Avalon rescue update: Worker out of the hospital!


(photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
Less than 24 hours after the construction-trench collapse that ended with that dramatic rescue, retty remarkable news just in from Sofia Zadra Goff, who with husband Sean Goff is creating Cafe Revo on Avalon, next to the site of the collapse and rescue operation (WSB coverage here and here):

Sean came down to meet with one of our vendors at the Cafe Revo space today. While he was there the man who was stuck in the trench yesterday came by to pick up something he left at the construction site in the parking lot. He is walking fine and is doing well! Sean got to meet him and his family. So I thought I would let you know to share the wonderful news :)

6 Replies to "Avalon rescue update: Worker out of the hospital!"

  • nc July 17, 2008 (1:58 pm)

    More helicopters??? Isn’t anyone else sick of them? Was all the helicopters really necessary for 3 hours yesterday and now they are back again. What’s up with that?

  • WSB July 17, 2008 (2:33 pm)

    Don’t know about any helicopterworthy events right now (at least, not breaking news stuff). I just had a question about Blue Angels-type jets over Harbor Island – the Thunderbirds were scheduled to arrive in Tacoma today so I’m betting that was what THAT was about …

  • Chris July 17, 2008 (3:05 pm)

    The planes didn’t look loke the thunderbirds, they looked like the new F22 Raptor fighter jets. But i’m not an expert or anything.

  • WSB July 17, 2008 (3:40 pm)

    Just saw on KING’s site that they were F22’s.
    Gonna have to get on Boeing’s press list too.
    Posting a separate item.

  • que July 17, 2008 (5:42 pm)

    That truly is wonderful news that he is out of the hospital and is up and around. I am so glad to hear that. He has been in my thoughts today.

    Thanks for the follow up information WSB!

  • Dawn July 17, 2008 (7:11 pm)

    wow, i thought there would be more comments about what great news it is that the man was not only alive but doing awesome, but i guess helicopters hovering are more important to some people…
    I am so happy and relieved that he is doing so well!!!!

Sorry, comment time is over.