The pug saga

We patrol Craigslist every day or two to keep an eye out for anything unusual that’s West Seattle-related. Nothing’s really jumped out for a while – till the pug saga. Apparently there’s a missing pug out there somewhere. The latest ad seems gentle and desperate — talking about a lost pug and a heartbroken child. But it’s the same dog featured in this extremely gruff ad from five days earlier, directly addressing a suspected thief and snarling, “We are closing in on where you live, pal … Give him up, you bastard!” Then, between those two postings, was the appeal to the heartstrings, featuring baby pictures of the dog in question. Certainly desperation can be the parent of creativity; good luck finding the pug.

12 Replies to "The pug saga"

  • k December 10, 2007 (8:16 am)

    just after thanksgiving, there were two signs posted around the 5800 block of 46th ave sw and throughout the neighborhood. there were two lost pugs! it seemed odd to me that two were lost around the same time and signs were posted right next to each other. could there be a pug thief out there?

  • Luckie December 10, 2007 (8:17 am)

    These are very compelling Craigslist ads. I hope the pug is returned soon.

    In the meantime, I have been moved to write a haiku based on ad #1:

    Eyes are all around
    Every pug is OTIS
    Money will be thrown

  • jb December 10, 2007 (8:46 am)

    I’m not heartless, but the “mean” ad cracked me up. I do hope they get their dog back…

  • jrd December 10, 2007 (9:20 am)

    I’m guessing this is connected to the (creepy and weird looking) boards of wood left around the Junction with “Lost Pug” and a phone number spray painted on them.

    When I see them all I think is “most people make flyers…”

    I hope they get their dog back. I don’t understand stealing another person’s pet. It’s sickening.

  • Mary T December 10, 2007 (10:48 am)

    I do hope they get their dog back; that is just appalling.

    As a writer, though, I can’t help but point out that unless their kid had a heart attack, s/he is not “literally” heartbroken!

  • Kayleigh December 10, 2007 (11:21 am)

    This is a strange story.

  • A.A. December 10, 2007 (8:00 pm)

    Mary T – Thank you.
    I, too, am annoyed by the overuse of “literal” to mean “truly.” Don’t even get me started on the rampant misuse of both “dilemna” and “ironic.”

    But yes, best wishes for the pug’s safe return.

  • The Velvet Bulldog December 10, 2007 (8:50 pm)

    Not to stray too far from the pugnacious (god, I’m sorry) topic at hand, but this has taken a delicious turn into vocabulary pet (again – sorry) peeviness… Two things that cause me great grief: “Irregardless” (not actually a word) and the use of “anxious” when one actually means “eager.” eg: “I’m so anxious to see this pug returned to it’s owners…” Ack – I would hope that someone is “eager” because they’re excited and looking forward to a happy ending! Thank you.

  • que December 10, 2007 (9:48 pm)

    I too hope that the pug finds its way back to it’s owners and very much hope that pet theft is not to blame…

    My pet peeve word of choice is the use of “arguably”. It gets used to couch a controversial claim or to basically say nothing. “Housing rates are arguably going up because of all the relocating Californians” Or because of any number of a million things. It just ends up meaningless. Ugh. Either have the argument or rephrase your sentence.

  • Jerald December 10, 2007 (10:36 pm)

    I hope you two copy editors are being sarcastic when using the wrong “it’s” for the possessive.

  • grr December 10, 2007 (11:10 pm)

    jerald gets Post of The Day!!!


  • que December 11, 2007 (12:02 am)

    Zoiks! My bad. Sorry about that Jerald.

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