor and interested in reminding you to fill out your absentee ballot and get it in the mail. I have all ideas that they will also do as I do and offer to supply you with a stamp if the forty some cents is what is holding you back from participating in the democratic process.

    And republicans need not worry that anyone will contact you if you display a sign showing your support for regressive candidates. It is actually helpful since we can go on to the next house where hopefully a voter is willing to use reason and has not strangled their empathy long ago.

  • BB July 26, 2008 (3:45 pm)

    Twice now I have been hit with aggresive solicitors trying to sell magazines. When I decline and they finally get the idea that they are not going to change my mind, they say “God Bless”, then as they turn around and start leaving they call me a “!*%#’n white honky cracker.” I herd it clearly the first time it happened and walked out and asked him what he had said, and he just jestured toward me and kept walking away. This has happened to me twice now, the latest time being 7/20/08. I talked to my neighbor to see if he had the same experience at the same time about six months ago, and he said that he had purchased a magazine from the guy just to get rid of him, in which he never recieved. All I can say is be aware, and try to identify the organization and report them. If you see a van unloading kids in the middle of your block, get a liciense number, you may need it later. West Seattle is a small town that watches out for each other. Let’s keep it that way.

  • Dist36 September 4, 2008 (11:53 am)

    “And republicans need not worry that anyone will contact you if you display a sign showing your support for regressive candidates. It is actually helpful since we can go on to the next house where hopefully a voter is willing to use reason and has not strangled their empathy long ago.”

    This is one of the more blatently ignorant comments I’ve heard from a Dem recently. Looks like Ken Davis is just another one that got bit by the stupid bug. Poor sod, what a shame.

Sorry, comment time is over.