Coastal coyote: Sighting by the sea

Out of the WSB inbox, from Patricia:

During the usual morning dog walk, we were on Beach Drive headed towards Alki point, just across from the Sewage Treatment Plant when I heard a running sound. Looked down at the beach (tide was out) and a coyote was looking at us as it ran south along the beach.

Pretty exciting to see. Expect to see them up on the hills and in the parks, but not on the beach!

9 Replies to "Coastal coyote: Sighting by the sea"

  • mellaw6565 July 17, 2008 (12:24 pm)

    Actually, coyotes are great scavengers; hence the reason why they survive in urban areas so well. I used to live near Seahurst Park and we would see them all the time on the beach in the early morning. Foxes also like to scavenge the tidal areas.

  • beachdrivegirl July 17, 2008 (1:42 pm)

    Patricia, what time of the morning was this? That is on my morning dog walk/run.

    Meallaw6565, do we have foxes around here? and if so are they dangerous?

  • WSB July 17, 2008 (1:48 pm)

    Foxes have been reported in WS greenbelts the whole time we’ve been here. Only saw one once – scampering across the Admiral Way hillside near-freeway between The Bridge and the viewpoint, and that was way back in the early ’90s.

  • CM July 17, 2008 (2:07 pm)

    BDG, they’re not dangerous unless you get too close to one. They’re a lot smaller than our coyotes and are extremely shy.

  • RobertSeattle July 17, 2008 (3:00 pm)

    I wonder if there are any coyotes on Blake Island.

  • JEM July 17, 2008 (3:10 pm)

    Shouldn’t that coyote be on a leash? And not on the beach?

  • WSB July 17, 2008 (4:04 pm)

    JEM, I tried to find an amusing way to say that when I first posted this, and utterly failed, so I went with the straightforward, thanks for interjecting it :) Maybe a “scoop your coyote” sign campaign will follow.

  • JumboJim July 17, 2008 (4:23 pm)

    The first fox I ever saw was one just across the street from Lincoln Park. That was around 1997. Middle of the night. They are truly shy – and not dangerous unless you are a mouse or a cat…

  • Indaknow July 18, 2008 (9:53 pm)

    I have not seen a fox in at least fifteen years. I used to see them around the West Seattle golf course and the greenbelt that used to exist near the graveyard adjacent to High Point in the early morning hours. They are absolutely beautiful. When I stayed at Camp Long for a nocturnal animal watch about eight years ago, I asked about the foxes and the staff there told me that they had not seen foxes for some time, and they felt it was due to the influx of coyotes (which had not lived, in West Seattle, prior to that).

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