Happy Flag Day, West Seattle


That’s one of our favorite flag photos from the WSB archives … taken in The Junction on Memorial Day ’07. How did June 14 get to be Flag Day, you ask? Here’s the history.

3 Replies to "Happy Flag Day, West Seattle"

  • zerodacus June 14, 2008 (9:23 am)

    Yep,this photo must be from the archives. Look at how beautiful a day it was. We’re certainly not seeing days like that this year.

  • thriftwaygirl June 15, 2008 (12:38 am)

    Happy Flag Day…my little sis (West Seattlite) got married today! (Well yesterday being since its 12:37).

  • WSB June 15, 2008 (1:11 am)

    Congratulations to her (and of course the proud family)! Hope it was after the sun started shining in the 1 pm-ish vicinity (eventually of course the day really did start looking like the archive photo we put on this post) …

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